Uses of the drug Cadisimvas

Cadisimvas is a drug indicated in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, selectively inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol and plant sterols. To ensure the effectiveness of using Cadisimvas, users need to follow the instructions of their doctors, and refer to more information about the uses of Cadisimvas in the following article.

1. What are the uses of Cadisimvas?

1.1. What is Cadisimvas? Cadisimvas belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, with registration number VD-26630-17., manufactured by US Pharm USA Co., Ltd. - Vietnam, with the main ingredient being Simvastatin 20mg.
The drug is prepared in the form of 20mg film-coated tablets, blister packs of 10 tablets, box of 1 blister or 3 blisters.
Cadisimvas drug recommended for use in adults.
1.2. What are the uses of Cadisimvas? Cadisimvas is indicated for:
Adjunctive therapy with a fat-restricted diet in patients with mixed or primary hypercholesterolemia (heterozygous familial and non-carryogenic). family nature). Treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH). Cadisimvas should be used as an adjunct to other lipid-lowering treatments (e.g., LDL apheresis) in these patients.
Contraindicated to use Cadisimvas in case:
Patients are allergic to the main ingredient Simvastatin or any of its ingredients. Active liver disease or persistent elevation of plasma transaminases of unknown etiology. Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. Co-administration with strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 (such as itraconazole, posaconazole, ketoconazole, HIV protease inhibitors, telaprevir, boceprevir, erythromycin, telithromycin, clarithromycin and nefazodone). Used in combination with cyclosporine, gemfibrozil or danazol. Secondary myopathy caused by the use of other lipid-lowering agents.

2. Usage of Cadisimvas

2.1. How to take Cadisimvas medicine Cadisimvas is taken orally. Patients should be on a cholesterol-restricted diet prior to initiating this medication and should continue to remain on a diet during treatment. Cadisimvas should be taken only once in the evening, after meals or without food. It is recommended to start treatment with Cadisimvas with the lowest dose that can be effective. Carefully read the instructions for use before use, follow the dosage instructions and instructions of the doctor. 2.2. Dosage of Cadisimvas Dosage of Cadisimvas should be individualized for each patient based on baseline LDL-C, goals of treatment, and patient response.
Extended dose from 1 tablet (10/10 mg)/day to 10/80mg a day, taken only once a day in the evening. The dose can be adjusted according to the individual patient's response and needs, if necessary.
When dose adjustment is required, it is necessary to follow the principle of at least 4 weeks intervals, increasing to a maximum of 10/80mg a day and only taking once a day in the evening. The dose of 10/80 mg is only recommended for those who have not achieved their treatment goals with lower doses, who are at high risk of cardiovascular complications, and when the expected benefits outweigh the risks. Patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia receive 10/40mg/day or 10/80mg/day in the evening. The 10/80 mg dose is recommended only when the expected benefit outweighs the risk. Patients with renal impairment: No dose adjustment is required in patients with moderate renal impairment. If treatment is required in patients with severe renal impairment (with creatinine clearance less than 30 mL/min), close monitoring is required if doses higher than 10/10 mg per day are used. Use in the elderly: No dose adjustment is required in elderly patients. Hepatic impairment: No dose adjustment is required in patients with mild hepatic impairment (with a Child-Pugh score of 5 or 6). Cadisimvas should not be used in patients with moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score 7 to 9) or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score > 9). Cadisimvas should be administered 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking a bile acid absorber. When co-administering Cadisimvas in patients receiving danazol or cyclosporin, the dose of Cadisimvas should not exceed 10/10 mg/day. In patients taking verapamil, amiodarone or diltiazem, the dose of Cadisimvas should not exceed 10/20 mg/day. In patients receiving amlodipine concomitantly with Cadisimvas, the dose should not exceed 10/40 mg/day. Treatment when missed dose:
The drug is recommended to be taken in the evening, so if the patient has missed it, skip the missed dose and take it again the next night. As for the morning and evening dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the evening dose, skip the missed dose and wait until it is time for the next dose. Do not double the dose and do not skip more than two doses in a row. Overdose treatment:
Unusual manifestations when accidentally or intentionally taking an overdose of Cadisimvas should notify the treating doctor. In case of serious overdose of Cadisimvas, call 911 immediately for guidance and help.

3. Notes when using the drug Cadisimvas

Cadisimvas medicine is only for use in adults, not for children because safety and effectiveness have not been studied. Care must be taken in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with chest pain during treatment. Monitor liver function regularly. If patients experience unexplained muscle pain or weakness while taking Cadisimvas, they should immediately notify their doctor. Cadisimvas should be used with caution in patients who drink heavily and have a history of liver disease. General note in pregnancy: Cadisimvas should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months, it can cause adverse effects on any stage of pregnancy development (such as teratogenicity, miscarriage, etc.) , birth defects...). Therefore, it is best not to use Cadisimvas for this subject. In case of mandatory use, the consent of the doctor must be obtained. General precautions during lactation: Cadisimvas may be excreted in breast milk. Therefore, it is best not to or limit the use of Cadisimvas during breast-feeding.

4. Side effects of the drug Cadisimvas

During the use of Cadisimvas, some unwanted but uncommon effects may occur, including:
Nervous system disorders: Headache and dizziness. Gastrointestinal disorders: Abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia and flatulence. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: Itching and rash on the skin. Musculoskeletal disorders: Muscle spasms, muscle weakness, rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia, neck pain and extremity pain. Local and systemic disorders: Fatigue, asthenia and peripheral edema. Psychiatric disorders: Sleep disturbances. Increased HbA1c and fasting serum sugar. Patients need to monitor their body condition during the course of using the drug, when any side effects appear without any signs of improvement, they also need to notify the doctor, avoiding subjective thoughts that make the disease difficult to treat. more valuable.

5. Cadisimvas drug interactions

Cadisimvas when taken together increases the effect of warfarin. Therefore, the time to take these two drugs must be far apart. When using drugs with foods or beer, alcohol, tobacco, etc., because such foods and beverages contain many different types of active ingredients, it is very likely that they will affect or cause antagonism or antagonism. synergistic with drugs. Therefore, you should limit the use of these or otherwise consult your doctor.

6. How to store Cadisimvas

The storage time of Cadisimvas is 36 months from the date of manufacture Store at a temperature of 5-30 degrees Celsius, in a tightly closed package, away from direct light, away from moisture. Do not leave the medicine within the reach of children. The article has provided information on dosage, contraindications and notes during use and Cadisimvas therapeutic uses. To ensure that Cadisimvas is working optimally and to prevent side effects, patients should consult their doctor/pharmacist before use.

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