Uses of Forclamide

Forclamide is a glycemic control drug indicated in patients with non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes. In addition to drug treatment, patients need to combine with appropriate diet and exercise to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

1. What is Forclamide?

Forclamide has the main ingredient Glimepiride, which belongs to the sulfonylurea group of drugs used to treat diabetes. Glimepiride stimulates insulin release in the beta cells of the pancreas, increasing the response of insulin to glucose, thereby lowering blood glucose. In addition, the component Glimepiride in Forclamide also improves the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin and reduces insulin reception in the liver.
In normal people, the effects of Forclamide are dose dependent. If the drug is taken just before a meal or about 30 minutes before a meal, the effect of the drug will be the same and control blood sugar for 24 hours. Forclamide is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, food makes the absorption rate of the drug slower than normal. After absorption, the drug is excreted in the feces and urine.

2. Indications of the drug Forclamide

Forclamide is indicated in patients diagnosed with non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes. Treatment is combined with proper diet and exercise.

3. Contraindications of Forclamide

Contraindications of Forclamide drug in the following cases:
Cases in which Forclamide should not be used Allergy to the glimepiride component of the drug or other sulphonamides; Patients with insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes; Keto-acidosis in diabetic patients; People who are comatose or pre-coma in diabetics; Patients with severe renal impairment, severe liver failure should not use, should switch to insulin. Pregnant or lactating patients should be switched to insulin therapy because the drug crosses the placenta and is present in breast milk; Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, total lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take the drug.

4. Notes when using Forclamide

When using Forclamide, patients should pay attention to some of the following issues:
Risk of sudden low blood sugar when taking the drug. Certain factors such as stress, fever, trauma, infection, or surgery may cause loss of glycemic control in patients on stable Forclamide therapy. Periodic monitoring of hematological parameters when taking the drug due to the risk of hemolytic anemia of Forclamide. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes mellitus treated with sulfonylurea drugs. Patients driving or operating machinery using the drug should be careful due to the risk of hypoglycemia, impaired vision of the drug.

5. Forclamide drug interactions

Forclamide increases the hypoglycemic effect when used with other classes of oral diabetes drugs, with insulin. Chloramphenicol, a class of MAOIs, increases the effect of the drug, increasing the risk of sudden hypoglycemia. Acetazolamide, diuretics, barbiturates, phenytoin, glucagons reduce the effect of Forclamide when used concurrently. Alcohol, H2 antihistamines, clonidine, and reserpine can alter the effects of Forclamide. Coumarin (an anticoagulant) when taken with Forclamide can alter the effects of both.

6. Dosage and how to use Forclamide

How to use:
Dosage taken 1 time / day. The patient drinks with a sufficient amount of water. Drink before breakfast or before the first main meal of the day. Dosage
Use the lowest dose to achieve your target blood glucose level. Initial dose: 1mg x 1 time/day. Then, gradually increase the dose (if necessary) by 1 mg increments 1 to 2 weeks apart until a therapeutic effect is achieved. Maximum dose: 8mg/day. If insulin sensitivity improves, the dose can be reduced after a period of treatment. However, do not reduce the dose much or stop the drug suddenly.

7. Forclamide side effects

Some unwanted effects that may be encountered when taking Forclamide are as follows:
Hypoglycemia with manifestations: dizziness, hunger pangs, nervousness, fatigue, convulsions, shallow breathing, slow heart rate, loss of consciousness, coma,... Temporary visual disturbances due to changes in blood sugar, common in the new period of taking the drug. Feeling of fullness or bloating in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, possibly diarrhea. Increased liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT), impaired liver function. Decrease in blood cell lines: thrombocytopenia, erythropoiesis, leukopenia; Hemolytic anemia (rare). Allergic reactions, itching, skin rash. Anaphylaxis . Thus, Forclamide is a hypoglycemic agent indicated for patients with non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes. This is a drug that is easy to find and buy, easy to use and has high therapeutic effect. However, the drug Forclamide also causes many side effects for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor the medical staff when using the drug.
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