Uses of Spacmarizine

Spacmarizine contains the active ingredient Alverin citrate, which is indicated in the treatment of spasmodic pain due to digestive and biliary dysfunction, spasmodic pain in the urinary-genital region... Note when using Spacmarizine through the article below.

1. What is the effect of Spacmarizine?

“What is Spacmarizine?” This is a drug containing the active ingredient Alverin citrate 40mg is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of symptoms of spasmodic pain due to digestive and biliary dysfunction; Symptomatic treatment of spasmodic pain in the urinary-genital region such as colonic diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysmenorrhea, labor pain, urinary tract pain, renal colic... 2. Dosage Spacmarizine medicine Spacmarizine is prepared in the form of tablets, patients should take the drug with filtered water, drink the whole pill, limit breaking or crushing the medicine when using. The dose used depends on the age and condition of the patient.
The recommended dose of Spacmarizine in adults is 1-3 tablets/time x 3 times/day. For children, the difference compared with adults in terms of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, side effects of drugs... are factors that need attention. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug in the treatment of children.

3. Spacmarizine side effects

Spacmarizine 40mg may cause some side effects during treatment, side effects can be relieved after stopping treatment with the drug. However, in some cases, symptoms may worsen or become more severe.
Some side effects are as follows:
Headache; Nausea; Itching, allergic reactions; Dizzy . In case of experiencing unwanted effects, patients should stop using Spacmarizine and immediately notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.
4. Note when using Spacmarizine 4.1. Spacmarizine is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients are sensitive to Alverin or to any of the components of Spacmarizine; Children under 12 years old; People with loss of colon tone; Patients with paralytic ileus, intestinal obstruction. 4.2. Precautions when using Spacmarizine Be careful when using Spacmarizine in the following cases:
Pregnant women; Women who are breastfeeding; Patients treated with Spacmarizine for a period of 2 weeks but did not improve their symptoms, should stop using the drug and notify the treating doctor for a review of the diagnosis and appointment of other drugs.

5. Drug interactions

Spacmarizine may interact with some drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements. Interactions change how the drug works, reduce its effects, and increase the risk of side effects. Therefore, patients need to inform the treating doctor of all drugs and functional foods used together before being treated with Spacmarizine.
In some cases, the patient may be asked to stop taking the concomitant medication or adjust the dose, frequency of use or replace it with another treatment drug.
In summary, Spacmarizine is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of spasmodic pain due to digestive and biliary dysfunction, spasmodic pain in the urinary-genital region... To use the drug safely and effectively, Patients should follow the doctor's prescription.

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