Nucort drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using

When having skin problems such as dermatitis, allergies, eczema, ... patients can use Nucort. This is a topical medication that needs to be used exactly as prescribed by the doctor to achieve the highest effectiveness.

1. Uses of Nucort

What is Nucort ? Nucort is a mild corticosteroid used to treat many skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis, allergies, and rashes. It helps to reduce swelling, itching, and redness on the skin caused by the above conditions.

2. How to use Nucort

Nucort is indicated for use on the skin. Patients should pay attention, do not use the medicine on the face, groin and armpits unless directed by the doctor. When using the medicine, you need to wash and dry your hands. Then, clean and dry the area to be treated. Next, apply a small amount of the medicine to the affected area, gently dabbing. Should be applied 2-4 times / day or as directed by the doctor. Also, do not bandage, wrap, or cover the treated skin area unless indicated. If used on swaddling skin on an infant, parents or caregivers should take care not to let the baby wear diapers or tight pants.
After applying the medicine, you need to wash your hands. Be careful not to get the medicine on your eyes, nose or mouth. If the medicine gets on these areas, it should be rinsed off with water. In addition, the patient only uses the right medicine for the skin condition prescribed by the doctor. Do not use Nucort for longer than prescribed. Tell your doctor if your skin condition does not improve or gets worse after 2 weeks of taking the medicine.

3. Nucort . side effects

When using Nucort, there may be stinging, irritation, burning, dryness or redness at the site of application. In addition, acne, excessive hair growth, folliculitis, thinning of the skin, darkening or stretch marks may also occur in the applied area. If these side effects of Nucort persist or get worse, you need to tell your doctor right away;
Very rarely, a serious allergic reaction to Nucort . However, if you have a serious allergic reaction such as rash, severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, itching or swelling of the face, tongue, and throat, seek medical attention immediately.
The above may not include all possible side effects of Nucort. If you experience other side effects, you should tell your doctor right away.
Thuốc Nucort có thể gây một số tác dụng phụ như  nổi mẩn đỏ ở vị trí được bôi thuốc
Thuốc Nucort có thể gây một số tác dụng phụ như nổi mẩn đỏ ở vị trí được bôi thuốc

4. Notes when using Nucort

Before using Nucort, tell your doctor if you are allergic to the drug, its ingredients, to other corticosteroids (prednisone, triamcinolone) or to any other allergies. Products may contain inactive ingredients such as sulfites, which can cause allergies or other problems. Besides, before using Nucort, you need to tell your doctor about your medical history.
Do not use the medicine if there is an infection or pain in the area to be treated. Skin infections may be aggravated by the use of Nucort. You should tell your doctor right away if the redness, swelling, or irritation of your skin does not improve.
Children may be more sensitive to the side effects of corticosteroids. Parents should consult their doctor for more details. During pregnancy, pregnant women should only use Nucort when absolutely necessary. You should discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medication. No studies have been performed on whether Nucort for topical use passes into breast milk. Therefore, women who are breastfeeding should consult a doctor before taking the drug.

5. Nucort drug interactions

The doctor may already be aware of drug interactions and is monitoring the patient. Therefore, you should not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine without your doctor's approval. Also, before using Nucort, you should talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking.

6. Other notes on drug dosage and storage

Nucort can be harmful if swallowed. Therefore, if the patient overdoses or experiences serious side effects such as difficulty breathing, fainting, the patient should be taken to the emergency room immediately. Do not share Nucort with other people.
Nucort is only indicated for your current condition. Therefore, you should not use the drug to treat other skin problems unless directed by your doctor. If you miss a dose, apply it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and apply it at the pre-determined time. Store Nucort at room temperature from 15 - 30°C, away from moisture and light, and avoid freezing. Do not store the medicine in the bathroom, keep Nucort out of the reach of children and pets. When the medicine is not needed or has expired, you need to dispose of it according to the instructions.
Nucort is a topical medication used to treat a number of skin problems. If you experience side effects when using the drug, the patient should notify the doctor for support and intervention if necessary.
Above is important information about Nucort medicine, patients need to pay attention and consult carefully with doctors and pharmacists before taking the drug to promote its best effect.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical care address with a team of doctors and pharmacists with a lot of experience and good expertise. When there are any health problems, customers can contact the hospital to be examined and have the best indications for medication and treatment.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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