Posted by TS. BS. Pham Tuyet Trinh - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
An embolism is caused by a blood clot inside a blood vessel. What is a blood clot? It's a clump of cells and proteins in the blood that normally stops bleeding during an injury and disappears as the wound heals. If these clots form abnormally, when they are not needed, they can block or completely block a blood vessel.

1. Blood clot formation

When blood clots at different blood vessel sites can cause serious problems, even death. In the arteries, it can give you a heart attack or stroke; In a vein, a blood clot causes swelling and pain, and a blood clot in a deep vein in the leg, called a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), travels up to the lungs and causes a pulmonary embolism. (Pulmonary Embolic - PE). Both of these are extremely dangerous emergencies, if not treated promptly.
Blood clots often form when you have an injury, when you are sedentary. Some also do not know why, but blood clots are common: People with injuries have to stay in bed for many days, have to sit for many hours without exercise on long-haul flights, obese people, people with disabilities. people with diabetes, dyslipidemia and people over 60 years old.
When a blood clot slows down the flow of blood vessels, it builds up and swells, if it's blocked in your leg it's a sign of DVT. Blood clots can be in any part of the body, such as the arm or abdomen. Even when healed, sometimes swelling and even ulceration and pain are caused by damage to blood vessels.
If a blood clot blocks a vein in your arm or leg, it is bluish or red in color, then the skin in that area may be discolored due to damaged blood vessels.
If you have sudden severe chest pain, it is possible that a blood clot has broken off and spread to the lungs causing PE (pulmonary embolism), or maybe a blood clot in an artery is causing you a heart attack. You may also feel pain in your abdomen or arm due to a blood clot blocking a blood vessel there.
You may suddenly feel short of breath, which is a serious sign, it is possible that a blood clot moves to block a blood vessel in the lungs, in the heart; you may feel faint, sweaty, possibly with coughing up blood (PE), in which case you need to get to the hospital right away. You may also not notice any symptoms because the medicine depends on where the clot is in the blood vessel.
Similarly if a blood clot in the heart (coronary artery) blocks this artery, you will have an acute myocardial infarction , also feel dizzy, nausea, chest pain, so you need to urgently call an ambulance. right.
In the brain, when there is a blood clot blocking the blood vessel, making the blood not circulate normally, the pressure in the blood vessel will increase much causing a stroke. Without oxygen from blood cells, brain cells die within minutes.
Blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain can also cause headaches, confusion, slurred speech, hemiplegia, etc.
When blood clots in the veins of the stomach or esophagus, you may experience severe abdominal pain, vomiting blood, or passing black stools from bleeding into the stomach and into the intestines. In the kidneys, blood clots in the renal veins often cause hematuria, back pain, and less frequent urination due to impaired kidney function.
Because of the above signs, if you suspect a blood clot, you should go to the emergency room right away because blood clots can be deadly. Your doctor may give you clot-busting medication or surgery, or procedures to dissolve blood clots.
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2. Prevents blood clot formation

First of all, you should control a healthy body weight, avoid overweight and obesity; Eat healthy and stay physically active. Don't sit too long in one place, especially after long flights, or after surgery. Be active, move every few hours, flex your feet, rotate your ankles in a chair Check your socks, stretch your clothes, socks to help blood circulation See a doctor to advise whether to use anticoagulants or not Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors With years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured that they will be examined and treated at the Hospital.

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