Uses of Anusol-HC

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, tablets, ointments or gels can be used. In addition, with small and shallow anal fissures, patients can use the dosage form in the form of placing directly into the anus-rectum. This drug is often used because of its effectiveness and convenience, one of which is the drug Anusol-hc

1. What is Anusol-HC?

Anusol-hc medicine is a medicine that is applied or placed in an anal fissure with the main ingredients including hydrocortisone, mineral oil, zinc oxide and pramoxine that work to increase blood circulation to the fissure, thereby helping the crack heal quickly and reduce pain sensation. In addition, the drug hydrocortisone belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, when absorbed through the rectal mucosa, will inhibit the invasion and growth of bacteria, inhibit the release of chemical mediators of the inflammatory response, thereby helping to Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial in hemorrhoids, effective pain relief.

2. How to use Anusol-HC?

Anusol-hc drug is prepared as a rectal suppository, dissolved by body heat for absorption through the mucosa, not an oral drug. The steps to properly use Anusol-hc are as follows:
Step 1: wash your hands and clean your anus Step 2: take the medicine out of the blister, you can put it in the refrigerator first to make the medicine easier to use Step 3: hold the pill and push it gently into the lower rectum, then lie on your side so that the medicine does not fall out, wash your hands after using the medicine. The common dose of Anusol-hc is 2 tablets / day 1 capsule each morning and evening. For topical drug, should clean the anus and then use a clean cotton swab to take a sufficient amount of medicine to apply to the skin, repeat 5 times / day

3. Side effects when using Anusol-HC

After placing, Anusol-HC drug may cause some unwanted effects such as:
Itching, stinging sensation when the drug dissolves, side effects will disappear quickly after the drug is completely absorbed. Long-term use can cause dryness of the skin and mucous membranes of the rectum and anus, but most drugs are prescribed for about 2 weeks to the maximum, so this side effect does not affect the patient too much. Some of the more rare side effects may include dizziness, headache, decreased skin pigmentation. Some notes when using Anusol-hc include:
Read carefully the instructions for use of the drug to use the drug effectively Pregnant and lactating women need to consult a doctor before use. medicine. Pay attention to a gentle diet and exercise combined with medication to quickly recover from the disease, stay away from hot, spicy foods, high in protein, and stimulant drinks such as alcohol, tobacco. Should combine exercise to improve health and support faster hemorrhoid atrophy. Hopefully, the sharing about Anusol-hc drug will help you know how to use it to achieve high treatment efficiency as well as prevent possible side effects.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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