Uses of Getenase Capsule

Getenase Capsule is a psychotropic drug, whose main ingredient is Sulpiride. Getenase Capsule is used to treat mental disorders and relieve symptoms of anxiety disorders.

1. What are the uses of Getenase capsule?

Getenase Capsule belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, the main ingredient is Sulpiride 50mg. Sulpiride is an active ingredient with antidepressant and neuroleptic effects.
Getenase Capsule is made in the form of hard capsules and is indicated for use in the treatment of mental disorders. In addition, the drug is also used in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome, anxiety disorders, dizziness, gastrointestinal ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders in people with mental disorders.

2. How to use and dose Getenase Capsule

Getenase Capsule is taken orally. Swallow the tablet whole with water. The usual dose for the treatment of short-term symptoms of anxiety in adults when other treatments have failed is 50-150 mg/day, for a maximum duration of 4 weeks. .
Dosage of Getenase Capsule in the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia depends on each specific case as follows:
With negative symptoms: Starting dose from 200-400mg, taken 2 times a day, maximum dose should not exceed 800mg/day. With positive symptoms: 400mg/time, 2 times/day, the maximum dose after adjusting to increase the dose should not exceed 1.2g/time and 2 times/day. With negative symptoms combined with positive: 400 - 600mg / time, 2 times / day. Dosage of Getenase Capsule in the elderly is similar to that of adults, however, it is necessary to reduce the initial dose to 50-100mg / time and also use it 2 times / day, if necessary, increase the dose. .
The recommended dose of Getenase Capsule in children 14 years of age and older is 3 - 5 mg/kg body weight/day. Children under 14 years old should not take the drug.
Dosage of Getenase Capsule in patients with renal failure depends on the specific creatinine clearance as follows:
Creatinine clearance is in the range of 30 - 60ml/min: Reduce 2/3 dose compared to normal dose. Creatinine clearance is in the range of 10 - 30ml/min: Reduce dose by half compared to normal dose. Creatinine clearance less than 10ml/min: Reduce the dose by 1/3 compared to the normal dose, or may also prolong the time between dosing. As a recommendation, patients with moderate or higher renal impairment should not take Getenase Capsule.

3. Getenase Capsule side effects

Getenase Capsule can cause some unwanted side effects with the frequency of occurrence as follows:
Common: Insomnia, drowsiness, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, increased lactation, increased blood prolactin. Uncommon: Overstimulation, Parkinson's disease, extrapyramidal syndrome, QT prolongation. Rarely: Getenase Capsule rarely causes bradycardia or arrhythmia, orthostatic hypotension, hypothermia, photosensitivity skin, cholestatic jaundice, tardive dyskinesia, breast enlargement in In men, malignant hyperthermia (due to neuroleptics). If there are any strange symptoms after taking Getenase Capsule, the patient should immediately notify the treating doctor or visit a medical facility soon for a health check.

4. Some notes when using Getenase Capsule

Do not use Getenase Capsule in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, people with acute porphyria, people with adrenal myeloma or prolactin-dependent tumors, people with alcohol poisoning, coma, have a depressed CNS or are taking a neuroleptic drug. Epileptic patients and the elderly should be closely monitored while taking Getenase Capsule because of the potential for a lowered seizure threshold, orthostatic hypotension, or somnolence, and extrapyramidal symptoms. For psychotropic drugs, while taking Getenase Capsule, patients must not drink alcohol or use products containing yeast, alcohol or stimulants. Stop using the drug if the patient has a fever without an identifiable cause because this may be one of the manifestations of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Manic patients should use caution when taking Getenase Capsule because it can make symptoms worse. Elderly people with dementia need to be cautious when taking Getenase Capsule because of possible increased mortality. Before and during drug use, patients should be assessed and identified risk factors for venous thrombosis to take appropriate preventive measures because the use of Getenase Capsule in particular and antipsychotics in general increases the risk of venous thrombosis. risk of venous thrombosis. As with other psychotropic drugs, if you want to stop using it, you need to reduce the dose gradually, avoid stopping Getenase Capsule suddenly because it can cause acute withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, sweating. odor or recurrence of psychotic symptoms, involuntary movement disorders. Pregnant women should not take Getenase Capsule, especially the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. If you want to take Getenase Capsule, stop breastfeeding because it can be excreted in breast milk and affect the newborn baby. In the process of using Getenase Capsule, it is necessary to limit driving, operating or operating machinery because the drug can cause drowsiness, especially in the early stages of use. Getenase capsule is used as an antidepressant, neuroleptic in people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Getenase Capsule exactly as directed by your doctor.

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