Uses of Vikaone

Vikaone drug with main ingredient is Fluorouracil 250mg/5ml, has anti-cancer effect against pyrimidine-resistant cytostatic. The drug is administered in the form of an infusion and should only be used when prescribed by a specialist.

1. Ingredients and uses of Vikaone

Currently on the market Vikaone is prepared in the form of an injectable solution, canned with 5 ampoules x 5ml.
The drug is usually prescribed in the following cases:
The Fluorouracil component in the drug is effective in reducing carcinomas of the colon, rectum, breast and stomach. Vikaone is less effective in the treatment of ovarian, cervical, bladder, liver and pancreatic carcinomas. Indicated in esophageal cancer, head and neck cancer and cholangiocarcinoma, renal carcinoma. In addition, doctors and pharmacists also use Vikaone in the treatment of a few other diseases.

2. Instructions on how to take Vikaone

Because Vikaone is prepared in the form of a syringe, only people with medical expertise can use it. First, when opening the medication, staff will wear gloves, eye protection, mask, disposable gown and work on a washable tray or on disposable blotting paper, with a plastic bottom. The syringe and infusion set must be assembled carefully to avoid leakage.
When the medicine accidentally comes into contact with the skin or splashes on any part of the body, it should be washed immediately if necessary, possibly requiring additional treatment.
Vikaone can be administered intravenously or intravenously, in which intravenous infusion is often preferred because of its low toxicity. Dosage will depend on the physical condition and medical condition of each person.
Fluorouracil can be given intravenously or intravenously. Dosage is usually based on the patient's body weight.
Currently, the dosage of Vikaone can be referred to as follows:
Initial treatment: Intravenous infusion: 15 mg/kg/day, not more than 1g for 1 infusion. The drug is dissolved in 500 ml of 5% dextrose or 500 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride, infused at a rate of 40 drops/min for 4 hours or infusion over 30-60 minutes or continuously for 24 hours. Intravenous injection: 12 mg/kg/day for 3 consecutive days. If no side effects appear, 6 mg/kg/day can be used on the 5th, 7th and 9th days. If side effects appear, the drug should be discontinued. Continuous infusion of drugs into the artery feeding the tumor gives better results than systemic administration via intravenous infusion, while reducing toxicity. The usual dose is 5 - 7.5 mg/kg/day. It is best for patients to follow the doctor's instructions exactly to achieve the best treatment results.

3. Subjects contraindicated when taking Vikaone

With the same use of ingredients and active ingredients above, Vikaone is contraindicated for the following subjects:
Do not use the drug for people who are hypersensitive to the drug's ingredients. People with kidney failure, severe liver failure, shingles, chickenpox, stomatitis, mouth ulcers, peptic ulcers, pseudomembranous enteritis should not take the drug. It is strictly forbidden to use Vikaone in pregnant and lactating women. Because it can seriously affect the development of the fetus and baby. Patients with malnutrition, bone marrow failure, severe infections should also consider when using the drug. Contraindicated for people with deficiency of dihydroxypyrimidine dehydrogenase enzyme. Contraindications are understood as absolute non-use of the drug. The use of drugs for these patients will have many potential health risks.

4. Possible side effects when taking Vikaone

Vikaone is a specific drug, so during the treatment, patients are very likely to experience side effects such as: marrow failure, leukopenia, anemia, digestive disorders, gastrointestinal ulcers, inflammation. skin, urticaria, itching. Liver failure, kidney failure.... When the body shows the above signs, the patient should share with the doctor, pharmacist for advice on how to handle.
Like many other drugs, after stopping use the above side effects will gradually decrease and disappear. However, in some cases, side effects can make patients tired, affecting quality of life as well as work.
To limit side effects, patients should note:
Do not use alcohol, alcoholic beverages, stimulants during treatment. Balanced healthy diet, full of green vegetables Should be combined with gentle exercise during the day. It is not recommended to use a combination of many drugs during treatment with Vikaone Children are not recommended to use the drug. Note, Fluorouracil is inherently highly toxic and has a very low therapeutic index. The drug is highly toxic to the blood, causing gastrointestinal bleeding, even death. Therefore, patients should be especially careful and do not arbitrarily adjust or use other drugs during this time.
Because Vikaone is a prescription drug used under the direction of doctors and medical staff, it is almost impossible to forget a dose and overdose. It is important for the patient to follow the instructions of the specialist to get the best results.
Above is the information that explains what Vikaone is, how to use it, and how to use it. Patients should consult carefully before using, if they need any more information, they can contact a specialist for expert advice.

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