Medi-Dapsone drug uses

Medi-Dapsone drug belongs to the group of drugs for parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, antifungals and is made in the form of tablets. Medi-Dapsone has the main ingredient Dapson used in the treatment of leprosy. In order to bring high efficiency, before using Medi-Dapsone, patients need to find out information carefully and adhere to treatment.

1. Mechanism of action of the drug Medi-Dapsone

What is Medi-Dapsone? Medi-Dapsone medicine contains Dapson component which belongs to the group of synthetic antibacterial, inhibits the growth of leprosy bacilli. Moreover, Medi-Dapsone is also effective against tuberculosis bacilli and some other species. Dapson is also effective against malaria parasites, so it is also used in the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis.
In the treatment of leprosy, Dapson has an inhibitory effect on bacteria and the mechanism of action is similar to sulphonamide, preventing the synthesis of folic acid. The antibacterial spectrum of this compound is similar to that of sulphonamides and is antagonized by para aminobenzoic acid.

2. Indications and contraindications to the use of Medi-Dapsone

Medi-Dapsone is indicated in the treatment and prevention of leprosy. However, the drug is also contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or cases of severe anemia.

3. Dosage and how to use Medi-Dapsone

Medi-Dapsone is used in the treatment of leprosy.
For leprosy with less bacteria, apply Medi-Dapsone 100mg/day in combination with rifampicin 600mg/month. Once used for at least 6 months. After that, the patient will have an annual check-up to check if the disease has recurred. For multi-bacterial leprosy, Medi-Dapsone is used at a dose of 100mg/day, combined with clofazimin 50mg orally daily and plus 300mg once a month. Rifampicin orally 600mg/month/time and used for at least 2 years or until skin smears are negative. The dose of all three drugs is reduced in children and children aged 10 to 14 years, the daily dose with Medi-Dapsone is 50mg or 1 to 2mg/kg if the body weight is low. Adults who weigh less than 35kg can also benefit from this low dose.
Note: The above recommended therapeutic dose for Medi-Dapsone is for reference only. Therefore, before using Medi-Dapsone, patients need to be prescribed by a doctor.

4. Management of missed doses and overdoses of Medi-Dapsone

If you miss a dose of Medi-Dapsone, use the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if the interval between the missed dose of Medi-Dapsone and the next dose is too close, skip the missed dose. Patients should not take a double dose of Medi-Dapsone, because it can cause an overdose. To overcome the situation of missing a dose of Medi-Dapsone, you can set an alarm or ask a loved one to remind you.
In case of accidentally using Medi-Dapsone drug in excess of the prescribed amount and showing some unwanted signs, it is necessary to take the patient to the emergency room immediately. However, family members can apply some preliminary treatment measures for Medi-Dapsone poisoning such as: gastric lavage, vomiting. Next, take the patient to a medical facility to treat the symptoms.

5. Unwanted side effects when using Medi-Dapsone

Medi-Dapsone may cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case Medi-Dapsone can occur in varying degrees from mild to severe.
Some common side effects caused by Medi-Dapsone include: hemolytic anemia, hypersensitivity to drug components with skin rash, headache, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, hepatitis ... These side effects may occur at the beginning of treatment or after increasing the dose of Medi-Dapsone. Usually, side effects from Medi-Dapsone can be transient or subside over time.
However, in some cases Medi-Dapsone can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare reactions. These reactions may appear after just a few minutes of using Medi-Dapsone or longer within a few days. When serious side effects such as hematopoietic disorders, agranulocytosis, exfoliative dermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, etc., the patient should stop using Medi-Dapsone and should be taken away. immediate medical assistance.
Some notes during the use of Medi-Dapsone
For pregnant and lactating women, caution should be exercised when using Medi-Dapsone. Patients should be advised to use Medi-Dapsone from their doctor and carefully analyze the benefits and risks before using the drug. Medi-Dapsone may change how it works and increase its side effects. Therefore, to avoid this situation, the patient should provide the doctor with a list of previously used drugs including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, herbs, etc. The above is important information about Medi-medicine. Dapsone, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor to achieve the best effect.

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