Uses of Nacantuss

Nacantuss belongs to the group of drugs acting on the respiratory tract, used to treat diseases such as dry cough, cough caused by flu, cough caused by allergies. Nacantuss is to be used under the direction of a doctor.

1. What is Nacantuss?

Nacantuss drug has the main active ingredients Guaifenesin 50mg, Dextromethorphan hydrobromide 5mg, Chlorpheniramine maleate 1mg and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of oral powder, packed in boxes, each box is 30 packs x 2g

2. Effects of Nacantuss

Mechanism of action: With the main ingredients being 3 active ingredients: Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Chlorpheniramine, Nacantuss medicine has the effect of all 3 of these active ingredients:
Active ingredient Guaifenesin has the effect of helping to loosen phlegm and smooth the respiratory tract The ability to breathe becomes easier, helping to promote the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract. Dextromethorphan hydrobromide active ingredient acts on the cough center in the medulla oblongata to help relieve cough. Chlorpheniramine maleate has an antagonistic effect on histamine by competitive mechanism by inhibiting H1 receptors, helping to reduce allergies in the respiratory tract or skin. 2.1. Uses - indications for Nacantuss Nacantuss is indicated for use in the following cases:
expectorant, cough, clear airway and reduce allergic conditions in the respiratory tract. Seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis. Bronchitis or laryngitis. 2.2. Contraindications Nacantuss Nacatuss drug is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People who are allergic or hypersensitive to the active ingredients Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Chlorpheniramine contained in the drug. People who are being treated with MAOIs or have just stopped MAO for about 2 weeks. People suffering from respiratory failure. Patients with prostate enlargement, bladder neck obstruction. Do not give Nacantuss to children under 2 years of age. Note: Contraindications to the use of Nacantuss should be understood as absolute, ie not for any reason that the contraindications are flexible to use the drug.

3. Usage and dosage of Nacantuss

How to use:
Nacantuss is prepared in the form of a powder for oral administration, so it should be used directly orally. The user dissolves the drug with a sufficient amount of boiled and cooled filtered water, about 5-15m. Avoid combining with other liquids such as alcohol, beer, carbonated drinks that affect the active ingredients in the drug. Then drink the entire mixture of the solution that has just been mixed, drink it immediately after mixing, do not leave it for too long. Dosage:
For children from 2 to 6 years old: Use 1 pack/time x 3-4 times/day. Time to drink 6-8 hours apart. For children from 6 to 12 years old: Use 2 sachets/time x 3-4 times/day. Time to drink 6-8 hours apart. For children over 12 years old and adults: Use 3 packs/time. The duration of using Nacantuss for treatment lasts from 5-10 days.
In case of missed dose: The missed dose can be used as soon as you remember, however if it is too close to the time for the next scheduled dose of Nacantuss, skip the missed dose and continue taking it as usual. Users absolutely must not use double the number of doses to make up for the forgotten dose, to avoid leading to drug overdose.
In case of overdose: The patient needs to inform the doctor about the amount of medicine used and the current condition of the body to get a timely solution before any bad symptoms occur.

4. Side effects of the drug Nacantuss

During the use of Nacantuss, in addition to the main use of the drug, users may also experience some unwanted symptoms such as: Fast heart rate, body fatigue, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness. , nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, impaired mobility.
If during the use of the drug, the patient experiences the symptoms listed above or any other unusual symptoms suspected of using the drug, it is necessary to notify the doctor for advice on reducing the dose or how to handle it. best fit.

5. Interactions with Nacantuss

Patients should note some interactions between Nacantuss with other drugs such as:
Active ingredient Dextromethorphan in the drug can cause interactions with MAO drugs, central nervous system depressants,... Because these drugs can increase the inhibitory effect of the central nervous system Combined with cytochrome P4502D6 enzymes: Leads to a decrease in dextromethorphan metabolized in the liver, an increase in serum concentration, overdose, toxicity for humans. use. Active ingredient Chlorpheniramine maleate: Combined with MAOIs, it prolongs the anti-secretory effect of the acetylcholine active ingredient of antihistamines, reduces allergic reactions of the respiratory tract. Note: In order to minimize the unfortunate interactions that occur between Nacantuss and other drugs, patients need to inform their doctor about medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals to get the best results. guidelines for the most appropriate dosage combination.

6. Some notes when using Nacantuss

Users should keep some notes in mind while using Nacantuss as follows:
Patients should not use Nacantuss together with drugs that depress the central nervous system because it may increase the inhibitory effect on the nervous system. . When using the drug for a long time, children are at risk of impaired respiratory function, metabolic disorders. The use of Nacantuss should be considered in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding because it may have an adverse effect on the baby. Be careful when using the drug for people who are driving, train, or operating machinery because the drug can cause unwanted symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness,... The above is all Information about the drug Nacantuss. Before using Nacantuss, patients should consult a pharmacist or a specialist to use the drug safely and effectively.

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