Uses of Sarclisa

Sarclisa medicine contains monoclonal antibodies, used in the treatment of cancer. However, Sarclisa drug can cause unwanted side effects if used incorrectly, so patients need to use it according to the indications and instructions from the doctor.

1. What are the effects of Sarclisa?

In Sarclisa medicine contains the ingredient Isatuximab irfc, a monoclonal antibody. Epidemiological studies are currently trying to analyze the responses of this antibody after entering cancer cells. It is hoped that the monoclonal antibodies in the drug Sarclisa can promote the activation of the immune system when they attach to cells.
The mechanism of action of antibodies is often not the same. Each antibody has a unique characteristic. Those antibodies are divided into different types according to the target. Sometimes antibodies inhibit the cell's process, others can't. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to get the most accurate conclusions.
For Isatuximab irfc antibody was found to have the ability against CD38 protein. The CD38 protein is quite common in myeloma cells. When daratumumab binds itself to CD38 cells, the immune system is activated and signals to destroy it.

2. Instructions on how to use Sarclisa

In addition to learning what Sarclisa is, how to use it is also very important for the patient. Sarclisa is injected directly into the vein, so the dose is prescribed according to the doctor's instructions. Depending on the specific medical condition, the doctor will re-evaluate the specific dosage. The duration of treatment may also be prolonged as the condition worsens.

3. Be careful when using Sarclisa

Blood test results after taking Sarclisa medicine may be skewed due to drug interactions. Because the results are no longer accurate, large amounts of blood may be drawn for testing and comparison. You need to provide blood group information before the test so that the hospital has a plan to prepare additional blood transfusions if necessary.

4. Unintended side effects of Sarclisa

Side effects are a problem that is difficult to avoid when using drugs. For users of Sarclisa, the first problem encountered is anemia. This anemia problem is usually caused by low red blood cells, which prevents the body from providing nutrients and oxygen to the organs for the body's activities.
Leukopenia can also occur and is listed as a side effect of Sarclisa . Early detection of signs of a low white blood cell or neutrophil count can lead to an increased risk of infection, colds, shortness of breath, cough, and even a high temperature above 38 degrees. With the risk of reducing white blood cells, you should always wash your hands and feet and avoid close contact with crowded places to prevent infection.
Platelet cells are also affected when the patient takes Sarclisa. If there is bruising, unusual bleeding in the teeth, gums, nose, it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately.
The drug Sarclisa is administered by intravenous method, so there are side effects related to drugs used infusion. The most common post-infusion manifestations are vomiting, increased blood pressure, chills or dyspnea. You should note unusual symptoms and notify your doctor soon for support.
In addition to the above common side effects, you need to pay attention to some rare but dangerous side effects such as:
Secondary cancer often appears when you have been treated for cancer and now cancer cells are located. in another location. Therefore, you should note this if you have ever had cancer that has been treated and are currently using Sarclisa. Effects on fertility when taking cancer drugs may occur. Pregnant women when using the drug can lead to birth defects. According to the recommendations of the medical organization, there should be planned measures to avoid pregnancy when taking the drug, even not during menstruation to avoid affecting health.

5. Possible interactions when using Sarclisa

Some drugs should be used before or after Sarclisa infusion are:
Corticosteroids Acetaminophen to prevent fever Antihistamines to prevent infusion reactions Using Corticosteroids The drug's ingredient is Isatuximab irfc which can affect test results blood. That's why you need to cross-check your test results to accurately screen and evaluate your current health problem.
Above are the uses, doses and notes when using Sarclisa medicine. To ensure the safety of your health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take the medicine exactly as directed by your doctor.

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