Uses of the drug Anovera

Annovera is an IUD that contains two slow-release female hormones into your bloodstream. To learn more about the uses and notes when using the drug, please refer to the article below.

1. Uses of Annovera

Annovera vaginal ring contains two female hormones including ethinyl estradiol and segesterone.
Annovera vaginal ring is made of silicone and contains two female hormones that are released slowly into the vagina, then into the bloodstream. Annovera is intended for use by women as a method of contraception. An Annovera vaginal ring can be reused for up to 1 year.

2. How to use Annovera

To use Annovera correctly you need to follow your doctor's directions, follow all directions on the label, and read all directions for use exactly according to the leaflet.
Some notes to use the pill correctly:
Annovera vaginal ring will not effectively prevent pregnancy if you only use it during intercourse. You must wear it for 21 days. After 21 days, remove the ring and leave it out for a full 7 days before reinserting it. Try to maintain a regular schedule of mounting and removing rings. Do not leave the Annovera ring outside the vagina for more than 2 hours in a 21-day period. If the vaginal ring accidentally falls out, wash it with mild soap and warm water, dry it with a clean cloth, and then put it back on. After using the Annovera vaginal ring for 1 year, throw away the ring and use a new one. You need to use extra backup contraception such as condoms or spermicide but not female condoms for 7 days in a row if:
If the ring has come out of the vagina for more than 2 total hours during the 21-day wear period; If the Annovera IUD has been out of the vagina for more than 7 days; If you've just had a baby and haven't started your period yet.

3. The side effects when using Anovera

Common side effects of Annovera may include: headache; nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain; itching or vaginal discharge ; dysmenorrhea , tightness in the breast; unusual vaginal bleeding; or pain or burning when urinating;
Call your doctor right away if you notice signs such as:
Very high blood pressure causing severe headache, blurred vision, pounding in your neck or ears; signs of a blood clot: sudden onset of numbness or weakness (especially on one side of the body), sudden and severe headache, speech or vision problems, sharp pain in the chest , feeling short of breath, pain, or numbness in one or both legs; Heart attack symptoms: Chest pain or tightness, pain spreading to the jaw or shoulder, nausea, sweating; Toxic shock syndrome: Sudden fever, body aches, skin rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and feeling dizzy or light-headed; New headaches or a change in the pattern or severity of your migraines; Jaundice or yellow eyes; Symptoms of depression: Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, mood swings, new thoughts about hurting yourself. In addition to the above side effects, you may experience other side effects in addition to the side effects mentioned above. If you are concerned you should talk to your doctor about any side effects from using the IUD.

4. Note when using Anovera

Contraindications to use Annovera:
Do not use if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart problems, coronary heart disease; Decreased blood flow to the brain, diabetes that has been present for many years, or health problems caused by diabetes; You have undiagnosed vaginal bleeding; Have liver disease or liver cancer ; severe headache; If you also take certain medications for hepatitis C, have major surgery, you smoke and are over 35 years old; If you have ever had a heart attack, stroke, blood clot, or breast, uterine, and cervical or vaginal cancer. Do not use the Annovera vaginal ring if you are pregnant or if you have recently given birth. You should not use Annovera if you are allergic to the active ingredient ethinyl estradiol or segesterone, or to any of the excipients in the medicine. Annovera must not be used by any woman who has not yet had her period or for women who are no longer menstruating. To make sure it is safe to take Annovera, tell your doctor if you have ever had any allergies or related medical conditions. Especially heart disease, high blood pressure, easy blood clotting; high cholesterol or high triglycerides...
While using the vaginal ring you should tell your doctor if you miss your period or think you might be pregnant.
Breastfeeding is not recommended while using Annovera. Because the drug can pass into breast milk and affect a nursing baby.
When using the vaginal ring you may experience sudden bleeding. Tell your doctor if this bleeding continues for more than 7 days or is heavy.
Note that using the Annovera vaginal ring will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and AIDS. Therefore, using a condom can help protect you from these diseases.
Avoid leaving this IUD in place for longer than 3 weeks.
The IUD can cause dark patches on the skin of the face, which are aggravated by sun exposure. Avoid the sun, wear protective clothing, and use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) when you are outdoors.
Some medications can make this ring less effective, such as antifungals; antiviral medication to treat hepatitis C or HIV/AIDS; blood pressure medication ; anticonvulsants; steroid medicine; thyroid medication; or tuberculosis medicine.
Hope with the above information you have better understand about Annovera IUD. Ask your doctor before use to know the risks of taking this birth control product.

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