Nutrition pyramid helps to gain weight

In terms of nutrition, thin people are because the body does not have enough nutrition, the energy consumed is more than the energy absorbed by the body. To help gain weight, in addition to exercise, proper nutrition is the most important factor to help improve weight. Therefore, the application of the nutrition pyramid for thin people is a suitable choice.

1. Nutrition pyramid helps to gain weight

The safest and most effective way to gain weight is to increase nutrition in these daily meals for the best absorption by the body.
Nutrition pyramid for skinny people based on a pyramid model, in which the pyramid is divided into 7 parts, the lowest part is the widest part representing the food group that needs to be added the most and gradually decreases to the limited nutritional group most diet. Based on the nutrition pyramid to gain weight, you can easily choose the most suitable food to gain weight quickly and effectively.
1.1 Starchy food group This is the group at the bottom of the pyramid, accounting for the largest proportion, showing that the starchy food group is an important and necessary nutritional group that skinny people cannot be without in their daily meals. Starch is abundant in rice, bread, pho, vermicelli, ... starch helps provide energy so that the body can move and work all day.
Rice is a low-fat food that helps provide carbs. A bowl of rice contains about 4.5g of protein and 206 calories. Therefore, rice or other starchy ingredients such as potatoes and corn are foods to help the body become fuller.
According to nutritionists, on average, every month, skinny people need to eat enough 12kg of starch to ensure the body has enough of this substance.
1.2 Group of vegetables and fruits The group of vegetables and fruits contains a lot of fiber, rich in vitamins and minerals, not only fat people who want to lose weight should eat a lot of fiber, but thin people themselves also need to eat a lot of vegetables, because they contain a lot of vegetables. Vitamins and minerals help the digestive system work more efficiently.
According to the nutrition pyramid for skinny people, an average of 1 month needs to consume 10kg of green vegetables. Thin people who want to gain weight should eat dried fruit, because the calories in dried fruit are 5 to 8 times higher than fresh fruits, so they should actively eat to help gain weight effectively.
Các loại rau củ tốt cho chế độ ăn dặm của trẻ
Người gầy nên ăn nhiều rau củ quả, bởi chúng giúp hệ tiêu hóa hoạt động hiệu quả hơn
1.3 Protein group The third group of foods to supplement is the protein group, which is abundant in animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs, milk,... Protein helps the body develop muscles and tissues. For thin people, it is necessary to add more protein-rich foods so that the body can absorb enough to exercise and still have excess to help gain weight.
Milk is one of the foods that help to gain weight suitable for many different ages. Milk is rich in calories, protein, fat, calcium, and many other beneficial vitamins and minerals. To gain weight, you should choose whole milk so that the body can absorb more calories.
Also to gain weight, people should eat eggs. Eggs are one of the most effective muscle building and weight gain foods. An average egg contains 90 calories, in addition, it also contains a lot of protein and amino acids that are very good for the body. According to a nutritionist, an average person should eat about 1.5 kg of meat, 2.5 kg of fish and 2 kg of tofu or bean and soybean products per month to help gain weight.

1.4 Fat group Many people think that the fastest way to gain weight is to eat more fat, but this is not entirely the case. In order for the body to absorb good fats, you should choose products made from vegetable oils such as olive oil, soybean oil, cheese, ... should not eat animal fat. However, even a thin person should only consume less than 600g of fat a month.
1.5 Food group containing a lot of sugar Sugar helps to provide immediate energy for the body, but should only be eaten in moderation because in fact, sugar does not contain the necessary nutrients to help gain weight, but it has the potential to cause disease. other.
Therefore, if you want to gain weight, you don't need to have too many of these food groups, so it should be maintained at less than 500g/month.
1.6 Food group containing a lot of salt Salt is the food that needs to be eaten the least in the nutrition pyramid to help gain weight. Should eat bland, use iodized salt for daily cooking to prevent goiter.
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2. Notes for skinny people who need to gain weight

In addition to implementing a nutritional pyramid diet for thin people, it is necessary to pay attention to other factors to gain weight in the most effective way.
Eat several meals a day. In addition to 3 main meals, you should add 2 to 3 snacks to speed up weight gain and help the body receive more nutrients. In the snacks can be eaten with cakes, nuts, drink milk, smoothies,...
In addition to applying the nutrition pyramid for skinny people, it should also be combined with exercise to achieve effectiveness. tallest. Every day should spend about 30 minutes to exercise will help the body absorb the nutrients in food most effectively. In addition, after each exercise session will help eat more delicious.
The implementation of a scientific, healthy diet will help gain weight effectively and ensure the best health.

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