Information about 3B Medi . drugs

The article was written by Clinical Pharmacist Hoang Nguyen Kim Thoa - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
3B Medi is a B complex vitamin including: Vitamin B1 125mg, vitamin B6 125mg, vitamin B12 250mg.

1. In what cases should 3B Medi drugs be used? The drug is used to treat nervous system disorders such as neuralgia, peripheral neuritis, optic neuritis, diabetic and alcoholic neuritis, polyneuritis, paresthesia , neurasthenia , sciatica and convulsions due to increased excitability of the central nervous system. The drug is also used in addition when being treated with isoniazid, reserpine, phenothiazine.
2. Usage and dosage? The drug is taken orally
Dosage: 1-2 tablets / time x 1-3 times / day
3. Notes when using The drug often causes few side effects Long-term use of vitamin B6 (over 30 days) with doses from 200mg/day may show signs of peripheral neurotoxicity and drug dependence. Long-term use of vitamin B12 can cause fever, acne-like reactions, urticaria, itching, redness

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