Uses of Aphanate

Aphanat medicine has the main ingredient L-ornithin L-aspartate, content 1000mg/5ml, used to treat hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver. In this article, we send you detailed information about the uses of Aphanat, as well as how to use it and notes when using it.

1. Drug composition and dosage form Aphanat

The main active ingredient of Aphanat medicine includes:
L-ornithin L-aspartate: 1000mg/5ml. Other excipients. Aphanat dosage form: Solution for intravenous injection.

2.Uses - Indications of intravenous drug Aphanat

Uses of Aphanat drugs: The main active ingredient L-ornithin L-aspartate in intravenous drugs Aphanat, when put into the body, will be broken down into 2 amino acids involved in the synthesis of Glutamine called L- ornithine and L-aspartate. Then, thanks to the strong activity in the urea synthesis cycle, these two amino acids have the effect of removing ammonia from the blood. The role of each ingredient in the main active ingredient is as follows:
L-aspartate has the role of stimulating the synthesis of Glutamine in the liver and reducing the concentration of Ammonia in the blood, making the liver healthier. L-ornithin has the role of stimulating liver cells to work effectively, especially the function of fat metabolism and parenchymal regeneration of liver cells. Therefore, Aphanat drug with L-ornithin L-aspartate plays an important role in the treatment of hepatitis and fatty liver.
Indications for use of Aphanat drugs to treat liver diseases such as:
Hepatitis; Cirrhosis; Steatosis; Decreased liver function ; Liver Cancer .

3. Dosage and how to use Aphanat

How to use: Aphanat is used intravenously. The drug needs to be prescribed by a doctor and medical staff, and patients absolutely do not use Aphanat on their own.
Dosage: Initial dose: Intravenous injection: 01 ampoule/day, the drug course is 1-2 weeks.

4. Contraindications to taking Aphanat

Contraindicated to use Aphanat drug in the following cases:
Patients with severe renal failure. Patients with hypersensitivity to components or excipients in Aphanat.

5. Side effects of Aphanat

During the use of Aphanat, you may experience side effects such as:
Vomiting, nausea. Burning sensation in the larynx. If you experience these symptoms, you need to stop using Aphanat and notify your doctor for appropriate treatment.

6. Aphanat drug interactions

There are currently no reported interactions between Aphanat and other drugs. To ensure safe drug use, to avoid adverse interactions, patients should report to their doctors the drugs they are being treated, products, and health-protective foods being used to get advice on dosage as well. like when to take the drug is most accurate.

7. Notes and cautions when using Aphanat

Children: Need a prescription from a prescribing doctor to use. Elderly subjects need to adjust the dose accordingly. It is recommended that patients use the right dose, exactly as prescribed by the doctor, do not arbitrarily reduce or increase the dose of Aphanat without the consent of the doctor. In the process of taking aphanate medicine, if you have any unusual symptoms, you should immediately notify your doctor. Subjects are pregnant women and lactating women when using intravenous aphanate drugs should be cautious. Consult with your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks of using this medicine.

8. Handling overdose, forgetting dose of Aphanat

When taking an overdose of Aphanat, you may see the following symptoms: Anorexia, headache, nausea and constipation and sensory disturbances, .... If you encounter this situation, it is best to inform your doctor. doctor or immediately take the patient to the nearest medical facility.
When you forget a dose of Aphanat, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If the missed dose is close to your next aphanate dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking it at the prescribed time. Do not take a double dose at the same time, change your dose or stop taking it without consulting your doctor.
Drug Aphanat is a medicine to treat liver diseases. This is a slow intravenous injection, requiring a doctor's prescription, you need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and carefully read the instructions for use on the drug packaging. If you have any questions regarding Aphanat, please contact your doctor/pharmacist immediately.

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