Uses of Giacoton

Giacoton 650 belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antipyretics, and is made in the form of film-coated tablets. The main ingredient of Giacoton 650 is paracetamol, which is indicated in the treatment of pain relief, migraine, sore throat. However, in the process of using Giacoton 650, there may be unwanted side effects such as nausea and vomiting, allergies, skin rash, ... Therefore, patients need to learn carefully the information of the drug before using it. use.

1. Mechanism of action of Giacoton 650

What is the drug Giacotone? Giacoton 650 has the main ingredient is paracetamol, which is an effective pain reliever and fever reducer. Giacoton 650 acts on the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus and lowers body temperature, or increases heat release due to vasodilation, while increasing peripheral blood flow, thereby reducing the body temperature of febrile patients. At therapeutic doses, the drug is quite effective equivalent to aspirin, however, the composition of Giacoton 650 has little impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, does not change the acid-base balance, does not cause irritation, bleeding. stomach.

2. Indications and contraindications to use Giacoton 650

Giacoton 650 is indicated for the relief of pain such as headache, migraine, menstrual pain, sore throat, pain after tooth extraction or dental procedure, toothache, muscle and tendon pain, pain due to trauma injury, pain from colds, flu, pain from arthritis, sinusitis. However, Giacoton 650 is also contraindicated in some cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Or patients with glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

3. Dosage and how to use Giacoton 650

Giacoton 650 is used orally in different doses in adults and children. The interval between two doses can be from 4 to 6 hours. Adults are recommended to use Giacoton 650 with a dose of 1 tablet and do not use more than 6 tablets in a day. As for children from 7 to 12 years old, use 1/2 Giacoton 650 tablet and do not use more than 3 tablets in a day.
Patients should note that they should not self-medicate for pain relief for more than 10 days for adults and 5 days for children or children with a high fever above 39.5 degrees Celsius for more than 3 days and adhere to medication use
It should be noted: The treatment dose with Giacoton 650 as recommended above is for reference only. Therefore, before using Giacoton 650, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions.

4. Management of missed dose and overdose Giacoton 650

If you miss a dose of Giacoton 650, use it as soon as you remember. However, if the interval between the missed dose of Giacoton 650 and the next dose is too close, skip the missed dose. Patients should not double the dose of Giacoton 650, because it can cause drug overdose. To overcome the situation of missing doses of Giacoton 650, patients can set alarms or ask relatives to remind them.
In case you accidentally use Giacoton 650 drug in excess of the prescribed amount and appear some unwanted signs, and seek emergency care immediately.

5. Side effects when using Giacoton 650

Giacoton 650 may cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case, Giacoton 650 side effects can occur in varying degrees from mild to severe.
Some common side effects caused by Giacoton 650 include: Nausea and vomiting, skin rash, gastrointestinal disturbances,... These side effects may occur at the beginning of treatment or after increasing Giacoton 650 dose. Usually, the side effects caused by Giacoton 650 can be transient or decrease over time.
However, in some cases Giacoton 650 can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare reactions. These reactions can appear within minutes of using Giacoton 650 or longer for a few days. When there are serious side effects such as: Allergic reactions, pancytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, liver failure due to hepatocellular destruction in case of high and prolonged use... Patients should stop using Giacoton 650 and go to a medical facility for immediate medical assistance.
Some notes during the use of Giacoton 650:
For pregnant and lactating women, caution should be taken when using Giacoton 650. Patients should be advised to use Giacoton 650 from a doctor. and carefully analyze the benefits and risks before using the drug. Giacoton 650 may change your ability to work as well as increase the effect of side effects. Therefore, to avoid drug interactions Giacoton 650 patients should provide the doctor with a list of previously used drugs, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbs,... Using Giacoton 650 drug requires Note when the manifestations of allergy to Giacoton 650 drug At the same time, the patient needs to notify the doctor so that he can promptly treat the side effects of the drug. Above is important information about Giacoton 650, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor to get the best effect.

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