Ammedroxime side effects

Ammedroxi drug is used in the treatment and fight against infections, the drug has the active ingredient Roxithromycin. The following article will clarify useful information about the Ammedroxi drug line.

1. What is Ammedroxi?

Ammedroxi drug belongs to the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets packed in boxes of 10 blisters x 10 tablets.
Ammedroxi medicine has the main ingredient Roxithromycin 150mg and other excipients in the drug.

2. Indications for taking Ammedroxi

Ammedroxi drug is indicated for use in the following cases:
Ear, nose and throat infections: tonsillitis, otitis media, esophagitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis. Genitourinary tract infections: Prostatitis, urethritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, tubal inflammation, especially caused by Chlamydia infection. Skin and soft tissue infections: Folliculitis, impetigo, boils, toxic boils, pyoderma, infectious dermatitis, erysipelas, infectious ulcers. Oral infection.

3. Dosage and how to use Ammedroxi

Ammedroxi drug is prepared in the form of tablets and used for oral administration. Patients should take the drug before meals and twice a day.
Dosage of Ammedroxi is as follows:
Adults: 150mg Roxithromycin x 2 times/day or 300mg Roxithromycin x 1 time/day. Should prolong the use of Ammedroxi drug at least 2 days after symptom relief, at least 10 days Roxithromycin in case of streptococcal infection, urinary tract infection, vaginitis - cervicitis. Roxithromycin dose up to 4 weeks. Children: The recommended dose is 5 - 7.5 mg Roxithromycin/kg/day.

4. Contraindications to treatment with Ammedroxi

Ammedroxi medicine should not be used by patients who are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients in the drug.
In addition, the case of concomitant use of Roxithromycin with ergotamine-type vasoconstrictors and other macrolides in patients taking Terfenadine or Astemisol, due to the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias.

5. Ammedroxi drug interactions

The drug Ammedroxi when combined with some of the following drugs can cause drug interactions such as:
Disopyramide used with Ammedroxi may increase the concentration of unbound Disopyramide in the serum. Digoxin Drugs Midazolam Drugs Terfenadine Alkaloids that cause vasoconstriction of ergots such as Ergotamine, Dihydroergotamine. Drugs Astemizole, Cisapride, Pimozide have the potential to cause serious cardiac arrhythmias. In combination with Vitamin K and other Glycosides. Drugs Midazolam, Theophylline, Ciclosporine A. There are no significant interactions between Ammedroxi and Warfarin, Carbamazepine, Ciclosporin and oral contraceptives. The combination with Bromocriptin is not recommended because Roxithromycin increases the plasma concentration of Ammedroxi. The above are not all possible drug interactions when using Ammedroxi. To ensure safety, patients should inform their doctor about other diseases they are having and the drugs they are using to avoid unwanted drug interactions with Ammedroxi.

6. What side effects does Ammedroxi cause?

During the use of Ammedroxi drug, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Gastrointestinal manifestations: Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Skin allergies: Urticaria, skin rash and angioedema. When taking high doses of Ammedroxi, transaminase levels increase temporarily, rarely causing cholestatic hepatitis. Feelings of dizziness, headache and paresthesia. Cases of severe hypersensitivity reactions such as Quincke's edema or anaphylactoid reactions are rare. Patients who experience the above side effects or other side effects not mentioned during the use of Ammedroxi. Contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately for prompt treatment.

7. Precautions when using Ammedroxi

Patients should carefully refer to the instructions for taking Ammedroxi medicine listed on the product packaging or according to the prescription of a doctor or pharmacist. Here are some notes when using Ammedroxi:
Use Roxithromycin with caution in patients with liver failure (halve the dose if Roxithromycin is required), severe kidney disease and elderly people who do not need to adjust the dose of Roxithromycin. Roxithromycin should not be used in children < 6 months. When Macrolide antibiotics are used in combination with the vasoconstrictor alkaloids of ergot, vasoconstriction in the extremities that can lead to necrosis has been reported. Before prescribing Roxithromycin, make sure the patient is not taking these alkaloids. Be wary of the subjects driving vehicles and using machines about the risk of dizziness caused by Ammedroxi. Ammedroxi is not teratogenic in animals. However, safety for the human fetus has not been established. Roxithromycin is poorly excreted in human milk. Do not take Ammedroxi while breastfeeding or stopping breastfeeding. There is no specific antidote for Ammedroxi overdose. In this case, gastric lavage is used and symptomatic + supportive treatment is used. The article has provided a lot of useful information about the Ammedroxi drug line. Patients should always strictly follow the instructions for taking Ammedroxi medicine from the doctor/pharmacist, absolutely do not arbitrarily buy medicine to treat at home because it may experience adverse effects on health.

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