Uses of Eprazstad

Eprazstad is a drug used in the treatment of bronchitis, nasopharyngitis. So, for more detailed information about how the drug works? Dosage like? Find out more information about Eprazstad with your doctor in the following article.

1. What does Eprazstad do?

Eprazstad medicine contains the following ingredients:
Eprazinone Dihydrochloride: 50mg. The other excipients are enough for 1 tablet. The main ingredient Eprazinon Dihydrochloride in Eprazstad has the effect of loosening, thinning bronchial secretions and clearing sputum, mucus and supporting the expulsion of sputum mucus by coughing reflex. Therefore, the drug is effective in patients with bronchial obstruction due to mucus and phlegm.
Indication of Eprazstad drug in the following cases:
Acute bronchitis Nasopharyngitis In case of bronchial obstruction in adults, sputum sputum in the lungs. Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients are contraindicated.

2. Dosage - How to take Eprazstad

2.1. Dosage of Eprazstad The usual recommended treatment dose in adults: Take 2 tablets/time x 3 times/day. The course of medication should not exceed 5 days, unless directed by a doctor. The drug is not recommended for children. The above dosage is for reference only, the specific dose depends on the age and medical condition that the doctor prescribes differently. While using Eprazstad, the patient should not change the dose, increase or decrease the dose or quit without consulting the doctor.
2.2. How to use Eprazstad effectively Eprazstad drug is made in the form of film-coated tablets, so it is best and most suitable for patients to use the drug by mouth. Fully cool, do not chew to avoid reducing absorption.

3. Side effects when taking Eprazstad

Besides the effects of the drug, patients treated with Eprazstad 50mg may also experience some other undesirable effects such as:
Drowsiness, dizziness, headache. Epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea, malabsorption.

4. Interactions when taking Eprazstad

During the use of Eprazstad, there may be interactions between drugs or between drugs and food or other health-protective foods. This will affect the effect and effectiveness of the drug, so to avoid bad interactions, you need to provide your doctor with all prescription and non-prescription medications before taking Eprazstad.
Note: Drugs that are likely to interact with Eprazstad such as: cough suppressants, other expectorant expectorants or drugs metabolized by the liver,...

5. Notes on drug use

Eprazstad should be used with caution in patients with a history of seizures. Consider the risks and benefits of using Eprazstad in pregnant or lactating women. Eprazstad is a medicine that helps to dissolve phlegm, respiratory mucus, the drug should be used as prescribed by the doctor. If you have any questions about Eprazstad, contact your doctor immediately.

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