Uses of Kydhaemo - 3A

Kydhaemo-3A is a drug prepared in the form of a hemodialysis solution. The drug is commonly used in the treatment of diseases such as rehydration and electrolytes, treatment of kidney failure.

1. Uses of Kydhaemo - 3A

Kydhaemo-3A has the main ingredient is Sodium chloride 161g; Potassium chloride 5.5g; Magnesium chloride. 6H2O 3.7g; Acetic acid 8.8g; Calcium chloride. 2H2O 9.7g, belongs to the drug group of peritoneal stool products.
Cases prescribed by doctors for drug treatment include:
Used to support treatment when patients have excess water, intoxication, electrolyte balance. Treatment of acute renal failure Treatment of chronic renal failure Used in cases where it is necessary to correct the acid-base balance. For the following cases, the drug is not indicated for prescription:
Patients with severe blood clots Patients with unstable blood circulation or blood pressure, need to apply other methods of extracorporeal dialysis.

2. Dosage and usage of Kydhaemo-3A

Absolutely do not use Kydhaemo-3A solution alone for hemodialysis. Before use, it is necessary to dilute the solution with other solutions such as: purified water, Kydheamo-2b solution in the following proportions: Kydheamo-3a 1 volume, purified water 34 volume and Kydheamo-2b solution. with 1.83 volumes.
Time of infiltration will depend on the patient's condition. Note: The drug is not used for injection or intravenous infusion.

3. Be careful when using Kydhaemo-3A

When using the drug, the patient should pay attention to the following points:
Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease or unstable or emerging heart need to be careful when using the drug. Before using it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is necessary to check the quality of the drug before use, only use the drug when the solution is clear, do not use the drug if the solution is discolored or contains solid particles. There are currently no reports or clinical studies regarding the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. You should consult your doctor before using the drug. Because hemodialysis will be carried out at a medical facility, the patient needs to be monitored during the hemodialysis process. Therefore, it is not recommended to drive a vehicle or operate machinery while using the drug.

5. Unwanted side effects

During hemodialysis can occur some undesirable reactions such as hypotension, nausea, vomiting, convulsive reactions, muscle cramps, ventilation obstruction.
In addition, patients may also experience some other less common side effects such as infection, bleeding or thrombosis in the infusion line.
Common long-term complications in hemodialysis patients such as: protein accumulation in the body, memory loss, aluminum accumulation, advanced atherosclerosis, severe kidney disease.

6. Drug interactions

There are currently no reports of drug interactions with Kydhaemo - 3A and other drugs.

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