Uses of Spiranisol

Spiranisol is indicated for the treatment of dental and oral infections (tooth abscess, inflammation, infection of the salivary glands), prevention of local infections after oral and dental surgery. So how to use Spiranisol? What precautions should be taken when using this drug? Let's find out the necessary information about Spiranisol through the article below

1. What is Spiranisol?

Drug group: Antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral, antifungal medicine
Dosage form: Film-coated tablet
Ingredients: Each Spiranisol tablet contains:
Spiramycin 750,000 IU. Metronidazole 125mg. Excipients are just enough.

2. Uses of Spiranisol

2.1 Effects of the drug Spiranisol Ingredients Spiramycin - an antibiotic belonging to the Macrolide group. The mechanism of action of Spiramycin is to act on the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome and prevent the bacteria from synthesizing proteins. As a result, Spiramycin has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria at the stage of cell division.
Ingredients Metronidazol is also an antibiotic. This substance is reduced by bacterial nitroreductase to toxic intermediates. These substances bind to the helix structure of the DNA molecule, stopping the replication process, eventually causing the cell to die. Metronidazole has a broad spectrum of activity, active against most anaerobic bacteria and many types of protozoa.
2.2 Indications Spiranisol is indicated for the treatment of:
Infections of the teeth - mouth: tooth abscess, inflammation, cellulitis around the jawbone, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, gland inflammation parotid, inflammation under the jaw. Prophylactic treatment of local infectious complications after dental - oral surgery. 2.3 Usage - Dosage Dosage:
Adults: 2 tablets/time x 2-3 times/day.
Children from 10 to 15 years old: 1 tablet/time x 3 times/day.
Children from 6 to 10 years old: 1 tablet/time x 2 times/day.
How to use:
The drug is used orally, take it with a glass of water. Do not chew the medicine. The medicine should be taken with meals.

3. Drug interactions

The drug contains Acetyl Spiramycin, so it should not be used simultaneously with oral contraceptives because of the loss of effectiveness of birth control pills. Drugs containing Metronidazole: + When used concurrently with Disulfiram, it causes neurotoxic effects such as psychosis, confusion.
+ Increases the toxicity of oral anticoagulants (such as warfarin) and increases the risk of bleeding by reducing hepatic catabolism. When used in combination, it is necessary to regularly check the level of Prothrombin, adjust the dose of anticoagulants.
+ Increases the effect of vecuronium (muscle relaxant) when taken together.
+ When used concurrently with Lithium increases the concentration of Lithium in the blood, causing toxicity.
+ Increases toxicity of fluorouracil by reducing clearance.
+ When used in combination with alcohol causes Antabuse effect (heat, vomiting, vomiting, heart palpitations).

4. Spiranisol side effects

Digestive disorders : Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Allergic reactions: urticaria. Metallic taste in the mouth, glossitis, stomatitis. Moderate leukopenia, which is reversible upon discontinuation of the drug. Rare and associated with prolonged treatment: dizziness, loss of coordination, ataxia, paresthesia, sensory and motor polyneuritis. Urinary: Urine is reddish brown. Inform your doctor about other undesirable effects encountered while taking the drug.

5. Notes when using Spiranisol

Do not use Spiranisol in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to drug components. The first three months of pregnancy. Breastfeeding. Children under 15 years old. Note/Caution:
Caution should be exercised when used in patients with suspected gastric ulcer, ileitis or chronic colitis. Film-coated tablets, which are released slowly in the body, are toxic to the elderly or slow bowel movements. Do not take medicine while lying down. Use in pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant women: In animals, metronidazole is not teratogenic and not toxic to the fetus. In a study on many pregnant women using Metronidazole in the first 3 months, there were no cases of malformations. Spiramycin crosses the placenta but the concentration of the drug in the placental blood is lower than in the mother's blood, Spiramycin does not cause harm to the pregnant woman.
Lactating women: Spiramycin and Metronidazol both pass into breast milk, avoid using the drug while breastfeeding.

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