Uses of Coreprazole

Coreparazole is a drug used in the gastrointestinal tract, the main ingredient is Rabeprazole sodium. Coreprazole is used to treat diseases of the stomach and duodenum with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. What is Coreprazole? How effective is the drug?

1. What are the effects of Coreprazole?

Coreprazole contains the main active ingredient Rabeprazole, which inhibits the H+- K+ - ATPase pump. The drug's mechanism of action is due to the mechanism of action of Rabeprazole. Rabeprazole inhibits gastric acid secretion stimulated by dibutyl cyclic AMP in the gastric glands of rabbits in experimental studies. The drug strongly inhibits gastric acid secretion stimulated by histamine or pentagastrin as well as under normal conditions. Reversal of the drug's anti-secretory activity is faster and the increase in plasma gastrin levels is lower than with other proton pump inhibitors. Rabeprazole has a strong anti-ulcer effect and improves gastric mucosal damage caused by cold stress, pyloric ligation, cysteamine use or ethanol-HCl administration.
Drugs after being taken orally, absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolized in the body by enzymes, go to the stomach and duodenum to produce pharmacodynamics. Rabeprazole is eliminated by excretion in the urine.

2. Indications and contraindications of Coreprazole.

Coreprazole drug is used in the pathologies of gastric ulcer, anastomosis, duodenal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux syndrome, excessive secretion of gastric juice seen in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Do not use Coreprazole in case the patient is allergic to Raberprazole, other similar drugs.

3. Dosage and how to use Coreprazole.

3.1. How to take Coreprazole is used orally. Patients take the whole tablet, do not split the drug, with a glass of water just enough, the drug should be taken 30 minutes before morning or before going to bed.
3.2. Dosage Adults: Take 10 mg a day as a single dose, depending on the severity of the disease can be increased to 20 mg during the day. Treatment course: Duodenal ulcer 4 weeks to 8 weeks, gastric ulcer disease and in reflux esophagitis, the drug duration is from 6 weeks to 12 weeks.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Coreprazole

Side effects when using Coreprazole include allergic rash, skin urticaria, change in hematological index, drugs affecting liver function, causing digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, feeling of fullness Abdominal pain, abdominal heaviness, headache.
If while using Coreprazole, the patient experiences unusual signs in addition to the above signs, please inform the doctor you are treating, medical professionals for advice.

5. Notes when using Coreprazole drug

You need to notify, list drugs, medical history with your doctor for drug instructions, like other drugs, Coreprazole has certain interactions with some other drug groups and drugs. Specifically, the drug increases the concentration of digoxin in the blood plasma, possibly prolonging the metabolism and excretion of phenytoin. Before taking the drug, the patient should be excluded the possibility of malignancy of gastric ulcer disease by intensive tests. Pregnant women, patients with liver failure, women who are breastfeeding need to use Coreprazole with caution if there are indications for use. The use of Coreprazole drug while the patient needs to move, drive a vehicle, participate in operating machinery with signs of headache, fatigue should be cautious. Above is an article about brand-name drug Coreprazole. The drug is used when there is an increase in the concentration of gastric juice in the stomach and duodenum. To be safe when taking medication, you need to know the basic information above. Do not arbitrarily use the drug, taking the wrong medication, in the wrong way can lead to unwanted side effects, please consult your doctor / pharmacist, medical staff.

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