How does Fryns syndrome present?

Posted by Specialist Doctor I Dang Thi Ngoc Chuong - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Fryns syndrome is a condition that affects the development of many parts of the body. Symptoms of each patient are different, common symptoms such as underdeveloped diaphragm, underdeveloped fingers and toes, abnormal brain, abnormal heart,...

1. What is Fryns syndrome?

Fryns syndrome is a condition that affects the development of many parts of the body. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient. Many patients with the syndrome have diaphragmatic defects such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia, perforation on the diaphragmatic surface at birth. This can cause the stomach and intestines to move into the chest, causing pulmonary hypoplasia.
Fryns syndrome is a rare disease that affects both women and men. The prevalence of the disease is the same in both sexes. The cause of this syndrome is currently unknown. However, it is thought to be an autosomal recessive effect, meaning that it takes two copies of a defective gene in both parents for Fryns syndrome to develop.
Thoát vị hoành bẩm sinh
Người mắc hội chứng Fryns thường bị thoát vị hoành bẩm sinh

2. Manifestations of Fryns . syndrome

Common signs and symptoms of Fryns syndrome include:
Underdeveloped lungs leading to shortness of breath Underdeveloped diaphragm Underdeveloped fingers Underdeveloped toes Characteristic facial features Abnormally small eyes Brain Abnormal Heart Abnormal Genital Abnormalities Excessive amniotic fluid.
Tim bất thường
Tim bất thường là một trong những biểu hiện của hội chứng Fryns

3. Diagnosis and treatment

3.1 Diagnosis

The methods used in the diagnosis of Fryns syndrome are mainly based on clinical examination and imaging. To diagnose Fryns syndrome, a child must have all of the following 6 distinct features:
Abnormal diaphragm clearly visible on imaging tests Distinctive facial features Abnormal fingers, hands, and feet underdeveloped legs Underdeveloped lungs, tendency to have difficulty breathing Defects in either urinary or digestive systems.
Khám bệnh
Để chẩn đoán hội chứng Fryns bác sĩ sẽ chủ yếu dựa vào thăm khám lâm sàng người bệnh

3.2 Treatment

Currently, there is no cure for Fryns syndrome, patients will be treated for symptoms. Underdeveloped diaphragm and lungs can be considered surgically.
Some abnormalities caused by this condition are potentially life-threatening such as abnormalities of the heart, lungs, and diaphragm. These defects should be made after the baby is born or as soon as possible after being diagnosed with Fryns syndrome. The treatment of Fryns syndrome requires the coordination of different specialists, so that the patient's treatment is most comprehensive and effective.
In a nutshell, Fryns syndrome is a rare disease that affects the development of many parts of the body. Symptoms of each patient are different, common symptoms such as underdeveloped diaphragm, abnormal brain, abnormal heart,... Some symptoms can be life-threatening, so the treatment is done as soon as possible.
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