Uses of Methopil

Methopil is a muscle relaxant pain reliever, increasing muscle tone. The drug is used in cases of acute and chronic pain. Find out more information about Methopil through the article below.

1. What is Methopil?

Methopil brand name drug of Methocarbamol, the drug is produced in the form of tablets, content of 500mg.
Methocarbamol can relieve musculoskeletal pain through a CNS-sedating mechanism by selectively inhibiting the central nervous system via neuronal mediation. From there can inhibit muscle contraction, reduce central pain, can reduce acute and chronic pain.

2. Uses of Methopil

Methopil has the effect of treating pain caused by skeletal muscle spasms such as:
Pain due to acute and chronic muscle tension; Pain due to sprain, due to trauma; Inflammatory diseases of the muscles, arthritis pain cases of unknown cause; Acute trauma related to bones and joints such as torticollis, muscle strains, joint sprains, bursitis.

3. Dosage - How to take Methopil

How to use: Methopil is taken orally. You can take the medicine with filtered water, carbonated water, fruit juice..., avoid alcohol and alcoholic drinks. Dosage: Take 1 tablet (500mg)/time, the maximum dose can be taken up to 3 tablets (500mg)/time, 4 times a day. The recommended starting dose for adults is 2 tablets (500mg), 6 hours apart. Dosage should not exceed 4g/day and should not be used continuously for 72 hours to treat fever without doctor's advice. Dosage of Methopil is changed depending on age, patient condition and tolerability of the patient. medicine. In some severe cases Methopil can be used for 4-6 months. Methopil is recommended for pain relief and muscle relaxation in elderly patients who should take a lower dose.
Methopil is used for people with liver and kidney disease who need to extend the interval between two doses of the drug.
Be careful not to exceed the allowable dose of Methopil. Discontinue the drug when the pain is relieved and the muscle spasms are gone.

4. Side effects of Methopil

Methopil has few side effects, but some cases may be encountered such as dizziness, nausea, poor appetite, digestive disorders ... In addition, Methopil can also cause some other rare side effects. such as allergies, urticaria, itching, rash, blue-black urine (will go away when the drug is stopped).

5. Notes when using Methopil

Avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages while taking Methopil. Do not use Methopil in cases of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. Do not use Methopil for patients with liver and kidney damage, patients with brain damage. Methopil should not be used in cases of coma or pre-coma; cases of muscle weakness or severe myasthenia gravis. Avoid taking Methopil in case of pregnant and lactating women. If you are using Methopil to treat a disease and become pregnant, you should immediately notify your treating doctor. Drug interactions may occur if Methopil is taken with: Methocarbamol, Barbiturates, anticholinergic drugs, drugs for digestive disorders, drugs for psychiatric disorders and drugs for severe myasthenia gravis. Methopil should be used with caution in lactating women. Be careful when using Methopil for machine operators, drivers... Above is information about Methopil drug, if you have any questions or want to consult more information about the drug, please contact your doctor/ pharmacist for the best answer.

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