Uses of Salbuboston

Salbuboston is a prescription drug containing the active ingredient Salbutamol, indicated in the treatment of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Salbuboston through the article below.

1. What are the effects of Salbuboston?

Salbubuston is prepared in the form of tablets containing 2mg of the active ingredient Salbutamol.
Active ingredient Sabutamol belongs to the group of beta agonists - 2 bronchodilator effects in normal people and patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) after taking the drug. Salbutamol also increases the clearance of mucous membranes. Beta-2 agonist of Salbutamol causes wide metabolic effects such as increase in free fatty acids, increase in lactate, sugar, insulin, and decrease in serum potassium. Salbutamol acts on skeletal and smooth muscle, including uterine smooth muscle relaxation, bronchodilation and tremor. The smooth muscle relaxant effect of the drug is dose dependent and is thought to be through the Adenyl Cyclase - cyclic AMP system, which binds to the Beta - Adrenergic receptors at the cell membrane leading to the conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP, thereby causing activating Protein Kinase and activating phosphorylation of proteins, ultimately increasing the binding of intracellular calcium; Reduced ionized intracellular calcium inhibits actin-myosin binding and relaxes smooth muscle.
Salbuboston is indicated in the following cases:
In respiratory medicine:
Respiratory function test; Treatment of bronchial asthma, prevention of exertional bronchospasm; Treatment of malignant asthma, severe bronchial asthma, reversible airway obstruction; Treatment of chronic bronchitis, bronchial dilation. In obstetrics: Salbuboston is indicated for a short time in pregnant women in the early stages of labor when no complications have occurred during the 24-33 weeks of pregnancy. The use of Salbuboston is intended to delay the time of delivery to allow time for corticosteroid therapy to work on fetal lung development or for the mother to go to a neonatal intensive care unit.

2. Dosage of the drug Salbuboston

Salbuboston dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's condition. Some recommendations on the dosage of Salbuboston are as follows:
In respiratory medicine:
Adults: Take 2-4mg/time x 3-4 times/day. In some cases, the dose can be increased to 8mg/time. For elderly patients, patients sensitive to beta-2 stimulants should start with a dose of 2mg/time x 3-4 times/day; Children from 2 to 6 years old: Take 1-2 mg/time x 3 - 4 times/day; Children from 6 years and older: Take 2mg/time x 3-4 times/day; Prophylaxis of exercise-induced asthma: Adults take 4mg 2 hours before vigorous exercise. In obstetrics:
For patients in early labor: The usual dose of Salbuboston is 16mg/day divided into 4 oral doses. During treatment, the dose can be adjusted depending on the patient's clinical progress (note that the patient's heart rate should not exceed 120-130 beats/min; For postpartum uterine contractions: Take 8mg/day divided into 4 times a day.

3. Salbuboston side effects

Salbuboston medicine can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Tremor, restlessness; Other side effects: nervousness, heart palpitations, headache, cramps, insomnia, weakness, nausea, dizziness; Rare: Angioedema, urticaria, rash, oropharyngeal edema. Patients should stop taking Salbuboston and inform their doctor of any side effects encountered during treatment.

4. Notes when using the drug Salbuboston

Contraindicated to use Salbuboston drug in the following cases:
The patient is allergic to Salbutamol or any of its ingredients; The patient threatened to have a miscarriage in the first 3-6 months; Heavy bleeding in the uterus; Amniotic fluid infection; People with severe heart disease; The patient became pregnant several times. Caution when using Salbuboston:
In the case of treatment with Salbuboston, the usual therapeutic dose, but the effect is poor, it is often due to the worsening of asthma symptoms. for re-examination. Salbuboston can cause a positive doping test in athletes. Patients with ventricular arrhythmias, hyperthyroidism, obstructive cardiomyopathy, hypertension, coronary circulation disorders, diabetes mellitus, being treated with MAOIs or beta-blockers should be cautious when taking Salbuboston. . Pregnant patients treated with bronchospasm with Salbutamol should be cautious because the drug acts on uterine contractions during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Patients treated with Salbuboston for premature labor are at risk of pulmonary edema, so fluid retention and cardiopulmonary function should be monitored. The dose of medicine used in obstetrics is relatively high, so it is easy to cause unwanted effects for the mother, so the drug should be used under the supervision of medical staff.

5. Drug interactions

Salbuboston may cause some of the following drug interactions:
Antagonistic effect when used with Propranolol and other Beta channel blockers; The effect is increased when used concurrently with Xanthine. Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having an effect and reducing the therapeutic effect of Salbuboston, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment, patients need to inform their doctor about drugs and foods that are being treated. used before taking Salbuboston.
Above is information about uses, doses and precautions when using Salbuboston. Salbuboston is a prescription drug, so patients should not use it on their own, but need to consult a doctor before using to ensure safety for health.

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