Uses of Risdontab 2

Risdontab 2 is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, the main active ingredient is Risperidon 2mg. It is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia, depression, guilt, anxiety associated with schizophrenia, mania associated with bipolar disorder, behavioral disorders in patients with dementia, autism in children and adolescents.

1. What does Risdontab 2 do?

Risdontab 2 belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, is made in the form of film-coated tablets and has the main ingredient Risperidon 2mg.
Risdontab 2 is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia, depression, guilt, anxiety associated with schizophrenia, mania associated with bipolar disorder, and bipolar disorder. behavior in patients with dementia, autism in children and adolescents.

2. Dosage, how to use Risdontab 2

Risdontab 2 is taken without regard to meals. Dosage depends on the type and severity of the disease.
Treatment of schizophrenia:
Adults: Initial dose 2mg/day, may increase to 4mg on the second day. Most patients respond well to 4-6 mg/day, maintenance or dose changes may occur depending on individual response. The drug can be taken once or divided into two times a day. Studies have shown that doses above 10 mg/day are no more effective than lower doses, and may also increase the risk of side effects. Do not exceed 16mg/day because safety has not been tested. Elderly: Initial dose is 0.5mg x 2 times/day, can be increased to a maximum of 2mg/day Risperidone depending on patient response Manic bipolar disorder:
Initial dose is 2mg/time , once a day, if necessary increase the dose should be increased by 1mg/day every 24 hours. The effectiveness of the drug is recorded in the range of 1-6mg/day. Behavioral disturbances in dementia patients:
Start with 0.25mg twice daily, may increase by 0.25mg for each dose depending on the individual patient. The optimal dose for most patients with dementia is 0.5 mg twice daily, with only a few patients requiring doses above 1 mg twice daily to be effective. Once the target dose is reached, the frequency can be reduced to once a day. Autism in Children and Adolescents
Dosage of Risperidone must be prescribed specifically according to the individual patient's needs and response to therapy. The route of drug administration is indicated in the following table:

For children weighing over 40kg, a higher dose may be needed, the maximum dose is 3.5mg/day. In pediatric patients with renal and hepatic impairment, the initial and subsequent dose must be halved compared to other children, and the time to the target dose should also be slower and more cautious.

3. Overdose and treatment

Overdose with Risdontab 2 can cause the main symptoms including somnolence, sedation, tachycardia, hypotension and extrapyramidal symptoms, more seriously QT prolongation, convulsions and cardiac-respiratory arrest. .
Treatment by ensuring respiratory circulation, adequate oxygen supply. Gastric lavage and activated charcoal or enema can be given when detected early. Closely monitor vital signs, especially cardiovascular, including electrocardiogram. Currently, there is no specific antidote, can only support with drugs, fluids, in case of severe extrapyramidal symptoms, anticholinergic drugs should be used.

4. Contraindications to the drug Risdontab 2

Risdontab 2 is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the drug components.

5. Drug interactions

Caution when combined with drugs acting on the central nervous system and alcohol. Antagonizes the effects of dopamine agonists such as levodopa. Enhances the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs. Caution should be exercised in combination with drugs that prolong the QT interval. Concomitant administration of carbamazepine and other CYP 3A4 inducers reduces the antipsychotic activity of risperidone in plasma. Increased risk of death in elderly patients with dementia when given with the diuretic furosemide.

6. Side effects of Risdontab 2

Some possible side effects when taking Risdontab include:
Common: Pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory tract inflammation, weight gain, appetite, sleep disturbances, restlessness, tremors, impaired vision decreased, tachycardia, increased blood pressure. Uncommon: Respiratory tract infections, low white blood cell count, hyperglycemia, confusion, nightmares, dizziness, tinnitus, pruritus, urticaria, urinary frequency or urinary retention. Rare: Eye movement disorders, venous thrombosis. In summary, Risdontab 2 belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, is made in the form of film-coated tablets and has the main ingredient of Risperidone 2mg. To ensure safety for health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take Risdontab 2 exactly as directed by their doctor.

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