Uses of Fahado 150

Fahado 150 medicine is now very popular on the market with the use of pain relief, fever reduction... However, in order for the process of using Fahado 150 to bring positive treatment effects, patients should actively understand the work. use, composition and dosage. Because each person is different, the drug has different indications.

1.Fahado 150 Ingredients and uses

The main ingredients of Fahado 150 are: Paracetamol 150 mg, so the drug is in the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and osteoarthritis ...
Fahado 150 is prepared in the form of Effervescent tablets are easy to use and store. Currently, the drug is prescribed by doctors and pharmacists in the treatment of the following diseases:
Treatment of fever causing rhinitis, sinusitis, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion... The drug helps to relieve headaches. , toothache, menstrual pain, muscle pain... Fahado 150 is indicated for both children and adults. In each subject, Fahado 150 has a different dose.

2. Dosage of Fahado 150

Prepared in the form of effervescent tablets, the medicine needs to be put in a glass of water to effervescent before use.
Dosage in adults and children can be referred to as follows:
Adults take once every 6 hours, not more than 5 times a day. The maximum total dose should not exceed 60 mg/kg body weight/ 24 hours. Children from 1 to 3 years old: take 1 sachet/time. Fahado 150 medicine, if used in high doses, is easy to cause poisoning and seriously affects health, so patients should carefully read the instructions before using and should follow the correct dosage. Never stop, reduce or increase the dose on your own without consulting your doctor.
Children are the subjects that need special attention when taking drugs, so you should consult with your doctor or pharmacist.

3. Information to note when using Fahado 150

3.1 What to do in case of missed dose or overdose? Missed dose is a fairly common situation, if the patient missed a dose in the last time, the patient can take the dose to make up for it. In case it is more than 2 hours before the missed dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose as usual.
Overdose: Overdose is a very dangerous condition, which can cause poisoning for users. Therefore, when taking an overdose, the patient should see a doctor or pharmacist to discuss the safest way to handle it.
3.2 Possible side effects when taking Fahado 150 If used in the right dose and in the right amount, side effects are very rare in all patients. However, if the patient abuses the drug, or uses it for a long time, the body is at risk of the following reactions: skin rash; nausea, vomiting; kidney disease...
In the case of Paracetamol poisoning, the patient will have feelings such as: mild stimulation, agitation and delirium at first. What follows may be: stupor, hypothermia, weakness, rapid and shallow breathing, rapid, weak, irregular pulse, low blood pressure, and circulatory failure. In this case, the patient needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible to minimize the risks to health.
When overdosing, manifestations are usually: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, symptoms of cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes and nails.
3.3 Those who need to be careful when using Fahado 150 When using the drug should not use alcohol, tobacco, stimulants, because these often contain other active ingredients that can affect the use process medicine and treatment. Because safety has not been determined, pregnant and lactating women should not use the drug unless prescribed by a professional. The drug should not be used for a long time, because it can affect the liver and kidneys. Children and the elderly over 65 years of age need special attention when using the drug. Hopefully, sharing about Fahado 150 will help the process of using it achieve high efficiency as well as reduce unnecessary risks to the health of patients. If you have any further questions, you can contact your doctor for in-depth advice.

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