Why do you shed tears?

The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Hoang Thanh Nga - Ophthalmologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Any disorder that irritates the conjunctiva or cornea can cause tears. This is usually a symptom, not the cause, of an eye problem. This symptom can make us feel uncomfortable, especially in the eyes. However, it is not really serious if the cause is assessed and found to be remedied.

1. Causes of watery eyes

Tears are essential to nourish and moisturize the eyes. Tears are produced by the major and minor lacrimal glands. These tear glands, when irritated or inflamed, respond by producing more tears. People with watery eyes often produce a lot of tears, which are composed of water, oil, and mucus. This tearing can be caused by the following:
1.1. Got a foreign object in the eye? When a foreign object enters the eye such as dust, eyelashes fall, ... the body will produce more tears to eliminate and remove that foreign object. Even objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye, such as particles in smoke or chemicals in onions... also cause the eyes to have an increased water secretion reflex. When the foreign object is removed from the eye or it is not exposed to the irritating substance, the eye will stop watering.
1.2. Dry eye syndrome Why does dry eyes lead to watery eyes? It sounds contradictory, but because the body does not produce enough tears, causing the eyes to dry, the imbalance of water, oil and mucus makes the eyes in an uncomfortable state, reducing the functioning of the eyes. Therefore, the lacrimal glands are stimulated to increase water secretion to overcome the dry eye condition. There are many causes of dry eyes , this problem is common in the elderly because the daily water secretion in the eyes is gradually reduced; or some diseases also cause dry eyes such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, ... In addition, dry eyes also have other symptoms such as blurred vision, itchy eyes or burning in the eyes. To overcome common dry eyes, you can use physiological eye drops. However, for some more severe cases, prescription drugs are needed.
1.3. Pink eye (Conjunctivitis) This is the most common cause of watery eyes. It can make one or both eyes pink or red, and feel itchy like grit or dust in the eye. Viral conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a disease caused by the adenovirus group. The virus can survive on the surface of utensils and tools for 35 days, can be transmitted through contact with saliva, rusty eyes of the patient... Therefore, pink eye is very contagious. especially with people living in the same environment and space; people who are in frequent contact with sick people. For pink eye disease, it is necessary to treat the whole body and treat the eye. If you have a bacterial infection, it is important to first use antibiotic eye drops, combined with other measures as directed by your doctor, to treat this condition.
chảy nước mắt
Bệnh lý viêm kết mạc có thể khiến bạn gặp tình trạng chảy nước mắt
1.4. Allergies Watery, itchy eyes are often accompanied by a cough, runny nose, and other common allergy symptoms. When the eyes react to allergens such as weeds, pollen, mold or pet dander, house dust particles... can irritate the eyes and lead to watery eyes, or a feeling of difficulty in the eyes. pain, burning or itching... A cold can also cause tears. However, it does not cause the eyes to itch like a common allergy. This is a symptom that distinguishes colds from allergies.
1.5. Obstruction of the tear ducts (lactal obstruction) Normally, tears drain from the main and accessory lacrimal glands of the eye, spread over the surface of the eyeball, and drain into the inner corner of the eye from where they enter the tear ducts (tears). religion). But if the ducts become blocked, tears build up and lead to constant lacrimation. There are many causes of blocked tear ducts such as infection, trauma, congenital or simply aging.
1.6. Eyelid problems Your eyelids are like windshield wipers. When you blink, they shed tears and keep moisture stable and sweep away excess dirt that is invisible to the naked eye. But the eyelid doesn't always work as well as it should. The eyelids and eyelashes can curl inward and rub against the eye, known as entropion. Or they sag outward, which is called ectropion. Therefore, the eyelids cannot hold the entire eye when you blink, on the contrary, it causes frequent tears. In this case, surgery may be the way to permanently fix the condition.
1.7. Scratches on your eyes Dirt, sand, and contact lenses can scratch the outside of your eyeball (cornea). This condition can cause your eyes to water, hurt, red, and become sensitive to light. Although these scratches can usually heal on their own, to be on the safe side, it's best to see a doctor right away for timely treatment, to avoid serious consequences such as an infected eye,...
1.8. Eyelash problems Eyelashes seem to have no effect on the eyes, but they inadvertently cause tears in some cases, for example: rubbing directly into the eyes due to ingrown eyelashes directed into the eyes. This is called trichiasis, and it can happen after infection, injury, or other problems. To reduce discomfort and tearing, your doctor may advise you to trim the ingrown eyelashes or move them in the right direction, avoiding rubbing against the eye that causes unwanted tears.
chảy nước mắt
Một số người có thể bị chảy nước mắt do một số vấn đề về lông mi gây ra
1.9. Blepharitis Blepharitis causes the eyelids near the eyelashes to swell. The eyes may be stinging and watery, red, itchy, and scaly. There are many causes of blepharitis such as infections, rosacea, and allergies. You should see your doctor for advice and prompt treatment, although in some cases blepharitis can clear up on its own without the need for medication.
1.10. Problems with oil passages Tiny glands on the edge of your eyelids, called meibomian glands, secrete just the right amount of oil to help keep your eyes healthy. They help keep your eyes from drying out too quickly and create a barrier that keeps tears in the places you need them. However, if these glands become blocked and don't make enough oil, your eyes will become irritated and watery. Applying a warm compress to the eyes is one of the ways to help the sebaceous glands work normally again.
1.11. Other Causes Many medical conditions can cause watery eyes like Bell's palsy, Sjogren's syndrome, chronic sinus infections, thyroid problems and rheumatoid arthritis... This disease, you need to treat it promptly to avoid affecting the eyes. If your eyes are constantly watering and you don't know why, see your doctor. Treatment can help you feel better and see clearly again.

2. Diagnosis and treatment of lacrimation

If we follow the tearing condition over a period of time, we can find its cause. From there, there will be appropriate treatment or problem solving methods. For example:
Have dry eye syndrome when you constantly feel itchy, prickly, or irritated eyes before and during tearing; Have an allergic reaction when the eyes are itchy, swollen, or watery; When you have watery eyes due to dry eyes or allergies, you can use some over-the-counter medications such as:
Over-the-counter eye drops to treat dry eye syndrome: Eye drops Artificial will help the eyes reduce dryness, creating a moist environment for the eyes. Besides, they can also help wash away irritants that cause tears such as dust, smoke, tear gas, etc. It is best to use artificial tears without preservatives. Over-the-counter medications help treat watery eyes by interrupting allergic reactions. Some other simple things you can do to prevent dry eyes, itchy eyes and eye irritation, especially for people who have to work, have long-term exposure to computers like office workers are as follows:
Regularly blink when using the computer and take a break to avoid eye strain, massage your eyes every day; Increase humidity in the workplace if your eyes are dry and irritated; Wear sunglasses to reduce eye irritation from the sun and wind when traveling; Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and maintain the necessary amount of tears...
mắt rỉ nước thường xuyên
Nếu gặp mắt rỉ nước thường xuyên thì bạn nên đến gặp bác sĩ để được thăm khám

3. When to see a doctor?

If your watery eyes don't go away with eye drops or over-the-counter medications, you should see your doctor for prompt medical attention. Especially in the following cases:
Unexplained tearing continuously for a long time; Watery eyes accompanied by redness and discharge; Tears and sore eyes; Watery eyes and sinus pain. The doctor will perform an eye exam, conduct tests for the quantity and quality of tears, and monitor how well the tears are flowing down. You may need to take antibiotics for infections, if your eyes are dry or allergic, your doctor will prescribe the right treatment according to the cause. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to open blocked tear ducts. If the tear ducts are narrowed but not completely blocked, the doctor may widen them so that the eye can stay normal.
=>>Advice from Master, Doctor Hoang Thanh Nga - Ophthalmologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital: If you have unexplained tears, you need to go. Early diagnosis to get timely treatment, avoid complications caused by the disease. Vinmec International General Hospital has full human resources and modern equipment to help diagnose and treat eye diseases.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including the eye specialist. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad. Therefore, when there are signs of prolonged tearing or eye abnormalities, you can go to Vinmec for a thorough examination and treatment.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: webmd.com
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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