What is a multivitamin and what are its health benefits?

Currently there is a lot of information about the miraculous use of multivitamins for health such as improving disease, improving health, and effectively compensating for nutritional deficiencies. So what is a multivitamin and how should it be used?

1. What are multivitamins?

According to scientific explanations, a multivitamin is a multivitamin, also known as a supplement containing many different vitamins and minerals. In each multivitamin tablet, there are vitamins that are involved in the process of transforming food, metabolizing substances to create energy for the body, and minerals are indispensable components of many cells, helping to maintain balance. fluids, maintain the development of teeth, bones, muscles or the nervous system. In addition to the two main ingredients above, multivitamins also contain herbs, amino acids, fatty acids...
These vitamins are available in many forms such as: effervescent, tablets, lozenges, capsules, gummies, powders or liquid. Before the needs of many people, multivitamins are now sold in many pharmacies, supermarkets, and health care stores.

2. Health benefits of multivitamins

Thanks to rich in vitamins, minerals and many other ingredients, using multivitamins brings countless health benefits such as:
2.1 Supplementing vitamins and minerals for the body Vitamins are very necessary substances for the body when They are directly involved in the process of cell structure, energy metabolism as well as all vital activities of the body. Although the nutritional needs at each stage are inherently different, our bodies cannot be healthy without an adequate supply of vitamins.
Normally vitamins will be supplemented through daily food, but in people with poor absorption, the elderly, vegetarians, dieters, pregnant women... it is necessary to supplement the amount of vitamins, minerals from supplements to the best for the body.
2.2 Good for pregnant women Before the need for a large amount of nutrients for the health of the mother and the development of the baby, many doctors recommend the use of multivitamins in pregnant women who have a deficiency. Supplementing with multivitamins helps the mother's body make up for the lack of nutrients and helps the fetus develop healthy. Not only that, this way also helps to reduce the rate of babies born with congenital diseases or common malformations.
2.3 Preventing and supporting disease treatment Thanks to a diverse list of ingredients, multivitamin supplements help bring many of the following health benefits.
Vitamin A: Good for the eyes and has a supportive function in the treatment of eye diseases such as macular degeneration or cataracts. Vitamin D: Works to help strengthen bones and prevent the risk of osteoporosis, bone fractures, especially in the elderly. Vitamin C: Helps increase resistance and effective anti-inflammatory. Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B9): Help protect and maintain brain function, improve memory, reduce stress and anxiety effectively. In addition to the above benefits, multivitamin supplements also help strengthen resistance, good for eye health, reduce fatigue, limit stress... and many other benefits that are good for health of all ages.

3. Who should take a multivitamin?

Multivitamin is known as a nutritional supplement, so people who are suitable for multivitamin use include:
Vegetarians: Vegetarians are often deficient in most vitamin B12, which is only found in vitamin B12. mainly in animal meat. Therefore, in order for the body to have enough nutrients, you can supplement with multivitamins. Elderly: The need for vitamin D, vitamin B12 and calcium in the elderly is often large. These substances can be supplemented through multivitamins. When the body is fully supplemented, the health of the elderly will be improved, thereby limiting the risk of many old age diseases. Pregnant and lactating women: Women in this stage need more nutrients to provide for themselves and their babies. Therefore, you can consult your doctor to take a multivitamin supplement. These are considered the 3 subjects that need the most multivitamin supplements to improve health. In addition, multivitamins are also recommended for anyone, but to be sure you should consult your doctor for appropriate indications. Because although it is very good and necessary, the improper use of multivitamins can cause you to experience a few health conditions such as:
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue Headache, insomnia, Not sleeping well Hives, itching, skin rash Besides you also need to note that, do not use many vitamins at the same time. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible, but if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not take two doses at the same time. The use of vitamins in the right dosage, always brings many health benefits as well as minimizes unnecessary side effects.
Hope the above sharing will help you better understand about multivitamins and the benefits that this vitamin brings to your health.

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