Uses of Samincaps

Samincaps is a drug used to reduce knee arthritis and osteoarthritis, with the main ingredient being Glucosamine (in the form of 6 glucosamine hydrochloride), 250mg content. The drug is prepared in capsule form, packed in a box of 10 blisters, each blister of 10 tablets or a bottle of 100 tablets. So what is Samincaps, please read the following information:

1. What are the effects of Samincaps?

What are the effects of Samincaps? Samincaps has the main ingredient is Glucosamine, the effect of the drug is due to the pharmacological mechanism of the drug contained in the drug.
Glucosamine stimulates the cells of the joint cartilage to increase the synthesis and polymerization process, inhibit the enzyme involved in the destruction of joint cartilage, reduce the loss of calcium in the bones, reduce the number of free radicals.

2. Indications and contraindications when taking Samincaps

2.1. Indications Samincaps is indicated in:
Pain relief and treatment of mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis. Treatment of degenerative osteoarthritis diseases including degenerative knee disease, primary and secondary degeneration of hip, spine, shoulder periarthritis ... Combination drug in the treatment of osteoporosis, fracture, joint atrophy, acute and chronic arthritis. 2.2. Contraindications Do not use the drug when the patient is allergic to Glucosamine, an excipient in the drug. Children under 18 years old, pregnant women, young children, and breastfeeding women should not use the drug because there is no study on the safety of Glucosamine in treatment.

3. Dosage and how to use Samincaps

How to use: The drug is used in oral form, patients should take Samincaps with a full glass of water, should drink during or after meals, avoid using on an empty stomach away from meals.
Dosage: Adults take 5 to 6 tablets a day, divided into 3 times.
Each course of treatment lasts from 2 to 3 consecutive months for the drug to maximize its effect.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Samincaps

Side effects of the drug are usually mild, rarely clinically. However, if the patient experiences dangerous effects, the drug must be discontinued and the doctor informed.

5. Notes when using Samincaps

When taking Samincaps you need to keep a few things in mind:
Inform your doctor about the drugs you are taking, because the following drugs can interact with glucosamine including: Acetaminophen, warfarin, antidiabetic drugs diabetes and some anti-cancer drugs. This interaction often brings bad effects. The drug can be used in combination with 1200mg/day chondroitin to increase its therapeutic effect. Pregnant women, young children, and nursing mothers should not use Samincaps. Use caution while taking the drug while you are driving in person or operating machinery. Above is an article about Samincaps drug. For peace of mind in the treatment and use of the drug, you should consult with a specialist doctor. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of samincaps, please consult an experienced doctor, pharmacist, and expert for advice and answers.
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