Uses of Kalbezar 1000mg

Kalbezar 1000mg is a prescription drug, used in the treatment of cancer. Let's learn more about Kalbezar 1000mg uses, usage, dosage right in this article.

1. What is Kalbezar 1000?

Kalbezar 1000mg belongs to the group of anti-cancer drugs and affects the immune system. The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Eriochem S.A. (Argentina).
The main ingredients of the drug Kalbezar 1000 include:
Gemcitabin; Mannitol; Sodium Acetate (trihydrate form); Hydrochloric Acid; Sodium Hydroxide. Kalbezar 1000mg is packaged in a rectangular box with white, dark purple, light and green borders. Each box contains 1 vial of lyophilized powder and instructions for use.

2. Uses of Kalbezar 1000

The main ingredients of Kalbezar 1000mg include Gemcitabine 1000mg. This is an active ingredient that has the ability to destroy cells that synthesize DNA. Therefore, it helps to inhibit, prevent cell growth. Gemcitabine is metabolized intracellularly by nucleoside kinase.
In addition, Gemcitabine triphosphate merges with dCTP to produce DNA. In CEM T lymphoblastoid cells Gemcitabine induces intranucleosomal DNA fragmentation – characteristic of cell death.
Thanks to this pharmacodynamics, the main use of Kalbezar 1000mg is used to treat some cancers.

3. Indications for the drug Kalbezar 1000mg

Kalbezar 1000 is indicated for the treatment of cancer. Specifically, some types of cancer are as follows:
3.1 Breast cancer Gemcitabine in combination with Pacclitaxel helps treat metastatic breast cancer. This method is indicated after treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy containing Anthraccycline.
3.2 Pancreatic cancer Gemcitabine is considered the first choice in the treatment of pancreatic cancer . Especially in stage 2 or 3 that cannot be resected, or has metastasized. In addition, Kalbezar 1000mg is also indicated for follow-up treatment for cases previously treated with FU. The treatment of Kalbezar 1000mg is considered as initial support.
3.3 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Kalbezar 1000mg is indicated in combination with Cisplatin – first choice in the treatment of this locally growing form of cancer.
3.4 Bladder cancer Kalbezar 1000mg is indicated for the treatment of metastatic bladder cancer
3.5 Ovarian cancer Kalbezar 100 is indicated for use alone or in combination with chemotherapy in the treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer developing or developing

4. Contraindications to the drug Kalbezar 1000

Do not use Kalbezar 1000mg for the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity, allergies, a history of anaphylaxis to the ingredients contained in the drug; People who are prone to allergies, or are hypersensitive when using drugs; Bone marrow suppression; People who have chickenpox or have just recovered; Shingles; severe liver and kidney failure; Have had chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Pregnant or planning to become pregnant should not be used; Kalbezar 1000mg is a prescription drug, so patients need to be very careful when using it. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy and use without a doctor's prescription.

5. Dosage and how to use Kalbezar 1000

What is Kalbezar? This is an anti-cancer drug that is prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to supervise, monitor and guide by an experienced doctor.
5.1 How to take Kalbezar 1000mg How to take Kalbezar 1000mg is by intravenous infusion. The drug is mixed with a solvent that is 0.9% sodium chloride injection solution without preservatives. The way to mix the drug is as follows:
Put 5ml of 0.9% sodium chloride injection solution into the ecstasy vial to dissolve the powder. Then intravenously administered to the patient. Note: Need to be very careful when mixing the drug
5.2 Dosage of Kalbezar 1000mg The usual dose indicated with Kalbezar medicine is as follows:
Breast cancer Intravenous infusion 1250mg/m2, within 20 minutes on the first day and day 8 of the 21-day course. Kalbezar 1000mg is combined with Paclitaxel. Paclitaxel is given intravenously over 3 hours after the administration of Kalbezar 1000mg.
Kalbezar pancreatic cancer 1000mg intravenous infusion over 30 minutes. The content is 1000mg/m2. Use once a week for 7-8 weeks or depending on the patient's condition. Each subsequent cycle of chemotherapy consisted of administering the drug once a week for 3 weeks followed by a 1-week break. Consider adjusting the dose of Kalbezar 1000 mg according to the degree of hematological toxicity in the patient.
Non-small cell lung cancer Intravenous infusion >30 minutes 100mg/m2 daily for the first day. Repeat day 8, 15 and after 28 days. Or intravenous infusion 1250mg/m2 body on the first day, day 8 and repeat on day 21.
Bladder cancer Intravenous infusion >30 minutes 100 - 1200mg/m2 body surface. Use once a week for 3 weeks, then stop for 1 week.
Ovarian cancer Intravenous infusion of 100mg/m2 >30 minutes on the first day, day 8 in a 21-day course. On the first day of use, an additional infusion of Carboplatin AUC is required. Combined with a complete blood count test.

6. Kalbezar 1000mg . side effects

When using Kalbezar 100 , you may experience side effects. The most typical is a decrease in white blood cells and platelets. In addition, you may also experience some other side effects including:
6.1 Common side effects when taking Kalbezar 1000 People have a feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath,...; Edema: swelling of some parts of the body including hands, feet,...; Fever; Dark urine; Skin: urticaria on the skin, rash on the extremities, on the whole body 6.2 Uncommon side effects when using Kalbezar 1000mg Bronchospasm: difficulty breathing, chest pain, wheezing...; Cardiovascular: arrhythmia, fast or irregular heartbeat; Cerebrovascular accident: headache, slurred speech, difficulty speaking, weak limbs...; Abnormally high blood pressure; Fever, chills, hoarseness, low back pain; ... 6.3 Rare side effects when using Kalbezar 1000mg Hypersensitivity: stridor, chest tightness, rash all over the body, itching, facial edema... Heart failure; Hemolytic syndrome, urea in the blood; Lung toxicity... Side effects when using Kalbezar 1000mg have been reported, so patients should immediately notify their doctor about side effects for timely and effective handling.

7. Interactions when taking Kalbezar 1000

What is Kalbezar? Kalbezar 1000 is an anti-cancer drug, used on cancer patients. Drug interactions can occur as follows:
Use of drugs that cause blood disorders; Immunosuppressants or other drugs; Bone marrow suppressants and radiation therapy; Vaccines, viruses are dead, alive; Previous treatment: radiation therapy, use of other anti-cancer drugs...; ... Kalbezar 1000mg is essentially a prescription drug, a drug used on cancer patients. Therefore, possible drug interactions require extreme caution. Patients need to inform all drugs and conditions encountered when taking Kalbezar 1000 to the doctor and medical staff.

8. Some notes when using Kalbezar 1000mg

When using Kalbezar 1000, you need to pay attention to monitor the clinical manifestations. Usually, when used, patients are carefully monitored by doctors and medical staff.
In addition, during the use of anti-cancer drug Kalbezar 1000mg, laboratory tests are also indicated. Aim to promptly treat the manifestations of toxic effects of the drug.
Be very careful when using on pregnant and lactating subjects. Because the drug has the risk of causing birth defects, toxic to the baby when the child is breastfed.

9. Store medicine Kalbezar 1000

The drug is stored under normal temperature conditions, it is not necessary to keep refrigerated. Pay attention to the afternoon light in or in places with high temperature and humidity.
Kalbezar 1000mg is a prescription drug, used in the treatment of cancer. The drug is administered by intravenous infusion. To ensure effective use and avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of doctors and medical staff.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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