Uses of Agimsamine

Agimsamine medicine containing glucosamine and sodium chondroitin sulfate is often indicated for the treatment of pain relief, anti-inflammatory, cartilage regeneration in arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis. Below is all the information about the uses, indications, and how to use the drug that patients need to know in order to use the drug effectively.

1. What is Agimsamine?

Agimsamine belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and osteoarthritis with the main active ingredient being Glucosamine 417mg and sodium chondroitin sulfate 400mg. The drug is often indicated for symptomatic relief in mild to moderate osteoarthritis.
The drug is prepared in the form of long tablets and packaged in a box of 6 blisters x 10 tablets or an HD plastic bottle containing 60 tablets, each containing glucosamine 417mg and sodium chondroitin 400mg.

2. Uses of Agimsamine

2.1 Effect of drug ingredients Glucosamine is an amino-monosaccharide that is the raw material for the synthesis of proteoglycan. When entering the body, stimulating cells in articular cartilage increase the synthesis of normal proteoglycan structures. At the same time, glucosamine sulfate inhibits enzymes that destroy joint cartilage and reduces free radicals that destroy cartilage-producing cells. In addition, glucosamine also stimulates the production of bone connective tissue, reducing bone calcium loss.
Because glucosamine increases the production of synovial mucus, it increases the viscosity and lubricating capacity of the synovial fluid. Therefore, glucosamine both reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis and also prevents the process of joint degeneration, preventing the progression of the disease. The chondroitin component in Agimsamine works to prevent enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue in joints, helping to give cartilage elasticity and strength.
Many scientific studies show that chondroitin is as effective as aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the ability to treat arthritis pain but without causing discomfort and the risk of ulcers. stomach like the two drugs above.
Research also shows that chondroitin can increase joint flexibility and slow down the deterioration of joint cartilage. Moreover, it also improves joint function and reduces pain in patients with chronic hip and knee arthritis.
2.2 Indications Agimsamine is used to indicate the treatment of pain relief, anti-inflammatory and cartilage regeneration in osteoarthritis diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute and chronic rheumatism, joint degeneration.
2.3 Contraindications Agimsamine is contraindicated in one of the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to glucosamine, chondroitin and excipients in the drug. Have a history of allergy to seafood and seafood products. Pregnant and lactating women Children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

3. How to use – Dosage of Agimsamine

Agimsamine is only used according to the prescription and prescription of the doctor, so when the patient is prescribed the drug, it is necessary to follow the correct use and dosage of the doctor.
How to use:
The drug is made in tablet form, so it is taken orally and should be taken 15 minutes before meals or during meals. Swallow the tablet whole with a full glass of water, do not break, crush or disperse the medicine as it can reduce its effectiveness.
Do not take the drug with alcohol, beer, coffee, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, carbonated water... will affect the effect of the drug.
The drug is used for adults over 18 years old take 1 tablet / time x 3 times / day. The duration of drug use depends on the condition and progression of the disease, however, it is recommended to use the drug for at least 2-3 months to achieve the best effect.
Note: It is necessary to apply exactly how to use and the dose prescribed by the doctor. Absolutely do not arbitrarily adjust the dose may not achieve the effect or cause side effects to health.

4. Agimsamine side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated and side effects are rare and transient.
Some unwanted effects when taking Agimsamine drugs such as: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach pain, rash, urticaria and itching, angioedema.
Note: If the above side effects occur or there are other unusual signs when taking the drug, the patient should contact a specialist for advice on timely handling measures.

5. Agimsamine drug interactions

When co-administered with heparin may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid taking Agimsamine with other anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. The drug may increase the absorption of tetracyclines, reduce the absorption of chloramphenicol and penicillin. Chitosan interferes with the absorption of chondroitin Glucosamine, which affects glucose tolerance and increases insulin resistance. Preparations containing glucosamine or in combination with chondroitin increase the effect of the anticoagulant warfarin. To avoid drug interactions that affect the effects of medications, it is better for patients to inform their doctors about all medications they are taking, including prescription or non-prescription medications. prescriptions and functional foods, etc. to be guided by the doctor and have more appropriate indications.

6. Notes and cautions using Agimsamine

To ensure safety and achieve the best treatment effect, when using Agimsamine, patients also need to pay attention to and be careful with some of the following issues:
Use the drug exactly as prescribed by a qualified doctor. and manufacturer's instructions. Do not arbitrarily change or adjust the way of use, the dose of the drug without a prescription from the doctor. Use caution when using the drug for people with diabetes, obese people or people with bleeding-clotting disorders, people who are following a paleo diet. People with a history of allergy to seafood and seafood products should not use the drug. Agimsamine contains tartrazine and sunset yellow which may cause an allergic reaction in patients with a history of food allergy. For pregnant and lactating women, it is not recommended to take the drug. There is no information on the effects of Agimsamine on driving and operating machines.

7. Handling missed dose, overdose

Missed dose: If you miss a dose, you can take it as soon as you remember within 1-2 hours of the prescribed time. If it is almost time for your next dose, take your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose. Note that do not double the prescribed dose to avoid overdose or increase side effects.
Overdose: When taking an overdose, the patient may have some symptoms such as headache, dizziness, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, joint pain. In case of overdose, the patient should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor immediately for monitoring and symptomatic treatment. In case of emergency and danger, it is necessary to bring the patient to the nearest medical center for emergency treatment and effective treatment.

8. How to store

Medicines should be stored at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Medicines should be kept out of reach of small children to avoid children playing in and taking the wrong medicine, which can seriously affect the health of children.
For expired or unused medications, consult your doctor or consult with your local waste disposal company for safe disposal. Do not throw medicine and medicine packaging into the toilet, or flush it under the household tap.
Above is the information about the drug Agimsamine that users need to know when prescribed the drug. From there, use the right medicine, at the right dose to ensure safety and achieve the best treatment effect.

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