Prognosis of late stage lung cancer treatment

If patients know the prognosis for survival after lung cancer, there will be better prevention, lifestyle changes and care.

1. What factors determine how long lung cancer lives?

To determine the survival time of a patient with cancer, doctors will not make judgments based on the following:
Stage of the disease: this is the condition and extent of the disease that the patient has. are suffering. The stage of the disease tells us how the cancer cells have developed, thereby determining the treatment direction and letting the patient know how long to live to prepare psychologically in advance. Treatment method: If the cancer is encountered, it can be applied surgically, the survival time of the patient will be longer. But if the patient is treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy or even cannot apply these two methods, the survival time is only very short. Health and physical condition of the patient: If the patient is in good physical condition and health, the life expectancy can be longer than that of a person with poor physical condition and health. This case compares when 2 patients with the same disease condition are the same. These are the three main factors that doctors rely on to help patients predict how long a specific patient will live.

2. How long will terminal lung cancer live?

Lung cancer is divided into two main types: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. In particular, non-small cell lung cancer accounts for about 80% of the total cases.
In this form, small cell lung cancer has twice the growth rate and distant metastases. Patients often have symptoms of dry cough or cough with phlegm, abnormal weight loss, shortness of breath and chest pain ... seriously affecting health.
Tiên lượng điều trị ung thư phổi giai đoạn cuối
Ung thư phổi lành tính có thể sống thêm được khoảng 5 năm

The survival time of people with lung cancer will largely depend on the current state of the disease such as: Small cell or non-small cell cancer, benign or malignant.
From there, in the case of patients with benign lung cancer, they can live for about 5 years. However, if a patient has metastatic small cell lung cancer, even if they maintain the application of treatment measures, they can only live for 6-18 months (depending on their condition).
Besides, the cases of living over 5 years of people with lung cancer are only considered in the disease stages such as:
In the localized stage, the survival rate of patients over 5 years accounts for about 52%. When cancer spreads to nearby lymph nodes, the patient's survival rate for more than 5 years is only 25%. With the occurrence of distant metastases, the 5-year survival rate of patients at that time was only about 4%. Currently, there are drugs that can inhibit lung cancer cells, but this is only a measure to help prolong the patient's life, but cannot completely cure the disease.
Besides, 80% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking habits, the remaining 20% ​​are caused by genetics, direct exposure to radon gas, passive smoking or environmental pollution. ... Therefore, doctors also recommend that each person should prevent lung cancer from smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, because this is the leading cause of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer.
In addition, it is necessary to keep healthy living and living habits such as: daily exercise, eating well, science, eating a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables to strengthen resistance, prevent diseases disability. In addition, it is advisable to get screened for lung cancer to screen and protect yourself against the risk of infection.

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