Methods to treat increased sweating in the armpit area

Increased sweating in the armpits is not dangerous, but makes the sufferer suffer from psychological inferiority, afraid to communicate with people, live in isolation, or worse, may suffer from depression, making the quality of life go down. .

1. What is axillary hyperhidrosis?

Sweat is produced by glands located in the dermis of the skin. Sweat has the effect of regulating body temperature. Sweat glands are found all over the body, but are concentrated around the forehead, armpits, palms, and soles. When you are active, you will sweat a lot.
So what is increased sweating? This is a condition in which you sweat a lot, but it is not caused by vigorous activities or high temperatures. Hyperhidrosis is often associated with an unusual sweat odor. Sweating so much that it seeps through clothing disrupts daily activities, causing anxiety or confusion for the patient.
Increased sweating in the armpit is a common condition. Accompanying increased sweating in the armpits is armpit sweating. Increased underarm sweating will increase in summer, hot weather, but will decrease when the climate is cool in autumn or winter. Increased sweating in the armpits is not dangerous, but causes sufferers to suffer from psychological inferiority, afraid to communicate with people, to live in isolation or worse, to suffer from depression, which reduces their quality of life. if not treated promptly. Some people have poor hygiene, a fungal infection of the skin can occur, causing uncomfortable itching.
Điều trị dứt điểm hôi nách
Tăng tiết mồ hôi vùng nách là tình trạng thường gặp

2. Causes of increased armpit sweat

Increased sweating in the armpit has many causes. Some of the main causes include:
Hormonal changes: The cause of hormone changes is when puberty or after giving birth, hormone changes increase the amount of sweat glands. Temperature: The body accounts for 50% of the sweat excreted by heat. Some areas of sweat glands are more active, such as the forehead, back, and mid-chest. Thus, the trunk is involved in the heat-induced sweating response. At the same time, when it is hot, daily activities cause the armpit temperature to increase, causing increased sweating in the armpit with the purpose of reducing body heat. Vasomotor system disorders: Vasomotor system disorders damage the sympathetic nervous system causing the regulation of sweat more than usual. Psychological: Due to stress, the secretion of sweat. Taste: Eating hot spicy foods causes sweat to secrete in the face, spread to the neck, sometimes spread to the upper body, this also depends on the spinal reflex arc. Cerebral ischemia: There are some cases of cerebral ischemia that can cause increased sweating. Pathological axillary hyperhidrosis: Axillary hyperhidrosis can occur in the case of an endocrine disorder such as thyroid disease or diabetes. Increased sweating in the armpit is very common at any age, but especially often appears after puberty onward. Increased sweating in the armpit may not have a bad smell, but some people have a very unpleasant smell, making them afraid to communicate, directly affecting the quality of life as well as daily work.
Tăng tiết mồ hôi
Tăng tiết mồ hôi vùng nách rất dễ gặp ở mọi lứa tuổi, nhưng đặc biệt là thường xuất hiện sau lứa tuổi dậy thì trở đi

3. Treatments for increased sweating in the armpit area

When there is increased sweating in the armpits, there are many folk and modern methods of treatment. Specific methods are as follows:
Using drugs to treat increased sweating in the armpit: Anticholinergics, atropine, parasympathomimetic have the effect of inhibiting sweating by inhibiting nerve ganglia. However, these drugs are only effective in high doses, so they cause some side effects. Antiperspirant chemicals such as Aluminum Chlorure, Aluminum Sulface, Formol, ... or there are some creams with oils, perfumes and aluminum salts to limit increased perspiration in the armpit. Botox, Dysport: This is a method to remove facial wrinkles. However, when injected into the armpits and hands, feet, the drug also works to reduce sweating. The laser selectively targets the sweat glands in the armpits. When the treatment will not leave scars and a single treatment will permanently eliminate underarm odor. Thoracic sympathectomy 3 and 4: This method performs thoracic surgery for the best results. This method introduces the camera and small surgical instruments into the thoracic cavity to perform nerve ganglion ablation. However, with this method, there will be some patients with increased sweating phenomenon in other areas such as the back, buttocks ... Rolling armpits: Rolling armpits is also one of the measures that many people use. Most used when there is increased sweating in the armpit. However, you should choose a deodorant roll with good effect to kill bacteria, reduce underarm sweat, capture odors, extracted from natural ingredients, the product is odorless and alcohol-free, and the product is alcohol-free. product must be licensed. This method can only reduce underarm odor but not cure it permanently.
Phương pháp laser nội mạch đang rất phổ biến trên thế giới
Điều trị tăng tiết mồ hôi vùng nách bằng phương pháp phẫu thuật Laser
Increased underarm sweating, although not dangerous to health, makes many people lose confidence in communication as well as in daily life. In addition to drug treatments, sympathectomy is considered to be a radically effective treatment method, lymph node dissection causes increased sweating from the inside without affecting health or leaving scars. cause cosmetic loss, dangerous complications.
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy to treat axillary hyperhidrosis is a routine technique performed at Vinmec International General Hospital. This technique is indicated for patients with increased perspiration in the armpits, hands, etc., especially for those who do communication jobs that make them lose confidence and use other treatments ineffectively. Sympathetic lymphadenectomy is performed by experienced specialists who are highly trained in sympathectomy with a modern endoscopic Karltoz of Germany. Thanks to that, the surgery is 100% effective, the patient will feel the dryness immediately without any dangerous complications.
Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, patients will be screened, anesthetized according to international standards and used ESP regional anesthesia techniques that work both before and after surgery. An outstanding advantage of endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy at Vinmec is that the patient is operated on laparoscopically with a micro-instrument with a 5mm camera. You also do not need to worry that this technique will cause cosmetic loss, because Vinmec performs the incision technique from the spleen, overcoming the limitation of leaving keloid scars like methods of surgery from the chest wall.
The surgery only lasts about 30 minutes, giving immediate results and does not affect the spine. Patients will soon return to normal life and create confidence when communicating.

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