Uses of Teefatel

Teefatel drug whose main ingredient is Cefdinir is used in the treatment of respiratory infections, dermatitis, cystitis, metritis, ... Let's find out more details about how to use the drug effectively and notes. When using Teefatel treatment through the article below.

1. What is Teefatel?

What is Teefatel? Teefatel drug belongs to the group of drugs used to treat parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, and antifungals. The drug is prepared in the form of capsules and packaged in boxes of 1 blister x 6 tablets.
Teefatel medicine has the main ingredient is Cefdinir 100mg and other excipients just enough for 1 tablet.

2. What are the effects of Teefatel?

Teefatel is used in the following cases:
Upper and lower respiratory infections. Folliculitis, folliculitis, boils, impetigo, erysipelas, vasculitis/lymph nodes, subcutaneous abscesses, macular degeneration, periostitis, sweat glands, infectious atheroma, chronic pyoderma count. Nephritis-pyelonephritis Cystitis . Uterine adnexitis Inflammation of the uterus Bartholin's gland inflammation. Patients need to adhere to the use of Teefatel in accordance with the indications for use and function for each subject specified in the Teefatel drug instruction sheet or according to the doctor's/pharmacist's prescription.

3. Dosage and how to take Teefatel

Dosage of Teefatel refer to the following:
Adult case:
Community-acquired pneumonia: 300mg Cefdinir x 2 times/day, for 10 days. Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis: 300 mg Cefdinir twice a day, or 600 mg Cefdinir once, for 10 days. Acute sinusitis: 300 mg Cefdinir x 2 times / day, or 600 mg Cefdinir / time, for 10 days. Pharyngitis/tonsillitis: 300mg Cefdinir x 2 times/day, or 600mg Cefdinir/time, for 5-10 days. Dermatitis and skin structure: 300mg Cefdinir x 2 times/day, for 10 days. Children:
Acute otitis media: 7 mg Cefdinir / kg x 2 times or 14 mg Cefdinir / kg x 1 time, for 5 - 10 days. Pharyngitis/tonsillitis: 7 mg Cefdinir/kg twice daily, or 14 mg Cefdinir/kg once, for 5-10 days. Dermatitis and skin structure: 7 mg Cefdinir/kg twice daily for 10 days. Patients with renal impairment: Adults with creatinine clearance < 30ml/min: 300mg Cefdinir x day. Children with creatinine clearance < 30ml/min/1.73m2 should be given 7mg Cefdinir/kg/day (maximum 300mg Cefdinir/day). Patients on hemodialysis: Recommended dose: 300 mg Cefdinir / day or 7 mg Cefdinir / kg at the end of a dialysis session, one dose every other day. Patients need to apply the exact dose of Teefatel listed on the drug instruction sheet or as prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. In addition, patients should not arbitrarily calculate, apply or change the dose of Teefatel to avoid adverse effects on the body.

4. Contraindications when taking Teefatel

Teefatel should not be used in case the patient is allergic to any of the ingredients in the Teefatel formulation.

5. Teefatel drug interactions

The following are some of the reported Teefatel drug interactions:
Antacids (aluminum or magnesium containing) whose suspension contains 30ml aluminum when combined with 300mg of Cefdinir can reduce the ratio of Cmax and AUC of absorptive capacity. Iron-containing drugs used with Cefdinir should be taken 2 hours apart to avoid drug interactions. To ensure safe use, the patient should list all the drugs that have been used and are being used by the doctor/pharmacist for a safe medication direction.

6. What side effects does Teefatel cause?

During treatment with Teefatel, patients may experience some unwanted but rare side effects such as:
Abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, constipation and anorexia. Headache, dizziness Fungal infection Vitamin K deficiency, vitamin B deficiency Increased BUN (Blood urea nitrogen - blood urea nitrogen index), leukopenia, increased liver enzymes. Usually, unwanted side effects (Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)) go away when Teefatel is stopped. Patients should immediately inform their doctor or pharmacist if they suspect any side effects of Teefatel during treatment.

7. Precautions when using Teefatel

Patients need to carefully refer to the instructions for taking Teefatel or on the prescription sheet of the doctor/pharmacist. In addition, you can refer to some notes before taking Teefatel treatment below.
Use with caution for people with a history of allergies or a family history of allergies such as: Rash, urticaria, bronchial asthma. Use with caution in patients with severe renal impairment. Use with caution in patients receiving parenteral nutrition, the elderly, and those who are debilitated. It is necessary to consider and consult a doctor/pharmacist before using Teefatel for pregnant and lactating women, because tested drugs still have risks when used for patients. and even small children. Do not take Teefatel when it has expired or shows signs of expiration. Teefatel is prescribed by a doctor, patients do not arbitrarily use Teefatel to treat it. Teefatel drug with the main ingredient is Cefdinir used in the treatment of respiratory infections, dermatitis, cystitis, metritis, ..To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, The patient should take the medicine exactly as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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