Learn about the effects of Tuzamin

Tuzamin has medicinal ingredients including prevention of leprosy, toxic activity, frequency of communication, dong quai... treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, back pain or sciatica or pain in joints, spine pain.. Tuzamin is available in hard capsule form. However, when using the drug, it is necessary to consult and prescribe the doctor to promote the most effective of the drug.

1. Main medicinal ingredients in Tuzamin

Tuzamin medicine has herbal origin with the composition of dry mixture including: prevention of leprosy, toxic activity, customary passage, frequency of communication, dong quai, ox tat...
1.1. Medicinal herbs Prevent leprosy in medicine Tuzamin Leprosy belongs to the group of herbs that grow all year round. The tree has a height of 0.75 to 1.25m. The trunk of the maple tree is square and densely hairy. The hairs grow abundantly at the top of the trunk. Maple leaves grow symmetrically, the leaf blade is pointed oval and also has soft hairs growing on both leaves. Maple leaves are 7 to 15 cm long and 3 to 6 cm wide. The maple tree is taken from the root part to make medicine. The hardy roots with white cores are usually dug in spring or autumn.
The leprosy remedy has long conical or elongated roots. The outer surface may be grayish-brown and slightly rough with transverse veins. On the stem there are many white giant dermal nodules and protruding tumors left by the roots of the roots. The root of the maple room has many arc-shaped convex veins. The maple root is quite light, easy to break, ... but has a characteristic aroma and taste. sliced ​​and dried. Or you can copy the maple room, take the maple room and slice it until it is dark yellow, then take it out and let it cool.
The chemical composition in medicinal herbs for leprosy includes mainly essential oils, manets and bitter phenol glucosides, organic acids, sugars... The leprosy taste is sweet and mild. The main effect of prevention is to help speech, except rheumatism or used in the treatment of extrasensory, bone and joint pain, sometimes used medicinal herbs in the treatment of tetanus, red face, or sores.
In addition, leprosy prevention is only for leprosy syndromes such as fever, teeth grinding or headache or body pain. And can use this medicine to drink with marjoram and activate. Or use a leprosy remedy for heat and cold syndromes with fever, sore throat or red eyes and headache. It is possible to use the wind nippers with marjoram, royal harp, mint and kumquat. Or use preventive medicine in rheumatic fever syndrome with manifestations of pain or arthritis or limb spasms.
In addition, it is possible to use leprosy together with other active ingredients such as Khuong Hoai, Dong Quy. Or use medicinal herbs to prevent leprosy in urticaria and itchy skin. Can be used together with other herbs to increase the effect such as ginseng or shiitake. For leprosy, used in the treatment may be contraindicated for cases of yin damage, fire, and leprosy without leprosy.
Tuzamin chứa những thành phần từ thảo dược có công dụng điều trị bệnh
1.2. Poisonous medicinal ingredients in Tuzamin Poison are a perennial herb that lives naturally in the mountains with a height of about 3 to 5m. The root of the poison is quite open, forming a sheath hugging the trunk. The current Poison Plant still has to be imported from China. Plants are harvested and processed in the fall or early spring. When the tree starts to produce it, it can be rooted and dried in the shade.
Poisonous stems and roots are cylindrical, the lower branching tips are yellow-brown or brown. The root tip has many horizontal wrinkles or longitudinal wrinkles, there are even small raised horizontal nodules and sometimes small raised scars.
Active poison is prepared by chopping, together with yang yang or mixed and incubated for 2 days. Then, dry and store for use. When using poison, it is necessary to remove the shell. The drug has a powerful analgesic or sedative or anti-inflammatory effect. The use of water-based poisons has a significant effect on lowering blood pressure, but only for a short time. Toxicity when administered intravenously can provide a beneficial respiratory stimulant effect. However, there are also active ingredients that inhibit platelet aggregation when performed in vitro.
Furthermore, poison ivy contains ingredients that help fight stomach ulcers or may have an antispasmodic effect on the small ileum.
Active poison is indicated in leprosy infections, women suffering from helminthiasis, all kinds of leprosy, painful joints caused by leprosy such as rheumatism, asthma, discord, pain in limbs. Or can use poison to treat systemic rheumatism, or lack of head sound or skin itching due to rheumatism, wind and cold complications.
For toxicity during treatment, it may be contraindicated in some cases: there is blood loss accompanied by pain in half of the body or the right lower half of the body is weak, people with negative internal heat, female blood without real evil spirit. Or for those who are sick with yin deficiency or bleeding, or pain in the knees, back,...

2. The effects of the drug Tuzamin

What is Tuzamin? The drug is extracted from natural herbs. Tuzamin drug effect helps to eliminate rheumatism in the case of extrasensory treatment, joint pain, or can be used in the treatment of tetanus, red eyes. Moreover, the toxic active ingredient in tuzamine has the effect of reducing pain in the joints caused by leprosy. And the drug can also treat cold rheumatism or typhoid...
Tuzamin is used in tablet form and is indicated for oral treatment. When using the drug should be taken one to two hours after eating. When taking the drug, you should not chew the tablet, but take the whole tablet with boiled water to cool.
Dosage of tuzamin for adults and children over 12 years old is two tablets once, and used three times a day.
Người bệnh nên dùng thuốc Tuzamin theo hướng dẫn

3. A few notes when using Tuzamin

Tuzamin should be used with caution in pregnant women, or those with insomnia or those with symptoms of hypertension. People with symptoms of dysmenorrhea should not use tuzamin.
During the treatment, the patient should adhere to the use of tuzamine as prescribed by the doctor. Patients who do not arbitrarily change the dose used may increase or decrease the dose, which will affect the effectiveness of treatment as well as the patient's health. With expired drugs or strange signs such as mold, drug discoloration or watery discharge, the drug should be discarded and not used anymore. Avoid exposing tuzamin to direct sunlight as it may change the drug's activity for the treatment process.
Although, so far there have been no reports of unwanted side effects during the use of tuzamine. But in some specific cases, you may experience side effects such as itching, or rash,... When these symptoms appear, you should notify your doctor and stop using the drug.
In case the patient takes an overdose of the drug, it may cause the patient to experience unwanted side effects. Moreover, patients may also experience conditions related to liver and kidney toxicity... In particular, it is necessary to carefully monitor the symptoms of blood pressure, skin, and face to take measures to prevent dangerous conditions. can progress.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

26 lượt đọc

Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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