Uses of Luvinsta 80mg

Luvinsta 80mg is made in Malta. This drug is used as an adjunct to the diet for people with hypercholesterolemia or dyslipidemia. To be effective when using, you need to know the use, dose, and how to use it. Let's learn more about Luvinsta 80mg right here.

1. What is Luvinsta 80mg?

Luvinsta 80mg drug belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs. Packed in a box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets. The outer shell is designed with a red and white hard box.
As a group of cardiovascular drugs, Luvinsta contains the main ingredients:
Fluvastatin; Excipients: Povidone, Magnesium, Microcrytalline cellulose, Manmitol, Hydroxyethyl. Luvinsta 80mg tablets are yellow, round, biconvex tablets.

2. Uses of Luvinsta 80mg

Fluvastatin sodium is the main ingredient of Luvinsta, has the following effects:
Inhibits the production of cholesterol in the liver; Reduce total cholesterol, as well as LDL cholesterol - bad cholesterol, the cause of coronary heart disease; In addition, the drug Luvinsta 80mg also works to slow down the development of coronary artery disease in subjects with primary hypercholesterolemia.

3. Indications when using Luvinsta 80mg

Luvinsta 80mg drug is indicated for the following subjects:
3.1. Dyslipidemia Luvinsta helps to support the treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or subjects with mixed dyslipidemia in adults as an adjunct to diet. When diet and other treatments are not effective, the use of Luvinsta is indicated.
3.2. Patients with coronary heart disease problems Luvinsta 80mg is also used for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular problems in adults with coronary artery disease following percutaneous coronary interventions. Because fluvastatin sodium - the main ingredient in Luvinsta can slow coronary atherosclerosis in subjects with primary hypercholesterolemia, including mild and coronary-induced conditions.

4. Dosage and how to use Luvinsta 80mg

To ensure the effectiveness when using Luvinsta, we need to pay attention to the dose and how to use it. Accordingly, before treatment with Luvinsta 80mg, you need to have a low cholesterol diet. This regimen should be maintained for the duration of treatment with fluvastatin sodium. The drug can be taken in the evening or on an empty stomach. Patients should take before or away from the main meal. Do not crush or mix with water, the tablet should be swallowed whole with water.
Dosage of Luvinsta is as follows:
4.1. Subjects with dyslipidemia The recommended dose of Luvinsta is 20 - 80mg/day. Depending on the initial cholesterol value and the goal of treatment, the dose will be different. The maximum lipid-lowering effect is achieved about 1 month, the dose adjustment is made over a period of 1 month or longer depending on the doctor's prescription.
4.2. For secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, the appropriate dose is 80mg/day. Luvinsta is effective in monotherapy. If used in combination with Cholestyramine or another resin, it should be administered at least 4 hours apart. This reduces drug interactions. Caution when combined with Fibrate or Niacin.
4.3. In subjects with renal impairment Luvinsta is excreted by the liver, approximately 6% of the dose excreted in the urine. Due to the composition of Luvinsta there is no effect in subjects with renal impairment. Therefore, no dose adjustment is required in these subjects.
4.4. Subjects with liver failure In this group of subjects are contraindicated, should pay attention to precautions and caution when using.
4.5. Elderly population No dosage adjustment is recommended for this population.
4.6. Children The recommended dose of Luvinsta 80mg for children is 20mg/day. Adjust dose after 6 weeks. The initial and maintenance dose depends on the baseline cholesterol value and the goal of treatment. The maximum dose is 80mg/day

5. Contraindications when using Luvinsta

The following groups of people should not use Luvinsta 8mg:
Have a history of or hypersensitivity to any ingredient or excipient; Patients with a history of or ongoing liver failure, progressive liver disease; Subjects with unexplained persistently elevated serum transaminases; Pregnant women; People who are breastfeeding; Patients should carefully read information about drug contraindications before use.

6. Luvinsta 80mg . side effects

When using Luvinsta, patients may experience some unwanted effects such as:
Headache; Sleep is not good, tossing; Ợ gas, heartburn; Pain in the upper stomach; Sinus pain, cough; Pain when urinating, dark urine; Flu-like manifestations; Hives, rash, itching; Difficulty swallowing, swelling of some parts (face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, ...); ... Please notify your doctor, pharmacist when you encounter any unusual or uncomfortable problems when using Luvinsta for appropriate intervention and treatment.

7. Luvinsta 80mg . drug interactions

Be careful to inform your doctor of any medications you are taking while using Luvinsta. There is an increased risk of muscle damage when Luvinsta is used with other fibrates. Some other drugs can cause interactions as follows:
Colchincin; Gemibrozil; High dose niacin; Proton pump inhibitors; ... To make sure that the use of Luvinsta is effective and safe, do not forget to carefully study the drug interactions section.

8. Notes when using Luvinsta

To ensure safety and effectiveness when using Luvinsta 80mg, you need to pay attention:
Inform your doctor about allergy history, current medical and surgical diseases, medications being used, habits use beer, wine,...; If you are having surgery (including dental), injury, infection, etc. also tell your doctor that you are taking Luvinsta; Use birth control while taking Luvinsta; Stop breastfeeding if taking Luvinsta 80mg; Use the correct dose as indicated, do not arbitrarily increase the dose; If you forget your medicine, you can take it as soon as you remember. The additional time should be separated from the last dose by >12 hours, you can skip the missed dose and take the medicine as usual. Do not intentionally take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.

9. Preservation of Luvinsta

Luvinsta 80mg medicine is well preserved in the condition of avoiding direct sunlight. Cool, dry place.
Above is information about the use of Luvinsta 80mg. The information provided is not a substitute for medical indications. Therefore, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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