Uses of Dogmatil

Dogmatil is a prescription neuroleptic, antidepressant, indicated for cases of depression or irritable bowel syndrome. The main active ingredient in the drug is Sulpiride.

1. What does Dogmatil do?

Dogmatil is a neuroleptic and antipsychotic drug. The drug is prepared in the form of a 50mg capsule with the main active ingredient being Sulpiride.
What does Dogmatil 50mg do? This is a drug commonly used to treat, control, prevent and improve symptoms and conditions such as depression, imbalance, psychological instability, mental disorders, irritable bowel syndrome , depression,... In addition, Dogmatil is also used for other purposes as directed by your doctor.
Contraindications: Do not prescribe Dogmatil to patients with known or suspected adrenal myeloma, because of the risk of hypertensive complications. In addition, if the patient has a high fever, treatment with Dogmatil should be discontinued.

2. How to use and dose Dogmatil

After understanding what medicine Dogmatil treats, the patient needs to learn about how to use and dose the drug.
How to use: The drug is taken orally as prescribed by your doctor or as directed on the label. The user must not use it in larger, smaller amounts or for longer than indicated.
Dosage in adults: 200 - 1,000 mg/day. Patients should first use the minimum dose. After that, if the patient's clinical condition allows, the doctor can increase the dose gradually; Dosage in children: Consult your doctor. The information on the dosage of the drug is not a substitute for the doctor's prescription, so the patient should consult the doctor before taking the medicine.
In the event of an emergency or overdose, the patient should immediately call an emergency center or go to the nearest medical center. Symptoms of overdose are: Neck curvature, tongue protrusion, jaw stiffness, severe paralysis syndrome, coma,... If a dose is forgotten, the patient should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, the patient can skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the scheduled time.
Thuốc Dogmatil
Người bệnh nên dùng thuốc Dogmatil đúng liều lượng

3. Side effects and cautions when using Dogmatil

3.1 Side effects Some side effects that patients may experience when taking Dogmatil include:
On the endocrine system and metabolism: Temporary and reversible hyperprolactinemia, which can cause amenorrhea, lactation , large breasts in men or cause decreased pleasure, frigidity ; weight gain; Nervous system (rare if used at recommended doses): Premature dyskinesia (jaw stiffness, torticollis, eye rotation,...), tardive dyskinesia if prolonged treatment, syndrome extrapyramidal symptoms, somnolence, somnolence,...; On the autonomic nervous system: Orthostatic hypotension. 3.2 Precautions when using drugs Caution:
Be careful when prescribing drugs to the elderly because this is a group of subjects that are highly sensitive to the drug; The drug is mainly excreted by the kidneys, so it is necessary to carefully reduce the dose, not to continue treatment in patients with renal failure; Pay attention to monitor the health of patients with epilepsy because Dogmatil can lower the seizure threshold; Use caution in patients with Parkinson's disease. Before taking the drug, you need to share with your doctor the following:
You are pregnant or breastfeeding: Need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor; You are allergic to one or more of the ingredients in the medicine; You are taking other medicines; You intend to give the drug to children or the elderly; You have or have had other medical conditions. There are not enough studies to determine the risks of taking Dogmatil during pregnancy or breast-feeding. Therefore, to ensure safety, to weigh the benefits and risks, patients should consult their doctor before taking the drug.
Thuốc Dogmatil
Thuốc Dogmatil cần được sử dụng theo hướng dẫn của bác sĩ hoặc dược sĩ

4. Dogmatil drug interactions

Dogmatil interacts with many other drugs, especially drugs that affect the nervous system. Therefore, patients should note that they should only use drugs prescribed by their doctor and inform the doctor about the drugs they are taking so as not to be wrongly combined. The combination of Dogmatil and Levodopa is contraindicated because Dogmatil has a competitive antagonism between Levodopa and neuroleptics.
Caution when combining Dogmatil with alcohol because alcohol can increase the sedative effect of the drug. Therefore, when taking the drug, the patient should avoid drinking alcohol.
Note when combining Dogmatil with drugs:
High blood pressure drugs: Dogmatil has the ability to increase blood pressure lowering effect, may cause orthostatic hypotension; Other central nervous system depressants: Anxiolytic tranquilizers, sedative antidepressants, barbiturates, clonidine, sleeping pills, sedating H1 antihistamines,... Dogmatil can increases central nervous system depression, easy to cause bad consequences, especially for people who often drive, operate machinery. Dogmatil is used to treat problems related to mental and behavioral disorders, ... Before taking the drug, the patient should report to the doctor about his health condition, the drugs he is taking. ,... to be properly specified. At the same time, patients should follow all instructions of the doctor to ensure better treatment effect, reduce the risk of side effects.

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