Uses of Mibery

Mibery Gel 4% is prepared in the form of a topical gel with the main active ingredient being the antibiotic Erythromycin and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a drug belonging to the group of drugs that treat typical skin diseases and symptoms such as acne.

1. What is Mibery gel 4%? Uses of Mibery gel 4%

1.1. Ingredients of the drug Mibery gel 4% Each tube of Mibery gel 4% (15g) contains the following ingredients:
Active ingredient Erythromycin 4%: This is an antibiotic with good bacteriostatic effect. This active ingredient will inhibit the bacteria that cause skin diseases, reduce inflammation, reduce the nodules on the skin. The remaining excipients account for 96% such as Butylhydroxytoluene; Hydroxypropyl cellulose; Ethanol: helps dissolve sebum and aids in killing bacteria. 1.2. Pharmacodynamics of the drug Mibery gel 4% Mibery gel 4% for acne as topical application.
According to current knowledge, acne is related to many factors:
Increased sebum secretion caused by Androgen dependence; Sebaceous stasis caused by dyskeratosis, resulting in the formation of microcysts and comedones; Inflammatory response is caused by saprophytic bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermis... and some irritating components of sebum, causing nodules, papules, and pustules. The antibiotic Erythromycin acts directly on the inflammatory response. Erythromycin acts on bacteria that are concentrated in hair follicles.
Although the mechanism of action is not very clear, there are many studies that have demonstrated that the topical use of the antibiotic erythromycin reduces the amount of free fatty acids causing irritation in the lipid layer in the skin. skin surface.
1.3. Pharmacokinetics of the drug Mibery gel 4%: Absorption: The antibiotic Erythromycin is only effective when it is still in the base form. When administered orally, the base form is inactivated by gastric acid. The base form is very bitter, insoluble in water, so it is often used in the form of salts and esters (such as Erythromycin stearate, Erythromycin ethylsuccinate...) or prepared in the form of intestinal soluble. Mibery gel 4% is absorbed orally and rectally. Distribution: Mibery gel 4% is 70-90% bound to plasma proteins, widely distributed in tissues and body fluids, including middle ear fluid. semen, prostate gland, placenta or breast milk. Metabolism: Mibery gel 4% is metabolised by the liver. Elimination ability: Mibery gel 4% is eliminated from the body through feces. 1.4. Effect of the drug Mibery gel 4% Antibiotics Erythromycin is a common antibiotic, the structure carries the Macrolide skeleton. The most common effect is bacteriostatic and bactericidal against some highly sensitive bacteria, which act by binding to the bacteria's 50S - Ribosome, thereby inhibiting the protein synthesis process. Broad antibacterial spectrum:
Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus Anthracis, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium Diphtheriae, Listeria Monocytogenes,... Gram-negative bacteria such as Bordetella spp, Flavobacterium, Helicobacter Pyloridis, Campylobacter Jejuni,... Some other bacterial strains such as Rickettsia spp., Spirochete, Actinomyces, Chlamydia,... Erythromycin antibiotics are used with many different routes for the purpose of killing bacteria and treating acne.

2. What diseases does Mibery gel 4% treat?

Treatment of acne, especially inflammatory pustules. Respiratory, skin, soft tissue or urinary-genital system infections Prophylaxis of acute rheumatic fever (replacement of penicillin antibiotics).

3. Usage and dosage of Mibery gel 4%

3.1. Dosage of Mibery gel 4% Depending on the case of severe or mild disease, you will be prescribed the appropriate dose by your doctor. Usually, the therapeutic dose can be divided as follows:
The average number of times of application is 2 times/day; The average duration of treatment is 1 to 3 months. 3.2. How to use Mibery gel 4% Step 1: You need to wash the infected skin area before applying Mibery gel 4%. Step 2: You need to wash your hands clean and dry before contacting with Mibery gel 4% cream. Step 3: You need to apply a thin layer on the acne-affected skin. Use Mibery gel 4% by applying it to the skin. The time to use the drug is in the morning and evening, regardless of the meal because it is used on the skin. Clean the skin to be treated, take an appropriate amount of gel and then apply a thin layer on the skin surface. 3.3. In case of missed dose/overdose Mibery gel 4% In case of missed dose: If you forget to apply a dose, apply it immediately at the next dose, do not stop treatment. The treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, acne with topical cream needs to be persistent, do not skip doses. You should not apply more than once in a row or apply the medicine thicker if you have missed a dose before. Note that, when using the drug in large doses, the condition of the disease will not improve faster. On the other hand, you may experience unwanted effects such as skin redness, peeling, burning pain, discomfort, ... When you encounter this condition, you should continue to use it in accordance with the dose prescribed by your doctor.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Mibery gel 4%

Mibery Gel 4% may cause some unwanted effects as follows:
Dry skin; Skin becomes sensitive; Itchy; Scaly skin; Erythema; Oily skin; Burning sensation on the surface of the skin. The above signs and symptoms may disappear if the drug is stopped or continued. However, you need to inform the treating doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing so that the doctor can easily monitor and suggest an effective and reasonable treatment.

5. Interactions of drugs Mibery gel 4

Drug interaction is a phenomenon where the drug you are taking has a reaction with some other drugs. This reaction will cause a number of phenomena such as: reducing the drug's ability to work, losing its ability to work, causing irritation to the skin,...
If combined with Mibery Gel 4 % with other drugs, you need to be cautious. Mibery gel 4% will interact with some of the following pharmaceutical chemicals:
Alcoholic preparations: This combination causes skin wear, irritation or dryness. Skin preparations containing the active ingredient Clindamycin: when combined with Mibery gel 4%, there will be competition for binding on the 50S ribosomal subunit. The manufacturer recommends that Mibery not be used in combination with other products containing Clindamycin.

6. Some notes when using Mibery gel 4

6.1. Precautions when using Mibery gel 4% When using Mibery gel 4%, some of the following subjects need to be carefully considered:
Children: Children should have indications for drug users who are children. and doctor's prescription before use. Do not self-medicate this medicine to treat children. Use for pregnant women and lactating mothers: There is not enough information and reports on the safety of using the drug for these subjects. Be careful and consult your treating doctor, professional pharmacist before use. People who drive and use machines: Mibery gel 4% does not affect the ability to drive and use machines, so it can be used. 6.2. Other Special Notes Read the instructions carefully before taking Mibery gel 4% . Do not use Mibery gel 4% with signs of label change, gel discoloration, or physical change. Can be combined with other antibiotics to increase the effectiveness of acne treatment. When further details are required, contact your treating physician or qualified pharmacist. Hopefully, the sharing about Mibery will help you better understand how to use it, how to use it to ensure safety and good health.

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