Uses of Talispenem

Talispenem is a drug belonging to the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs. The drug is often used in the treatment of pathologies such as abdominal infections, endocarditis, sepsis,... The following article provides detailed information about Talispenem, please read for reference.

1. What is Talispenem?

Talispenem is a drug belonging to the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs. The drug has the main ingredients: Imipenem monohydrate 0.5g and Cilastatin sodium 0.5g. The drug is prepared in the form of powder for injection, the content is 1g per vial, 1 box has 1 vial.
Imipenem is an antibiotic belonging to the betalactam group, the drug has a bactericidal effect with a very broad spectrum by inhibiting the biosynthesis of the bacterial cell wall. Cilastatin is not an antibiotic, but it inhibits an enzyme called Dehydropeptidase, which reduces the effect of Imipenem, so combining these two active ingredients together for the purpose of prolonging bactericidal effect of Imipenem.
After intravenous infusion, the concentration of Talispenem in the blood reaches a maximum after 20 minutes, in the blood about 20% of the drug is bound to plasma proteins. The drug is widely distributed in most organ tissues and body fluids. Talispenem is eliminated by the kidneys, the half-life is about 1 hour in adults with normal renal function, in people with renal failure this can be up to 2.9 to 4 hours.

2. What are the effects of Talispenem?

Talispenem is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
In case of bacteremia. Endocarditis pathology. Abdominal infections. Lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, .. Gynecological infectious diseases. Urinary tract infections. Cases of infections in muscles - bones - joints. Skin and soft tissue infections. In cases of nosocomial infections. In addition, the drug is also used in cases of bacterial infections caused by mixed bacteria for which narrower-spectrum antibiotics have failed to treat. Talispenem should not be used in the following cases:
People with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the ingredients of Talispenem. Do not use the drug for lactating women and young children (under 3 years old).

3. Dosage - how to take Talispenem

3.1. Talispenem is used intravenously, not talispenem intramuscularly. Only qualified medical staff can perform the infusion operation for you:
First, use 10ml of the drug solution that can be 0.9% Sodium chloride or 5% Dextrose into the Talispenem vial. Then add the resulting mixture to at least 100ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose to dilute to infusion. Take another 10ml of the diluted solution, pump it into the vial, shake it well, then pump it back into the infusion bottle. Shake the bottle well to make the solution clear, then transfer to the patient. Do not give infusion when the solution is cloudy, do not use undiluted drug mixture for infusion. The concentration of the diluted drug should not exceed 5 mg/ml. 3.2. Dosage Talispenem is used according to the doctor's prescription, you can refer to the manufacturer's recommended dose below:
In case of continuous intravenous infusion: The recommended dose is 500mg infused over 30 minutes or 1g infusion for 1 hour. The maximum dose in 24 hours should not exceed 50mg/kg body weight/day. In the case of prophylactic colorectal surgery: It is recommended to use 1g at the time of anesthesia and 1 hour after surgery, then 500mg after 8 hours and 16 hours after surgery. For children over 40kg: Recommended dose as adults. For children under 40 kg: The recommended dose is 15 mg/kg body weight every 6 hours. Do not use more than 2g/24 hours. For patients with renal impairment: The dose should be adjusted according to creatinine clearance. Do not use more than 2g/24 hours. If CNS symptoms are present: Dosage reduction or discontinuation of Talispenem is required.

4. Undesirable effects when using Talispenem

When you are treated with Talispenem you may experience undesirable effects such as:
The most common is headache, pain at the injection site, symptoms of digestive disorders such as diarrhea, increased salivation , vomiting or nausea,... These symptoms usually do not require medical intervention, but if you feel uncomfortable with them, please inform your doctor or medical staff for assistance to resolve. Rarely or rarely, there may be rales in the lungs, fever, sore throat, skin irritation, red rash, tremors in the limbs, convulsions, severe diarrhea,... These symptoms are uncommon. But it is very dangerous, so you need to pay attention during the use of the drug, if you see those symptoms, stop the infusion and immediately notify the doctor for the earliest treatment. During the treatment with Talispenem, if you experience any adverse symptoms that make you uncomfortable, please immediately inform your doctor or medical staff for advice to assist you in dealing with these symptoms. that proof.

5. Notes when taking Talispenem

In the process of using the drug, you need to pay attention to the following points:
You need to tell your doctor your previous allergic condition if you have any agent because Talispenem can cause cross-allergies with antibiotics other. You need to tell your doctor about your medical condition because Talispenem can make your condition worse, especially colitis, diarrhea or other digestive disorders, dystonia. You need to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking because Talispenem can interact badly with those drugs, especially lactate-containing infusion solutions, antibiotics of the same or different types. group,... For pregnant women because there is no clear research on the effect of the drug on this group of subjects, it is not recommended to use it, if you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you should notify your doctor. doctor to weigh the benefits and side effects of the drug before deciding on treatment. There are no clear studies on the effects of this drug on people who drive or operate machines, so if you are in this group, tell your doctor to be considered. The above is detailed information about Talispenem, if you still have questions about the drug that are not clear, please contact your doctor or medical staff nearest you for assistance in answering questions.

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