Herbs and Supplements for the Treatment of Crohn's Disease

The article was written by MSc Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
For people with Crohn's disease, there are a number of prescription medications that can help you manage your symptoms. However, there are a number of patients who have switched to alternative medicine.

1. Boswellia

One remedy that has been studied is Boswellia serrata. Boswellia supplements are derived from plants that produce a sweet-smelling resin rich in carbohydrates, essential oils, and boswellic acids. The acid in the resin is the active ingredient. It is believed to act as an anti-inflammatory.
A recent study found that 14 out of 20 people with Crohn's disease who took a boswellia supplement went into remission. Boswellia is sold in health food stores as a dietary supplement. It is also sometimes used to treat asthma, inflammation, and depression.
Boswellia serrata giúp cải thiện bệnh crohn
Boswellia serrata giúp cải thiện bệnh crohn

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice related to ginger. It gives the curry its bright yellow color. Studies over the past two decades show that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has a number of medicinal properties that may be helpful for people with Crohn's disease. These include:
Anti-inflammatory properties Anti-cancer properties Anti-amyloid properties Anti-arthritic properties It also has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This can help fight infections in people with Crohn's. According to research, a major challenge in using turmeric to treat Crohn's is providing a high enough dose. This is because people with Crohn's disease have trouble absorbing turmeric during digestion. Currently, researchers are developing different ways to get turmeric into the body for maximum absorption.
In addition, the health risks of consuming turmeric must be considered for each person. This compound may worsen gallbladder disease, interact with blood thinners, and interfere with iron absorption. When curcumin is in the body, it can also act like a hormone. You should talk to your doctor before taking this supplement if you have a hormone-sensitive condition.
3. Marshmallow isn't just a sweet white dessert that you bake over an open fire, an herb called marshmallow derived from the Althaea officinalis plant has been harnessed for use in the treatment of Crohn's.
Recent research shows that marshmallow can soothe tissues during the healing process, especially in the stomach. This reduces inflammation in people with Crohn's. In addition, the root protects the lining of the stomach, which reduces stomach acid without obvious adverse effects on the body.
4. N-Acetylglucosamine N-acetylglucosamine is a supplement commonly derived from shellfish. In some trials, it has been associated with success in treating autoimmune disorders.
N-acetylglucosamine có thể ngăn chặn các tế bào tạo ra viêm
N-acetylglucosamine có thể ngăn chặn các tế bào tạo ra viêm

5. EASY Vitamins

Vitamin D helps maintain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and helps keep bones strong. As a result, it becomes a key ingredient in many multivitamin supplements on the market.
Recent studies suggest that vitamin D may be helpful in the treatment of Crohn's. Chronic vitamin D deficiency is common in people with Crohn's disease.
Some researchers have found that chronic vitamin D deficiency can lead to inflammation in the stomach and colon. By re-adding vitamin D to the diet, people with Crohn's disease can help minimize symptoms and boost immune system health. Since Crohn's is caused by a malfunction in your autoimmune system, strengthening your body's immune system is essential.

6. Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is important for creating new cells and breaking down fats and proteins in the body. It also protects nerve cells and helps create red blood cells.
People with Crohn's disease often have a B12 deficiency. Recent studies show that vitamin D supplements can help reduce symptoms of Crohn's disease. It may also aid recovery from anemia, a common nutritional disorder in people with Crohn's.
Herbs and supplements can complement your treatment plan. However, you should always consult your doctor before starting any treatment. They may affect your current medications, allergies, or existing health conditions.

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