Uses of Panticlar

Panticlar drug belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Panticlar is used under the direction of a doctor.

1. What is Panticlar?

Panticlar medicine has the main active ingredients Pantoprazole, Tinidazole, Clarithromycin and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, packed into boxes of 7 blisters, each blister includes 2 pantoprazol tablets, 2 tinidazol tablets and 2 clarithromycin tablets.

2. Uses of Panticlar

Mechanism of action: the drug helps to specifically and irreversibly inhibit the proton pump because it has a selective effect on the gastric cell wall, so Panticlar has a faster and more effective treatment effect than other drugs with a healing rate. ulcers can reach 95% after 8 weeks of use. In addition, the drug rarely affects gastric volume, pepsin secretion, gastric endogenous factor, and gastric contractility.
2.1 Uses - indications Panticlar is indicated for use in the following cases:
People with peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease Treatment of Helicobacter pylori virus eradication in people with stomach ulcers duodenal ulcer to heal ulcers and prevent recurrence 2.2 Contraindications Panticlar is contraindicated for use in cases: People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to the ingredients Pantoprazole, Tinidazole, Clarithromycin contained in the drug. .

3. How to use and dose Panticar

How to use: Panticlar is prepared in the form of tablets that should be taken orally directly with a sufficient amount of water. Avoid using with other liquids such as alcohol, carbonated drinks or chewing, crushing the tablet so as not to affect many active ingredients in the medicine. Patients should take the drug 1 hour before breakfast. If taking medicine to treat Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the patient needs to take the second Panticlar tablet before dinner.
Recommended dosage for people with peptic ulcer disease, who are positive for Helicobacter pylori virus need to carry out the eradication of bacteria with combination therapy. Patients can refer to the following combination schemes:
Regimen 1: take 1 tablet of Pantoprazole + 1000mg of amoxicillin + 500mg of Clarithromycin / 2 times / day, used continuously for 7 days. Regimen 2: take 1 tablet of Pantoprazole + 500mg of Metronidazol + 500mg of Clarithromycin / 2 times / day, used continuously for 7 days. Regimen 3: take 1 tablet of Pantoprazole + 1000mg of amoxicillin + 500mg of Metronidazol / 2 times / day, continuously for 7 days. Dosage for people with severe liver failure: need to reduce the dose to 1 tablet, 2 times a day. In addition, patients should be regularly monitored liver enzymes during the course of drug use. If liver enzyme levels increase, the drug should be discontinued immediately. Do not use more than 40mg Panticlar / day for people with age or kidney failure.
In case of missed dose: the patient should not take a make up dose later in the day, skip the missed dose and continue taking the usual dose the next day during the course of treatment.
In case of overdose: There are currently no studies on the symptoms of an overdose of Panticlar in humans. However, if the patient discovers that he or she has overdosed on a drug and develops unusual symptoms that are suspected to be due to the drug, the patient should inform the doctor about the amount of medicine he has taken and the current state of his body. body to be handled using normal and safe detoxification rules.

4. Side effects of the drug Panticlar

During the use of the drug, in addition to the main use that Panticlar brings, users may also experience some unwanted symptoms as follows:
Common symptoms: headache, mild diarrhea Symptoms Uncommon: nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain, flatulence, dizziness, skin rash, pruritus Rare symptoms: fever, thrombophlebitis, edema Note: If the user experiences the following symptoms: above or any other symptoms, the doctor should be informed to obtain advice on treatment or to change the dosage of the drug.

5. Interaction with the drug Panticlar

When using Panticlar, users should be aware of some interactions between the drug and other drugs as follows:
With drugs whose absorption depends on pH such as ketoconazole: Pantoprazole may cause a decrease in the absorption of the drug. these drugs. Interacts with drugs such as carbamazepine, caffeine, diazepam, digoxin, diclofenac, metoprolol, phenprocoumon, phenytoin, warfarin and oral contraceptives. Do not interact with antacids for stomach pain when combined. Do not interact with antibiotics such as clarithromycin, metronidazol, amoxicillin when used simultaneously in the treatment of eradicating Helicobacter pylori virus. How to handle : To minimize the interaction between Panticlar drug with other drugs, avoid unfortunate interactions. Patients should inform their doctor about all drugs and supplements that they are using to get the most effective treatment.

6. Some notes when using Panticlar

Before using Panticlar, the patient should pay attention to the following issues:
Before using Paticlar, the patient needs to exclude the risk of malignancy. Caution when using the drug for people with severe liver failure For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, use should be limited, only used when absolutely necessary when the benefit of Panticlar medicine. bring more risks to ensure the safety for the health of both mother and baby. Hopefully, the information shared above will help users understand that Panticlar is a drug to treat peptic ulcers, effectively kill Helicobacter pylori if you know how to use the right dose and right procedure. determined.
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