Uses of Ceftristad 1g

Ceftristad 1g belongs to the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral and fungal drugs. The drug is prepared in the form of powder for injection, packing specifications: Box of 1 vial, box of 10 vials, box of 1 vial with 1 tube of lidocaine 1% 3.5ml. Using Ceftristad 1g exactly as prescribed by your doctor will help you ensure your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.

1. What are the uses of Ceftristad 1g?

Ceftristad 1g is used in the treatment of the following conditions:
Respiratory tract infections such as acute bronchitis, pneumonia; Urinary tract infections - genitourinary, kidney; Bacteremia, endocarditis, purulent meningitis; Bone and joint infections; Skin and soft tissue infections, wounds; Prophylaxis of infection during surgery.

2. Dosage of Ceftristad 1g

Dosage in adults and children > 12 years old:
The usual dose of Ceftristad is 1-2g/day, administered once or divided into 2 times. In case of severe infection can use up to 4g/day; Prophylaxis of intraoperative infections: Intravenous injection of 1g single dose 1⁄2 hours to 2 hours before surgery; Uncomplicated gonococcal infection: Single intramuscular dose of 250mg Ceftristad. Dosage in children < 12 years:
The usual dose of Ceftristad is 50 - 75mg/kg/day, administered once or in 2 divided doses. The maximum dose is 2g/day; Treatment of meningitis: Ceftristad starting dose is 100mg/kg (not to exceed 4g/day). Then adjust the dose to suit the patient's health condition. Duration of treatment is 7-14 days. Dosage of Ceftristad 1g above is for reference only. The specific dose of Ceftristad 1g will depend on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Ceftristad 1g, patients need to consult their doctor/pharmacist.

3. Contraindications of Ceftristad 1g

Ceftristad 1g is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug's components, Cephalosporin and Beta-lactam antibiotics.

4. Side effects of Ceftristad 1g

Ceftristad 1g can cause the following side effects:
Hypersensitivity; Jaundice; Increase liver enzymes ; Acute renal failure; Colitis ; Interstitial pneumonia ; Shock. During the course of treatment, if you have any suspicious symptoms due to the use of Ceftristad 1g, you should notify your treating doctor for timely treatment.
Above is information about uses, doses and precautions when using Ceftristad 1g. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Ceftristad 1g exactly as directed by your doctor.

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