Uses of Vinphastu

Vinphastu 25mg is commonly used to treat diseases associated with labyrinthine disorders, including dizziness, lightheadedness, tinnitus, eye twitching, nausea and vomiting. To better understand what is the use of Vinphastu 25 mg? What are the side effects of Vinphastu 25 mg? What points should be kept in mind when using? The following article will help you better understand Vinphastu 25 mg.

1. What is Vinphastu 25 mg?

Vinphastu 25mg is a psychotropic drug that contains Cinnarizine 25mg and excipients just enough for 1 tablet. The drug is made in the form of a tablet, so it is very easy to take.

2. What are the effects of Vinphastu 25 mg?

2.1. The effect of the main ingredient Cinnarizine Some of the effects of the main ingredient can be mentioned as:
Piperazine derivative with anti-histamine H1. At the same time, Cinnarizine also helps sedation, anti-acetylcholine secretion and is a calcium antagonist. Blocks receptors in the vestibular terminal organs and inhibits the activation of histamine and acetylcholine secretion. Calcium channel blocker, inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell contraction. 2.2. Indications of Vinphastu drug 25 mg Vinphastu drug is used in the following cases:
Prevention of motion sickness, migraine. Treatment of symptoms of cerebrovascular origin such as dizziness, vascular headache, irritability, tinnitus, memory loss and lack of concentration. Treatment of vestibular disorders such as tinnitus, vomiting, dizziness, nystagmus, nausea, dizziness; symptoms of cerebrovascular origin, such as dizziness, tinnitus, headache Symptomatic treatment of peripheral vascular disorders including Raynaud's syndrome, claudication, paresthesias, cyanosis and cold extremities, ulcers Feet due to lack of nutrition, venous insufficiency, cramps at night.

3. Side effects of Vinphastu 25 mg

Some reported side effects include:
Common: Somnolence, gastrointestinal disturbances. Uncommon: Dry mouth, sweating, headache, weight gain, allergic reactions. Rare: Hypotension (high dose), extrapyramidal symptoms during long-term treatment or in the elderly. If any side effects appear during use, please inform a qualified doctor or pharmacist for appropriate assistance.

4. Vinphastu 25 mg drug interactions

When using two or more drugs at the same time, it is easy to have drug interactions leading to antagonism or synergism. Increased sedative effect when used with alcohol, CNS depressants, tricyclic antidepressants.
When using drugs with foods or alcohol, beer, tobacco... because those foods and drinks contain other active ingredients, they can affect the phenomenon of antagonism or synergism with medicine. You need to carefully read the drug instructions or consult your doctor, pharmacist about taking Vinphastu 25mg with food, alcohol and tobacco.

5. How to use Vinphastu 25 mg effectively?

5.1. How to use Each drug, pharmaceutical product is manufactured in different forms and has different uses. Common routes of drug use are classified by drug form: oral drugs, injections, external drugs and suppositories. Carefully read the instructions on how to use Vinphastu 25mg as stated on the drug instruction sheet.
5.2. Dosage Adults: Cerebral circulatory disorders 1 tablet x 3 times/day.
Peripheral circulatory disorders 2 - 3 tablets x 3 times/day.
Dizziness 1 tablet x 3 times/day.
Motion sickness adults: 1 tablet half an hour before the trip, repeat every 6 hours. - Children: half the adult dose. - Should be taken after meals.
For adults
Dosing regulations are usually intended to guide adults taking oral medications. Dosage for other routes is specified in the leaflet. Do not change the dose on your own without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.
For children
Differences between children and adults such as pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, side effects, etc., especially children, are not allowed to be included in clinical trials before being administered. new drug marketing authorization. Therefore, using this drug for children should be very careful even with drugs that have not been warned.
5.3. Overdose, missed dose, emergency Treatment in case of emergency or overdose
In case of emergency or overdose with dangerous manifestations, call 911 or go to the local health facility immediately. nearest side. Relatives need to provide the doctor with the prescription they are taking, the medicines they are taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs.
What to do if a dose is missed
In case you miss a dose while taking it, take it as soon as possible (usually it can be taken 1-2 hours before the time ordered by the doctor). However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the prescribed time. Be careful not to double the prescribed dose.

6. Be careful when using Vinphastu 25 mg

6.1. Use in pregnant women and nursing mothers Pregnant women: There are no data on the safety of the drug in this population. Drugs are not recommended. Consult your doctor before use. Lactation: There have been no reports of excretion into breast milk. The use of drugs is not recommended. Consult your doctor when using. 6.2. People who drive and operate machinery Especially at the beginning of treatment, the drug may cause drowsiness. Use caution when driving and operating machinery.
6.3. Other special note The drug can cause epigastric pain, so it should be taken after meals. Use with caution in patients with Parkinson's disease, decreased blood pressure, hereditary galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency, glucose - galactose malabsorption. Read the user manual carefully before use. Avoid long-term use in the elderly because of the increased risk of extrapyramidal symptoms or feelings of depression. The above is important information about the drug Vinphastu 25 mg, but it is not a substitute for a doctor's advice. Therefore, before using, patients should consult a qualified person for appropriate indications.

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