Uses of the drug Hasanox

Hasanox medicine has the main ingredient Itraconazole, which is made in the form of hard capsules. The drug is indicated for the treatment of Candida infections, vitiligo, ringworm, etc. Let's understand the uses of Hasanox and the important notes when using the drug in the article below.

1. What is Hasanox?

Hasanox drug has the main ingredient Itraconazole (in the form of Itraconazole pellets 22.0%) with a content of 100mg. Hepaschis medicine is manufactured by Hasan - Dermapharm Joint Venture Co., Ltd., circulated in our country with VD-33904-19. Hasanox is made in the form of hard capsules, capsule size number 0, the cap is opaque blue, the body of the capsule is red, and the pellet inside is white to ivory white.

2. Indications and contraindications of Hasanox

Hasanox medicine is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Candida infections in the mouth - throat. Ringworm, fungal skin infections such as tinea pedis, body skin, groin skin, interstitial skin. Toenail fungus, toenail fungus. Visceral fungal infections caused by Aspergillus and Candida, Cryptococcus, Sporothrix, Histoplasma, Blastomyces, Paracoccidioides. Maintenance therapy: In AIDS patients to prevent recurrence of latent fungal infections. Prevention of fungal infections during prolonged neutropenia. Hasanox is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Hasanox. Hasanox should not be used in pregnant or nursing women. Use only when visceral fungal infection is life-threatening and when the potential benefit outweighs the potential harm to the fetus. Concomitant use with drugs: astemizol, terfenadine, triazolam, cisapride and oral midazolam.

3. Dosage of the drug Hasanox

3.1. How to use: Hasanox drug is used orally and taken immediately after eating.
3.2. Dosage (Dose calculated in 100mg tablets) Vaginal candidiasis: the dose is 2 tablets (100mg) x 2 times/day for 1 day; or 2 tablets x 1 time / day and use for 3 days. Tinnitus: dose is 2 tablets x 1 time/day for 7 days. Ringworm: the dose is 2 tablets x 1 time/day for 7 days or 1 tablet x 1 time/day for 15 days. For highly keratinized areas such as fungal infections of the palms and soles: 2 tablets x 2 times/day for 7 days or 1 tablet x 1 time/day for 30 days. Candida infections in the mouth - throat: the dose is 1 tablet x 1 time/day for 15 days. For patients with AIDS, organ transplant or neutropenia, use dose: 2 tablets x 1 time/day for 15 days. Nail fungus: take Hasanox 2-3 times, 7 days each time, take 4 tablets a day, 2 tablets in the morning, 2 tablets in the afternoon. Treatment sessions are always separated by 3 weeks without medication, or can be continuously treated with 2 tablets x 1 time / day for 3 months. Visceral fungal infections: Aspergillus infections: the dose is 2 tablets x 1 time / day, used for 2-5 months, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets x 2 times / day if the disease is widespread Candida infections: the dose is 1- 1. 2 tablets x 1 time / day, used for 3 weeks to 7 months. Epidural Cryptococcus infections: dose is 2 tablets x 1 time / day, used for 2 months to 1 year. Cryptococcal meningitis: dose is 2 tablets x 2 times/day. Maintenance treatment with a dose of 2 tablets x 1 time / day. Histoplasma infection: the dose is 2 tablets x 1-2 times/day, the average duration of use is 8 months. Sporothrix schenckii infection: dose is 1 tablet x 1 time / day, used for 3 months. Infection with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis: dose is 1 tablet x 1 time/day, used for 6 months. Chromomycosis infection (Cladosporium, Fonsecaea): dose is 1-2 tablets x 1 time / day, used for 6 months. Blastomyces dermatitidis infection: dose is 1 tablet x 1 time/day or 2 tablets x 2 times/day, used for 6 months. 3.3. Treatment of overdose, missed dose: Overdose:
In case of using Hasanox drug in excess of the prescribed amount and having abnormal symptoms, it is necessary to immediately contact the nearest medical facility.
Missed dose:
During the use of Hasanox, patients need to adhere to the doctor's treatment schedule to avoid the occurrence of missed doses that reduce the effectiveness of treatment. If you miss a dose of Hasanox, use the missed dose as soon as you remember (you can take the medicine 1-2 hours before the time prescribed by the doctor). However, if it is too close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose exactly as prescribed. Patients should note that the dose of Hasanox should not be doubled.

4. Side effects of the drug Hasanox

In the process of using Hasanox, there may be some specific side effects as follows:
Common: Indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain, headache. Uncommon: Pruritus, exanthema, angioedema, urticaria, menstrual disorders, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, reversible elevation of liver enzymes Rare: Hypokalemia

5. Be careful when using Hasanox

In the process of using Hasanox, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
Use caution when using the drug in people with a history of liver disease or liver toxicity by other drugs. Liver function should be checked. When taking long-term drugs Do not use Hasanox with midazolam, cisapride, triazolam During the use of Hasanox medicine, patients need to pay attention to follow the doctor's instructions, carefully read the notes before using to be able to bring the best results. The most effective treatment, limiting possible side effects.

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