Uses of Anpectrivas Tab

Anpectrivas Tab is a cardiovascular drug whose main ingredient is Trimetazidine hydrochloride. The drug is effective in the prevention of angina pectoris. For more detailed information about the drug, you can refer to the article below.

1. Uses of Anpectrivas Tab

Anpectrivas Tab has the main active ingredient, Trimetazidine, which stabilizes the energy of cells in the state of systemic hypoxia or ischemia.
The drug helps to prevent ischemic manifestations, reduce the phenomenon of ST elevation in the electrocardiogram. This experimental study was performed on dogs with myocardial infarction.
Active ingredient Trimetazidine reduces the toxicity of oxidized free radicals in cellular ischemia. Therefore, the drug has a protective effect on cells against tissue hypoxia. Trimetazidine is the only antianginal and anti-ischemic agent in the new class of compounds with anti-ischemic action without causing any hemodynamic changes, through direct action. continue to protect cells in the myocardium.
In addition, Anpectrivas also helps improve myocardial ischemia.

2. Indications for Anpectrivas Tab

Prophylactic treatment of angina pectoris. After treatment of acute myocardial infarction Injury to retinal blood vessels of the eye Support for the treatment of vasomotor dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus Do not use Anpectrivas Tab in the following cases:
Women with Pregnancy Women breast-feeding Be careful with the elderly Patients with allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to any ingredient in Anpectrivas Tab.

3. Dosage - How to take Anpectrivas Tab

Anpectrivas Tab should be taken orally and should be taken before or during each meal.
Prophylaxis of angina: Take 1 capsule/time x 3 times/day. Then reduce the maintenance dose to 1 tablet/time x 2 times/day. Retinal damage, dizziness, tinnitus: Take 02 - 03 tablets/day, divided 2-3 times/day. Anpectrivas Tab is a drug prescribed by a doctor, patients do not arbitrarily take the drug without being examined. If you accidentally overdose on Anpectrivas Tab, the patient should stop taking it and notify the doctor or pharmacist immediately when there are unusual symptoms. Family members need to bring the patient's personal papers, medical examination book, all prescriptions/bottles of Anpectrivas Tab that have been used and are being used so that doctors can quickly diagnose and treat promptly.
Usually Anpectrivas Tab can be taken 1-2 hours apart from the intended prescription stated in the prescription. Unless there are strict regulations on the duration of use, apply exactly as prescribed by the doctor. So if you have forgotten a dose of Anpectrivas Tab, take it as soon as you remember. Do not make up for the missed dose as it can be dangerous for the body. You need to strictly follow the instructions or consult your doctor before deciding to use Anpectrivas Tab

4. Anpectrivas Tab . side effects

Uncommon side effects during the use of Anpectrivas Tab:
Headache Rash Nausea Gastritis Anorexia Increased liver enzymes: GOT, GPT In the process of taking Anpectrivas Tab if you encounter the following effects If you do not want or appear other abnormal signs, stop using the drug and notify your doctor.
Anpectrivas Tab is a drug that works to prevent angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency, retinal damage, dizziness due to many causes. However, to ensure safe use of Anpectrivas Tab, the right indication and dosage, the patient needs to follow the doctor's instructions. If you still have any questions about the medicine or side effects of Anpectrivas Tab, please consult your doctor / pharmacist for advice.

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