Uses of Eftinas 0.05%

Eftinas 0.05% is indicated in the treatment of stuffy and runny nose, sinusitis or conjunctivitis caused by congestion. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take the medicine as prescribed by your doctor.

1. What is Eftinas?

Eftinas belongs to the group of drugs used to treat eyes, ears, nose and throat, is prepared in the form of nasal spray, packing specifications: Box of 1 bottle of 15ml. The ingredient Xylometazoline hydrochloride in Eftinas belongs to the group of arylalkyl imidazoline, which has vasoconstrictor and anti-congestive effects in the nasal mucosa and pharynx. Xylometazoline hydrochloride causes rapid action within minutes and persists for many hours. Xylometazoline hydrochloride is well tolerated, even if the mucous membranes are susceptible.

2. Indications for the use of Eftinas 0.05%

Eftinas 0.05% is indicated in the following cases:
Sinusitis; Rhinitis; Allergic rhinitis ; stuffy nose, runny nose; Conjunctivitis due to conjunctivitis.

3. Dosage, how to use Eftinas 0.05%

Eftinas 0.05% dose refer to the following:
Nose: Put 2-3 drops into the nostril for 8-10 hours or spray 1-2 puffs into the affected nose. Eyes: Put 1-2 drops in the eye with conjunctivitis. The dosage of Eftinas 0.05% above is for reference only. The specific dose of Eftinas 0.05% will depend on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Eftinas 0.05%, patients need to consult their doctor or pharmacist.

4. Contraindications to the use of Eftinas 0.05%

Eftinas 0.05% drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any component of Eftinas 0.05% drug; Patients with a history of asthma, angioedema, urticaria when taking Aspirin; Peptic ulcer ; Liver failure; Heart failure ; Severe kidney failure; Children < 2 years old, pregnant or lactating women.

5. Interactions with other drugs

Possible interactions if Eftinas 0.05% is used concurrently with the following drugs:
Anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors; Sulphonylurea; Lithium; Methotrexate; Digoxin; Cyclosporin ; Diuretic; ACE inhibitors. To avoid unwanted interactions when using Eftinas 0.05%, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all medicines and dietary supplements they are using.

6. Eftinas 0.05% side effects

When using Eftinas 0.05%, you may experience the following side effects:
Indigestion; Nausea; Stomachache ; Constipation; Flatulence; Diarrhea . During the course of treatment, if any abnormal symptoms appear due to the use of Eftinas 0.05%, the patient should notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.
The article has provided information about the uses, dosage and notes when using Eftinas 0.05%. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Eftinas 0.05% exactly as directed by your doctor.

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