Exjade: Uses, indications and precautions when using

Exjade is used to treat persistently high blood iron levels caused by repeated blood transfusions. The drug has uses and indications for certain subjects, so when using the drug, patients need to strictly follow all notes.

1. What is Exjade? What does Exjade do?

Exjade is used in the treatment of persistently high iron levels in the body of patients undergoing repeated blood transfusions. Exjade is also used to treat high iron levels in patients with non-transfusion-related blood disorders, such as non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia. The drug works by binding to iron and excreting it into the environment through feces.
The main ingredient of the drug is Deferasirox, which belongs to the group of iron chelators, often requiring blood transfusion in some types of blood diseases such as sickle cell disease, anemia ... Blood transfusions have certain benefits for patients but There is also a high risk of causing the patient's body to have an excess of iron. Therefore, this added iron can accumulate in the body and lead to dangerous consequences such as heart failure, liver disease, diabetes. Therefore, removing iron from the body is necessary to limit the risk of these diseases.

2. Indications for taking Exjade

Indications for use of Exjade include:
Iron overload due to repeated blood transfusions Iron overload in people with non-transfusion-dependent Thalassemia

3. Note when using Exjade

It is necessary to read the instructions for use of the drug carefully before using it and if you have any questions about the medicine, you should directly ask the treating doctor or pharmacist. To take the medication properly, the patient needs to stir the tablets into water, possibly orange juice or apple juice, until the tablets are completely separate and well mixed into the liquid. If the dose is less than 1g, stir the tablets in about 1/2 cup of water. In case the drug dose is more than 1g, it should be used with 1 cup of water about 200ml to stir the medicine.
Need to drink all of the drug mixture immediately, then add more water to stir well and drink all the remaining medicine in order to take the full dose. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before eating as directed by the doctor, usually once a day. Do not chew or swallow the tablet whole, but stir it into a liquid as directed.
Người bệnh nên sử dụng thuốc Exjade theo chỉ dẫn
Người bệnh nên sử dụng thuốc Exjade theo chỉ dẫn
This medication can bind to antacids that contain aluminum metal, which may affect how they work. Therefore, the combination of Exjade and aluminum antacids should be avoided to prevent this drug interaction. It needs to be taken on a regular basis to get the most benefit, it's important to remember to take it at the same time each day for it to work best. It is not allowed to increase the dose of the drug, use the medicine more often than prescribed by the treating doctor, because the condition not only does not improve quickly, but the side effects are also more likely. The dose depends on the patient's medical condition, weight measurement, necessary laboratory tests and response to the drug. If the patient experiences side effects, the dose of the drug may be reduced or if necessary, treatment with this drug may be discontinued.
Common clinical side effects when using this drug are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness. If these side effects persist or become severe, tell your doctor or pharmacist right away. Other more serious side effects that patients need to pay attention to are hearing loss, blurred vision... The drug can also reduce bone marrow function, affecting the number of red and white blood cells. and platelets. From there, there will be a risk of aggravating anemia diseases, reducing the body's anti-infective status, easy bleeding, easy bruising..., so as soon as the patient shows signs of fatigue. fatigue, blue skin, fever, persistent sore throat should notify the doctor.

Knowing the information about the drug Exjade before use will help the treatment become effective as well as reduce the risks to the patient's health. Therefore, you need to carefully read the instructions and should consult your doctor and pharmacist.
If you have any further questions, customers can send questions to the website of Vinmec International General Hospital for expert advice from doctors and pharmacists.

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Reference source: webmd.com
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