Uses of bufecol

Bufecol is effective in treating gout and joint problems, reducing pain and reducing fever. Bufecol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is a prescription drug, so you should only use it when prescribed by your doctor.

1. What is Bufecol?

Bufecol is effective in treating gout and bone and joint problems, reducing pain, reducing fever. Bufecol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is prepared in the form of an oral solution with the main ingredient of the drug is Ibuprofen 100mg in 5ml (5ml tube bufecol).
Medicines are packaged in many forms:
60ml, 90ml bottles Box of 15 tubes, 20 tubes, 30 tubes x 10ml Box of 20 tubes, 30 tubes, 40 tubes x 5ml

2. Bufecol ampoule 5ml is indicated for which groups of subjects?

Patients have fever due to many causes such as viral fever, post-inflammatory reaction. Severe to moderate pain: Muscle pain, headache, bone and joint pain, pain due to physical injury (sprain), soft tissue injury, surgery, tooth extraction, teething, ear infection.

3. Instructions for using Bufecol and drug dosage

Bufecol 400 is prepared in the form of a suspension and is used orally. Dosage of Bufecol for each subject:
Children from 3 to 6 months old: Give children 2.5 ml/time, 3 times/day (150mg ibuprofen/day) Children from 6-12 months old: Give them to drink 2.5ml/time, 3-4 times/day (150-200mg ibuprofen/day) Children from 1-3 years old: Give children 5ml/time, 3 times/day (300mg ibuprofen/day) Children from 4-6 years old : Give children 7.5ml/time, 3 times/day (450mg ibuprofen/day) Children from 7 to 9 years old: Give children 10ml/time, 3 times/day (600mg ibuprofen/day) Children from 10 to 12 years old : Give the child 15ml/time, 3 times/day (900mg ibuprofen/day) Repeat the medicine every 6 to 8 hours, the time between each dose is at least 4 hours apart. Without a doctor's prescription, the patient should not take the drug for 3 consecutive days. Only use Bufecol within 6 months of opening the cap. Bufecol should be used with caution in children under 6 years of age.

4. What should you do if you miss a dose of Bufecol?

You need to take the supplement as soon as you remember. If it is too close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking the medicine as usual. Absolutely do not arbitrarily double the amount of medicine to make up for the lost dose. This can cause unwanted side effects of Bufecol.

5. Do not use Bufecol for which groups of people?

Do not use Bufecol for people who are sensitive to any of the ingredients in the drug or are hypersensitive to Aspirin and other NSAIDs. Patients with peptic ulcer, liver failure, severe kidney failure, cardiovascular problems, bleeding disorders, collagen disease, bronchospasm, congestive heart failure, decreased blood volume due to medication . People who are being treated with coumarin People who are pregnant in the last 3 months of pregnancy

6. Unwanted side effects may occur during the use of Bufecol

Side effects may appear with different frequencies, depending on the condition and the progression of the disease.
Fatigue, fever, dizziness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, itching, rash. The above symptoms will disappear when the patient stops taking the drug. If a patient has one of the above symptoms, they should immediately go to a medical center to get help from a doctor.

7. The interaction between Bufecol and other drugs

When the interaction between drugs occurs, it will change the mechanism of action and reduce the effect of the drug. In addition, the interaction increases the risk of side effects. Before starting treatment with drugs, you should provide your doctor with a list of medicines that you are taking including: prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, functional products, herbs,...

8. Things to pay attention to during the use of Bufecol

For the elderly, the patient's bleeding time may be prolonged because Ibuprofen inhibits the ability of platelets to agglutinate. People who are pregnant should not use Bufecol (unless absolutely necessary), because there are no documents proving the safety of Bufecol for this group of subjects. The medicine should be stored at room temperature, not in places with high humidity (toilet, bathroom) or in direct sunlight. Bufecol is effective in treating gout and joint problems, reducing pain and reducing fever. This is a prescription drug, so you should only use it when prescribed by your doctor. Before deciding to use Bufecol, you should discuss carefully with your doctor about the benefits and harms that the drug may cause while taking it.
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