Uses of Zydone

Zydone is used to treat moderate to severe pain. To use the drug safely and effectively, you need to have a good understanding of the drug Zydone, learn through the article below.

1. What is Zydone?

Zydone contains hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen as the main ingredients, and is available in tablet form. Includes different strengths such as Hydrocodone bitartrate with the content of 5mg/ Acetaminophen 400 or 7.5mg/ 400mg or 10/400 , depending on the content that the drug is prescribed to relieve different pain levels.
Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid analgesic and antitussive with many effects similar to those of codeine. Most of these effects involve the central nervous system and smooth muscle. The exact mechanism of action of hydrocodone and other opiates is unknown, although it is thought to be related to the existence of opiate receptors in the central nervous system. In addition to their pain-relieving effects, opioids can cause drowsiness, mood and mental changes.
The analgesic effect of acetaminophen or paracetamol is thought to be related to the blocking of inflammatory mediators, but the specific mechanism has not been determined. The antipyretic action of the drug is carried out through thermoregulatory centers in the hypothalamus. Acetaminophen has an inhibitory effect on prostaglandin synthetase. Therapeutic doses of acetaminophen have negligible effects on the cardiovascular or respiratory systems; however, in toxic doses can cause circulatory failure and cause rapid, shallow breathing.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Zydone

Indications: Zydone is indicated for the relief of moderate to severe pain of various etiologies.
Zydone should not be used in patients who have ever had a history of hypersensitivity to hydrocodone, acetaminophen or any other excipients of this product. Patients with known hypersensitivity to other opioids may exhibit cross-sensitivity to hydrocodone. Deficiency of G6PD enzyme, the patient is anemic many times. Severe liver failure, alcoholism. Do not give the medicine to children. Use with caution in people with traumatic brain injury.

3. Dosage and how to use Zydone

Administration: The drug is taken with water and taken with or without food.
Dosage: The dose of the drug should be adjusted accordingly according to the severity of pain and the patient's response. However, it should be borne in mind when selecting doses that tolerability to hydrocodone may increase with continued prolonged use and the incidence of adverse events is dose related.
For 5/400 tablets: The usual adult dose is one or two tablets every four to six hours as needed to help relieve pain. The total daily dose should not exceed eight tablets. For 7.5/400 strength tablets: The usual adult dose is one tablet every four to six hours as needed for pain relief. The total daily dose should not exceed six tablets. For 10/400 tablets: Use when lower concentrations are not effective. The usual dose for adults is one tablet every four to six hours as needed for pain relief. The total daily dose should not exceed six tablets. Overdose: After an acute drug overdose, toxicity may be due to hydrocodone or acetaminophen.
For Hydrocodone: Severe overdosage to hydrocodone is characterized by respiratory depression (decreased respiratory rate, Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern, cyanosis), extreme somnolence progressing to stupor or kissing anesthesia, skeletal muscle tremors, cold and rough skin, sometimes bradycardia and risk of hypotension. In severe overdose, respiratory arrest, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death may occur. For Acetaminophen: With an overdose of acetaminophen there is a dose-dependent risk of liver necrosis, possibly fatal, as the most serious side effect. Renal tubular necrosis, hypoglycemic coma, and coagulation defects may also occur. Initial symptoms following an overdose due to hepatotoxicity may include: nausea, vomiting, general malaise. When an overdose of the drug or when there are signs of suspicion of overdose. Patients need to be taken to a medical facility immediately so that they can be treated in time.

4. Possible side effects when taking Zydone

The most frequent adverse reactions were dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea and vomiting. These effects appear to be more prominent in patients with frequent mobility than in non-mobile patients, and some of these side effects may be alleviated if the patient lies down.
Other adverse reactions include:
Central nervous system: Drowsiness, mental or sluggishness, coma, impaired mental and physical functioning, frequent anxiety, fear, dysarthria , drug dependence, mood swings. Digestive system: Prolonged use of Zydone may cause constipation. Genitourinary system: Ureteral spasm, sphincter spasm, and urinary retention have also been reported with opiate use. Respiratory depression due to Hydrocodone bitartrate may cause dose-related respiratory depression, by acting directly on the respiratory center. Caution should be exercised in people at high risk. Cases of hearing loss or permanent loss have been reported mainly in patients with chronic overdose. Dermatology: Rash, itchy skin. Side effects of the drug that may be noted as potential effects of acetaminophen: allergic reactions, rash, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, severe allergic skin syndrome. When taking this medicine, if you see any long-lasting or serious side effects, you should immediately notify your doctor for advice.

5. Things to keep in mind when taking Zydone

It should be used with caution in patients at special risk, and should be used with caution in elderly or debilitated patients, those with severe renal or hepatic impairment, hypothyroidism, medical Addison, prostate enlargement or urethral stricture, brain injury, history of addiction. The usual special precautions should be observed and the possibility of respiratory depression noted. Respiratory depression when administered at high doses or in susceptible patients, hydrocodone may cause dose-related respiratory depression by direct action on the brain stem respiratory centre. Hydrocodone also affects the heart rate control center and can produce irregular breathing. Drug Abuse and Dependence: Drug dependence and tolerance can develop with repeated use of opioids; Therefore, this product should be prescribed and used with caution. However, mental dependence is not likely to develop when hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets are used for short periods of time to treat pain. But special caution is still needed in former cannabis addicts. When used in patients with head trauma and increased intracranial pressure: The respiratory depression effect of opioids and the potential for marked elevation of CSF pressure in the presence of head trauma, other intracranial lesions, or increased pressure anteriorly intracranial. Furthermore, opioid use produces adverse reactions that may obscure the clinical presentation of patients with head trauma. The use of opioids may obscure the diagnosis or clinical course of patients with acute abdominal disease. Do not take this medicine at the same time as other medicines with the same ingredients. Acetaminophen has been associated with acute liver failure, sometimes leading to liver transplantation and death. Most cases of liver damage have been linked to acetaminophen use in doses exceeding 4000 mg per day and for prolonged periods. During pregnancy: This medication should be used only when clearly needed. It can harm an unborn baby. Mothers taking this drug can cause their children to have symptoms of dependence on narcotic drugs, manifesting withdrawal syndrome. This medicine passes into breast milk and may have unwanted effects on a nursing infant. If you are breast-feeding, tell your doctor right away if your baby is unusually sleepy, has trouble feeding, or has trouble breathing.

6. Drug interactions

Patients receiving opioids, antihistamines, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, or other CNS depressants concomitantly with hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets may cause an aggravation of depression. When contemplating combination therapy, the dose of one or both drugs should be reduced. The use of MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants with hydrocodone preparations may increase the side effects of the antidepressants or the effects of hydrocodone. Do not use drugs and alcohol at the same time when taking drugs because it increases the risk of organ damage in the body. The prescription pain reliever Zydone is only used for severe pain that has not responded to other medications. Do not arbitrarily use repeatedly or use it for a long time without the consent of the doctor.

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