Uses of Molitux

Molitoux medicine 50mg with the main active ingredient is Eprazinon Dihydrochloride 50mg and other excipients in sufficient quantity. This is a drug that acts on the respiratory tract. The drug is used to thin phlegm, loosen phlegm, treat cough, and ease breathing. Molitoux 50mg is available as a film-coated tablet.

1. What is Molitux?

Drug group: Drugs acting on the respiratory tract
Dosage form: Film-coated tablets
Packaging: Box of 2 blisters x 15 film-coated tablets
Content: 50 mg
Film-coated tablets. Molitux medicine has the effect of thinning and loosening phlegm. This is because the active ingredient Eprazinon binds to the Mucin receptor, leaving room for inflammatory proteins to attach.
Medicines that treat cough. The drug works to ease breathing thanks to its antispasmodic effect on the bronchi.

2. Effect of drug Molitux

Molitoux medicine 50mg is indicated for use in the following cases:
Dilute phlegm, loosen phlegm to treat cough, open airways and ease breathing: Treatment of inflammatory symptoms in acute and chronic bronchitis, nasopharyngitis accompanied by a lot of phlegm, thick sputum.

3. Usage and dosage of drug Molitux

How to use: Molitux drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets and used directly orally.
Treatment dose: Adults 3 - 6 tablets / day, divided into 3 times a day.
Duration of treatment: Not more than 5 days unless specifically directed by the treating doctor.
Note: The above therapeutic dose of Molitux is for reference only. The specific treatment dose depends on the health status and progress of the disease of each specific person. To get the right therapeutic dose, you need to consult your treating doctor or medical professional.
In case of drug overdose, the user is at risk of convulsions. In case of overdose, it is necessary to bring the user to medical facilities quickly. Doctors will prescribe treatment according to the signs and symptoms of each specific case.
If you forget to take a dose, you need to take Molitoux 50 mg as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. You need to note that absolutely do not take the medicine with double the prescribed dose.

4. Undesirable effects when treating Molitux drugs

When using Molitoux 50 mg medicine, you may experience unwanted effects (ADRs).
Digestive disorders. Rarely causes skin allergies, headache, dizziness, drowsiness. Inform your doctor of any unwanted effects you have experienced while using the drug. Instructions on how to handle unwanted effects during the use of Molitux. When experiencing side effects of Molitux, you need to stop using it and notify your doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

5. Molitux drug interactions

Do not share Molitux with cough suppressants or bronchodilators, as it may reduce the effect of the drug. Do not use Molitux in combination with drugs metabolized by the liver because it may affect the therapeutic effect of Molitux.

6. Some notes when using Molitux

6.1. Contraindications of Molitux Drug Molitoux 50mg is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with sensitive or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. History of having convulsions. The mother is in the process of breastfeeding. 6.2. Use caution when using Molitux Patients with thick sputum, pus-filled sputum or fever.
Chronic lung or bronchial disease: Molitux contains lactose, patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase enzyme deficiency or who are malabsorption of glucose-galactose should not use this medicine.
Ability to drive and use machines: There have been no studies on the effects of Molitux on the ability to operate machines, drive vehicles, work in rough terrain or at heights and other cases. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded while using the drug, do not operate machinery or drive a vehicle.
Pregnancy: Molitux is only used during pregnancy when absolutely necessary, consult your doctor if you find out that you are pregnant while using it.
Lactation: Molitux should not be used during lactation.
6.3. How to store Molitux You need to store the drug at a temperature below 30 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight. Keep Molitux out of the reach of children and pets in your family
Above is information about the drug and how to use Molitux. However, this information cannot completely replace the instructions of the treating physician. Hope the above information is useful to you.

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